We have an enormous library of photographs of people from the village in the history group archive, which we are in the process of scanning and digitising.

Here are a few pictures from our collection.

Blewbury Football Club 1953-4

Rear row (left to right):

Pat Belcher (Upton) supporter and Linesman, Reg Taylor, Bob Gardner, Bill Blake, Ralph Street, Charlie Street, Norman Lay, Sugar Welch (Aston), Ken Street, Harold Dunsden, Les Faulkner (Chairman)

Middle Row:

Bob Butler, Martin Knowles, Brian Johnson, Mervyn Roberts

Front Row:

Nobby Norton (Groundsman), Billy Owen, Vic Belcher, Cyril Lawson, Jack Grace (Secretary)

Three stalwarts missing due to 'flu: Derek Smith, Cliff Gardner, Les Rees

With thanks to Ian Belcher for the photo

Inside the Red Lion, 1950

Left to right: Cliff Gardner, ?, John Burgess, Reg Taylor, Charles Lailey, George Walker

This photograph is entitled 'The Berkshire Downs. The Home of the Pasque Flower (not quite out)'.

In the first photo four of the men have an adornment on the right lapel, perhaps a pasqueflower?

With the war draining men from the village then it is surprising to find this group (left and below), first outside the Barley Mow and then up on the downs.

Both postcards are dated Sunday 29th April 1917.

Listed as

GWS, Geoff, I & C Brown, J Slade, Hound, ? Sherwood & self