Methodist Chapel - The present day Chapel was originally built on the site in 1826 and rebuilt in its current style in 1869. The school room to the rear was included so Francis Huggins, Blacksmith, could act as schoolmaster for upto 30 children of those villagers who did not wish their offspring to be educated at the Church charity school.

These are all the memorials within the Chapel:

In memory of Reg who for many years loved and cared for this Chapel.

This is positioned on the lectern

St. Michaels Church

Information about the structure of the church can be found here, in the Publications section.

Here are History Group member Richard Jenkins' observations on St Michaels:

It is well worth spending some time at the church of St Michael in Blewbury. The building is as old as they come being on the site of what was once a Saxon church. It was rebuilt by the Normans who initially erected a large nave and a small sanctuary and then in the latter part of the twelfth century they enlarged it by pulling down the chancel and erecting a central tower with transepts and a large new chancel. This work was probably done by the Reading monks who had just been given the manor by the Empress Matilda. The south aisle was added in the thirteenth century, the north aisle and the chapel at the east of the south aisle a century later. The tower and porches followed during the “perpendicular period” of 14th -16th centuries. Looking up at the five hundred and fifty year old tower you can see the parapet of quatrefoils with crocketed pinnacles carrying vanes at the corners.

A look at the south door as you enter will show you the quality of mediaeval timber and iron work which will probably last for several hundred more years. Inside you will see the massive pillars of the old central tower with a vaulted ceiling and a room above though the tower itself has vanished. The rood loft stair remains with entry through what appears to be the original mediaeval door.

In the chancel are two perpendicular period desks which could have been for the choir boys and girls who spent some of their time carving their initials into the desks instead of paying attention to the sermons! An old chest for church moneys is still held in the chancel, dating from the fourteenth century it must have been as secure then as present day vaults are now. It is not surprising that it remains in the church.

Several old books and bibles used to be held in the church, Erasmus’s Paraphrase of the New Testament dating from 1548, Bishop Jewell’s Defence of the Apology of the Church of England dated 1567 and an old Bible of 1613. These can be viewed on application to the vicar.

There are a number of brasses around. One is in tribute to a John Balam, vicar of Blewbury church who died in 1496. Two unusual squints are also to be seen allowing the vicar to see through otherwise solid walls whilst his parishioners in the sides of the church could likewise see him at the altar.

Prior to each Sunday service the bells of St Michael’s ring out over the village. The oldest of the eight bells, the number 6, dates from 1586. Numbers 3 and 4 date from 1663 and 1689 respectively. The tenor of 19cwt was recast in 1825, while the treble and number 2 were installed in 1906. There is also a sanctus bell of 1819.

The number 5 was recast at Aldbourn in1752 and before it was put up in the tower "it was set upright in a hole dug before the Charity school-house and partly filled with beer (every farmer bringing some), which was drunk up by the company there assembled, many of whom were much intoxicated. One Simon Taylor, a tailor (being a little man) laying down to drink, someone gave him a tip and shoved him in quite out of sight!"

Similarly when the Tenor bell was brought back in 1825 it was also primed with beer while hanging from the great yew tree. Maybe that is why the bells ring out so merrily each Sunday.


In 1939 a survey of the stone inscriptions was undertaken in the Churchyard and handwritten into a volume which the History  group retains. Member Alison Palethorpe has painstakingly copied this so we may display it here for all to see. Of course, many of these stones have now disappeared. The volume contains the location of each stone, its style and engraving and can assist in the identification of sites when required. We also have a record of those within the church itself. This is an important work, especially for family historians:

Beryl Hatton Margetson. 24 Dec 1798 Aged 19. For Remembrance


In loving memory of Alexander Mann, Artist, born in Glasgow 22 Jan 1853. Died Streatham 26 Jan 1908. East face: Blessed are the pure in heart for they shall see God.


In ever loving memory of Betsy Jane Marchant who entered into rest May 15th 1916 aged 38. Blessed are the pure in heart.

Also Ellen Marchant died Jan'y 3rd 1932 aged 54 years " Peace perfect peace."


