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Blewbury is a pretty downlands village with a thriving community, formerly in Berkshire, now in Oxfordshire. Blewbury Local History Group meet every second Tuesday in the month and all are welcome to attend: for details, please see the About Us page.

This Venerable Village

This book has to be recommended to anyone interested in the history of the village or, indeed, the social history of Britain. Superbly detailed and now updated, it contains more information than can be ever explained in a few sentences here. It is available at the village post office, Savages farm shop or directly from BLHG for £6.50.

Every Blewburian should own a copy to see the living history around them.

A Blewbury Life - Derek Smith

Derek Smith was born and bought up in the village and, apart from the years away performing distinguished war service in the RAF, he spent his entire life here. Born in 1921, Derek tells the history of life as it was and covers many aspects of the history of the village. His book is also highly recommended and can be purchased direct from Jo Smith or one of the village outlets price £6. Please contact us for Jo’s email or phone number. Sadly, Derek passed away on midsummer's day 2009

Blewbury Remembers

Reminiscences of the war years



Mark Palethorpe and Karen Brooks

Treading the

Path of Duty

The war dead of Blewbury 1914-18

Mark Palethorpe and Audrey Long

Blewbury Remembers details experiences of current villagers during the years 1939-45. This volume also gives details of those men who are named on the village war memorials.

Limited print run, published November 2009

Price £3.50

Treading the Path of Duty is a moving and highly researched work which details the military histories and lives of those men from the village who did not return from war service.

Published Nov 2008: now out of print but available as an e-book at a cost of £3.00

We are seeking assistance to digitise the group's library of photographs which stretch into the thousands in number. If you can assist please get in touch.

We are also planning to record conversations with those villagers who have lived here all their lives so future generations can hear them.

Please contact Audrey Long for further information on either of these titles...