Joseph Forrest Fry born Aug 4th 1828 died June 16 1907. Julia Anne Fry born January 22 1827 died May 12 1907


In loving memory of Elizabeth Street who fell asleep February 4 1903 aged 82 years. "Her end was peace." Also Jane Street died April 18 1912 aged 82 years.


In loving memory of Stephen Allen died June 16th 1916 aged 87 years. Also of Emma his wife died March 16th 1912 aged 81 years.


In loving memory of William Eyres the dearly beloved husband of Sarah Eyres who died July 7th  1911 aged 42 years. "All the pain and grief are over/ Every restless tossing passed./I am now at peace for ever/Safely home in heaven at last."


In loving memory of James Clifford who died November 29th 1884 aged 81 years. Also of Harriett his wife how died December 17th 1875 aged 66 years. Also Samuel their son who died August 28th 1891 aged 47 years. " Come unto me all ye that labour and are heavily laden and i will give you rest." F.S JC 1884 HC 1875 SC 1891


In memory of Mark Clifford died 26 Dec. 1836 aged 73. Also of Susannah his wife died July 9 1841 aged 79. F.S "Seek ye the lord while he may be found."


In memory of William son of Will'm and Martha Hellyer who died April 28 1793 aged 4 years and 2 months. F.S. Beneath this stone the sweetest of creatures lies/Snatched from his tender parents loving eyes/Short was his time but longer is his rest/Who would not be to be for ever blessed.


In loving remembrance of John Hall (formerly of Chilton Berks) who died September 8th 1884 aged 61. Being dead yet speaketh & hath made as kings and priests unto God & his father. Rev 1 Chap 5 & 6 verse.

Also of Martha Hall wife of the above who died January 18th 1894 aged 72.

In memory of Louisa beloved wife of Mark Hall who died April 23rd 1887 "Looking unto Jesus".


I.H.S: In memory of Laura Agnes beloved child of E & M.A. Upstone who died August 12th 1885 aged 10 years and 9 months. "He shall gather the lambs in his bosom."


In loving memory of James Green who died July 13th 1904 aged 76 years. Also Ann Green wife of the above who July 12th 1891 aged 53 years. "Thy will be done."


In loving memory of Herbert Webb who died December 21 1900 aged 7 years. "Suffer little children to come unto me."


Augusta Sarah Burgess. Ob: March 20 1887 Aet. 65. Requiescat in pace. Also John Hugh Burgess Priest of this parish instituted September 27 1871. Entered into rest April 8 1890. F.S. A.S.B March 20 1887. So he giveth his beloved sleep.


In memory of Jane wife of James Martin who died Jan. 30th 1855 aged 51 years. F.S. O what are all my sufferings here/If Lord thou count me meet/With that enraptured host to appear/And worship at thy feet./Give joy or grief, give ease of pain/Take life or friends away,/I come to find them all again/To that eternal day.


In memory of Martha, daughter of James and Jane Martin die 10 March 1849 aged 20 years. Also Enoch died May 20th 1855 aged 1 year & 8 months. F.S. Verse: face of stone destroyed.


In memory of Thomas Yeats who died November 15th 1819 aged 81. "What I have been and what you are/ The day of judgement will declare." North face: In memory of Martha Yeats who died Feb'y 18th 1827 aged 83 years. "By God's command death eased me of my pain/And by his power i trust to rise again."



In memory of Mary Ann Lousley who died August 24th 1846 aged 57. "The will of the Lord be done."


In memory of ………..wife of R Burnham (?) who died J… 1740 aged 58 years


To the memory of Joseph Smith who died 5th May 1801 aged 65. F.S. Verse indecipherable


In memory of William Knight who died June 7 1858 aged 68 years. North face: "The last enemy to be destroyed is death."


Here lieth the remains of Rebecca Knight who died December 8th 1850 aged 72. Also of Plott Knight husband of the above who died May 23 1831 aged 77. F.S. R.R.


They rest from their labours. In loving memory of Joseph Green who departed this life April 7 1881 aged 67 years. Also Sarah his wife who departed this life November 5th 1878 aged 64 yers. F.S. Maltese Cross J.G 1881/S.G 1878


Looking unto Jesus. In loving memory of Martha relict of William Smith who entered into rest May 24th 1885 aged 72. "There shall be no more death neither shall there be any more pain." F.S. M.S 1885


In memory of John son of xxx & Mary Smi.. (stone half buried and destroyed by weather)


Possibly spano brev…spano longau refecas.

In memory of William Smith who…


In memory of Ambrose Pope who died in his age and was buried January 4 1687.


In memory of Hannah wife of John Holloway daughter of Thos.& Martha Corderoy who died 20 May 1830 aged 41. F.S Surface destroyed by weather.

In memory of William son of Thomas & Martha Corderoy who died 24 June 1822 aged 29 yers. "From lingering illness in the prime of life/God took me hence from a beloved wife/Four children dear I also left behind/I hope in Heaven their souls at last to find."

In memory of Rachel daughter of Thos & Martha Corderoy who died 22 March 1824 aged 23 years. "A lingering sickness did me sease/which no physician could me ease/I sought for means but all in vain/At length the Lord did ease my pain./Farewell my friends my life is past/My love to you so long did last/For me I pray no sorrow take/But serve the Lord for Christ his sake."

In memory of Thos.Corderoy who died 17th August 1827 aged LXX. "Farewell dear wife and children all adieu/Death summon'd me to take my leave of you/Grieve not thereat for only my glass is run/ It is the Lord so let his will be done."

In memory of Martha wife of Thomas Corderoy who died 30 January 1839 aged 77. Also Abraham their son died June 8 1836 aged 42 years. "Alas how frail is mortal man/His time on earth is but a span/Then look and learn as you pass by/Both how to live and how to die."

A.P. (Probably footstone to 16) "Stay a little, stand and spend a tear/Upon ye dust that slumbers here./And whilst thou readst ye state of me/Think on ye glasse that runs for thee." 1687


In memory of John Rathell who died October 28 aged 83 years. 1682


Olivia Sydney Matthias died September 6th 1919 aged 66. "God shall wipe away all tears from their eyes."Rev 7.17 "They go from strength to strength" IS: 84.7


In memory of Gad Street died July 22nd 1914 aged 74. Also his loving wife Charlotte Street died August 15 1919 aged 78. "Rock of ages cleft for me." In my Father's house are many mansions(?)


In loving memory of Joseph Lane died December 3rd 1918 aged 29 years.


Catherine Margaret Saunders who was called to rest May 7 1909 in her 80th year. "It is I be not afraid." (John V.c:20 verse)


In loving memory of Eli Caudwell who passed to his rest December 9th 1908 aged 61.


In memory of Mary wife of Eli Caudwell died 27 April 1931 aged 80 years.


9786 Private A. W Ebsworth/Gloucestershire Regiment 5th November 1919


16452 Private C.J Mundy/Royal Berkshire Regiment 30th October 1918. Thy Will be done. R.I.P.


In loving memory of Zephaniah Grace who entered into rest April 5th 1917 aged 73 years. "Thy Will be done."


Here lies the body of Katherine Jane Hicks only daughter of Edward and Catherine Hicks sometime …. of Wrexham Infirmary who died at Blewbury July 4th 1908 aged 59 years. F.S. K.J.H. 1908


In memory of John Johnson (of this parish) ded December 30th 1906 aged 73 years.


In loving remembrance of John Green who died Jan. 2nd 1905 aged 79 years. "I heard the voice of Jesus say/Come unto me & rest." F.S J.G. 1905


In loving memory of Joseph Napper Batt who died Feb. 29 1904 aged 57 years. "He sweetly sleeps the toilful day of life is o'er." "Thy Will be done."


In loving memory of John Prior, Blewbury Mill who died November 26th 1917 aged 56 years. "If the cross we meekly bear/Then the crown we shall wear." Also James West Prior who died August 11 1918 aged 62 years. Interred at Waddesdon Bucks. "Peace perfect peace." F.S. J.P. 1917 J.W.P 1918


Theophilus Henry Wilcock died May 19 1904 aged 80 years.


Edward Chidwell died November 10th 1901 aged 88


 Farewell vain world I know enough of thee/And now am careless what thou say'st of me/Thy smiles I court not nor thy frowns I fear/My cares are past, my head lies quiet here./What faults you've known in me take care to shun/and look at home enough there's to be done.


How loved, how valued once avails thee not/To whom related or by whom begot/A heap of dust alone etc.


In memory of Thomas Humfrey who died Feb'y 4 1788 aged 66 years. Also Jane his wife who died March 5th 1788 aged 66. Also Frances 3rd daughter who died June 30 1777 aged 18. F.S TH:JH:FH


In memory of Rich. Robinson died 3rd july 1818 aged 70. Also Mary his wife died Aug. 17 1784 aged 50. F.S Christ was my guide on earth/and death to me was gain/Because in Him I put my trust/Salvation to obtain. Rest indecipherable.


In memory of Frances daughter of ……(remainder of stone destroyed by weather) F.S. F.G


Sacred to the memory of  Mary wife of Stephen Besley (of Wantage) died 1 August 1834 aged 29. Erected by her daughter Ellen Mary as a tribute of respect to her mother. F.S. M.B. 1834


In memory of Martha Alder who died August 1st 1800 aged 61 years. "Reader prepare to meet they God." F.S. M


In memory of Annie Georgina the beloved wife of Thomas Smith born Oct. 24th 1859 died Dec 5th 1898. Also of Thomas Smith born Feb 7 1856 died Jan 20th 1919


In memory of Elizabeth wife of Thomas Britt who died 27 April 1832 aged 50. Also Thos. Son of John & Charlotte Britt died 8 August 1833 in the fifth year of his age. F.S: "Our life hangs by a single thread/Which soon is cut and we are dead/Then boast not reader of thy might/Alive at noon and dead at night./Grieve not for me my parents dear/But rather be ye glad/But as my time it was but short/The lesser sin I had."


In affectionate memory of Joseph Lane who died June 14th 1878 aged 69 years. Also of Elizabeth his wife who died Agust 24th 1848 aged 36 years.  F.S.Beneath our feet and o'er our head/Is equal warning given/Beneath lie the countless dead/Above us is the heaven.


Here liet the body of Joan the wife of Joseph Whitfield who died Mar ye 28th 1752 aged 33.


In memory of Benj. Bushnell who departed this life Feb 28th 1769 57 years. Near him lieth his two sons both dy'd infants.


In memory of Elizabeth the wife of Benjamin Bushnell who died January ye 8th 1777 aged 67 years.


In loving memory of Richard Robinson who died October 13th 1891. Also of Sarah his wife who died February 15th 1892. "They Will be done."


In memory of Mary ye wife of Denis Alder who d… 7…1769. A……rs.


In memory of Ann the wife of Joseph Grace who died April 3 1797 aged 22 years.


In memory of Dennis Alder who died Oct. 17 1785. Ay… (surface destroyed)


Here lieth ye body of Den. Aldsworth who departed this life Oct. the 22 1736 aged 65 years


In memory of Martha wife of Denis Aldsworth of Upton January who died Mar ye 6th 1740 aged 39 years.


In memory of John son of Dennis and Martha Aldsworth, Upton, who died Sept ye 8th 1735 ag…1 yr and 5…


In memory of Tilbury/Ilbury Humfrey who died June 1832 aged 70 years. Also Mary Humfrey his wife who died September 1831 aged 73 years. Also Martha Humfrey their daughter who died August 1st 1878 aged 80 years.


in loving memory of Edward Humfrey and Mary Ann his wife and their children Edward eldest son, Emily second daughter and Walter & Byron twin sons. "Love never faileth."


In memory of Hannah the wife of Thomas Hall who died May the 8 1871 aged 64 years. F.S. "A wife most kind a mother dear/A neighbour good lies buried here/She left this world in peace and love/I hope her soul's in heaven above."


In memory of Mary the beloved wife of Adam Roberts Welch who died December 5th 1874 in the 68th year of her age. "The last enemy to be destroyed is death" F.S  I.H.S  M W. 1874


Sacred to the memory of Hannah Rumsey wife of John Rumsey who died August 12th 1841 aged 80 years. "Life's uncertain, death is sure/This the wound but Christ's the cure.! F.S. H.R. 1841


Sacred to the memory of John Rumsey who died December 14th 1834 aged 79 years. "God only knows who next may follow me/Reader prepare, perhaps it may be thee." F.S. J.R. 1839


To the memory of Stephen Rumsey who died July 22 1878 in 75th year of his age. "Wheareas ye know not what will be on the morrow, For what is xx life , it is even a vapour that appeareth for a little time and then vanisheth away." James 4C,14V  North face: To the memory of Sarah Frewin Rumsey who died July 24th  1871 aged 69 years. "For if we believe that Jesus died and rose again, even so them also which sleep in Jesus will God bring with him. " Thess 4C 14V


In memory of James Rumsey who died 17 Jan. 1811 aged 50. F.S verse indecipherable.


Here lieth the body of Richard Syer who died March ye 16 1783 aged 76 years. F.S Herewith freed from sin and care/For such a change let us prepare.


In memory of James Hall who died 22 oct 1799 aged 56


Here lieth the body of Mary Cottrill ye wife of Toby Cottrill who died May ye 31 1717


Here lieth the body of Toby Cottrill who departed this life the 30th day of June Anno 1725 aged xx. F.S. Friends cease to  weep, to die is best/Since Christ has purchased endless rest/Then learn of Him and to Him live/Who life eternal you will give.


Here lieth the body of Tom Hix who …July ye 11 Anno 16… aged 72 years. (Surface partly destroyed) F.S Great length of days the Lord on earth we gave/Eternal joy in heaven I hope to have.


A wife most kind, a mother dear/A faithful friend lies buried here (rest indecipherable)


The days wherein I passed my life/Was like the morning/Think ye it was withered like the grass/That soon away doth fade.


In affectionate remembrance of William Humfrey who died March 6th 1858 aged 74 years. North face: In affectionate remembrance of Sarah wife of William Humfrey who died November 19th 1876 aged 95 years. East face: Tis but a little while/And He shall come again/Who died that we might live/Who lives that we with Him may reign. "In Christ we hope."


William Humfrey died October 11 1860 aged 16 (register shows age 46). Ann his wife died June 25th 1869 aged 56


Sacred to the memory of William West of East Hampstead in this county who departed this life July 17 1815 aged 29 years.  F.S. With difficulty I drew my breath/While lingering here below/I sought for help but all in vain/Till Christ did ease my pain/And took me to a place of rest/To be with Him for ever blest.


In memory of Edward Hicks late parishioner of St Peter in the East, Oxford he was born of Wolvercote, Oxon Sept 6 1812. He died at Blewbury May 9 1879. Also of Catherine his wife who died at Wrexham May 28th 1897 aged 85. F.S. EH 1879 CH 1897


In loving remembrance of Stephen Bolton who died September 14th 1877 aged 78 years. Also of Eliza Jane his wife who died May 7 1888 aged 88 years. "Thy Will be done." F.S. SB 1877 EJB 1888


verse indecipherable


Sacred to the memory of John Slade who died January 8 1861 aged 62 years. F.S. J.S. 1861


Sacred to the memory of Thomas Slade who died February 16 1815 in the LII year of his age. F.S.  T.S 1815


This world is nothing,heaven is all (remainder indecipherable)


Sacred to the memory of the Rev John Bauchelor who departed this life on the IX of August MDCCCXXV aged LXXXVI. South face: Ann the wife of the Rev'd John Bauchelor who died on the 1st of July MDCCCV aged LXX. West face: Elizabeth the widow of the Rev'd John Bauchelor whod died the XXIX of January MDCCCXXXIV aged LXIV


To the memory of Martha Cox Huggil wife of Richard James who died 10th Mar 1829 aged 38 years. F.S verse indecipherable


to the memory of Mary wife of John Huggil who died Jan'y 7 1760 aged 34. Also two infants. Sarah his wife died 23 August 1788 aged 57 (Two lines beneath indecipherable) F.S. Verse indecipherable


To the memory of William Russell Slade who died Sept 18 1801 aged 53 years. F.S. verse indecipherable


In memory of Henry Russell who died 5th Jan 1762 aged 92. Also Martha his wife who died September 1769 aged…. F.S. H.M.R


Here lieth the body of Eliz…wife of Henry …ssen who died September ye 16 17xx aged xx


In memory of Thomas Blay who died 1st March 1761 aged 47. Also Eliz'th his wife who … F.S T.E.B


In memory of Zac Corderoy who died Jan 20 1733 aged 70 years. F.S If you could view ye heavenly above.Where endless joy I find/You'd weep not xx him gone before/But if you're left behind.


In memory of Ann wife of Zac's Corderoy whod died Dec. 2 1734 aged 66 years. F.S my widowed soul no more could bare (sic)/The weight of life alone/Grieve for ye partner of her care/She took her flight with his to share/The glories of a crown.


In loving memory of William Green the beloved brother of John Green who died March 31st 1888 aged 54. "Giving us patience under our afflictions" F.S. W.G 1888


In memory of Jane wife of James Green who died Nov 20 1841 aged 45 years. Also Martha their daughter died Jan 1837 aged 18 years. F.S Come near my friends and cast an eye/Then go your way prepare to die/Learn here your task…(rest indecipherable)


Sacred to the memory of Eliza'th wife of James Abbiss who died 15th March 1835 aged 78. F.S. Whoever here doth cast an eye/Let them remember all must die/And since from death none can be free/Let all fro death prepared be.


Here liest the body of Mary… (surface destroyed by weather)


In memory of Joseph Corderoy who died 17 March 1855 aged 71 years. Also Mary his wife who died 24 October 1860 aged 76 years. F.S. Of all the lines on tombstones found/Remember these be sure/Then give the…(rest indecipherable)


nihil…mortale tenemus /Hectoris exceptis


Here lyeth interred the body of William Hope who departed this life 4th day of July Anno Domeny 1683 aged 90 years and 6 monthes


Here lyeth interred the body of Sibylla the wife of William Hope who departed this life the 6th day of January Anno Domeny 1679 aged 81 years and 3 monthes


In memory of John Curtoys who died 9 May 1789 aged 63. Also Eliza'th daughter of John and Mary Curtoys died 1791 aged 31 years. F.S. A sudden change alas with grief I tell/He had no time to bid his friends farewell/Reader prepare thyself make no delay/Tis God alone who knows our dying day.


In memory of Mary wife of John Curtoys died 7th March 1821 in the 92nd year of her age. F.S Gentle reader care to know/This world's vain and empty show/Then heaven…your utmost care/and…. (indecipherable)


To the memory of Will'm Curtoys who died 1st September 1829 aged 72 years. F.S My time was come next may be thine/Prepare for it whilst thou hast time.


Here lie the remains of John Curtoys of St John's St. London who departed this life Jan'y 14 1842 aged 77. "The memory of the just is blessed."


To the memory of Harriott Turner who died August 30 1813 aged 53 years. F.S To the memory of a beloved mother.


In memory of Martha Curtoys who died 27 October 1813 aged 77. F.S While heavenly patience lengthens out your days/And God's unerring word directs the way/Go! Ease the fleeting hour..(indecipherable)


To the memory of Amy Kate the loving and beloved wife of Justus Corduroy who died July 3rd 1897 aged 39 years. "In the midst of life we are in death." "Be ye also ready." F.S A.K.C. 1897


In memory of Thomas Church who died 26th August 1798 aged 71 years. F.S The time we have allowed here/We highly ought to prize/And strive to make salvation pure/Before death close our eyes.


In memory of Mary wife of Thomas Church who died March 1 1794 aged 69 years. F.S While in this world I did remain/My latter days were full of pain/But when the Lord did think it best/ He took me to a place of rest.


Here lieth the body of John Weaden who was interred March the 4th day 1684 aged 65


I.H.S. In affectionate remembrance of Joseph Corderoy of Blewbury who died October 14 1868 aged 77 years. "They that know thy name will put their trust in Thee: for thou, Lord, hast not forsaken them that seek Thee."


Sacred to the memory of Sophia wife of John Frewin of Blewbury and daughter of the last Mr Geo. Church of Chilton Bucks who died suddenly at the Isle of Wight August 14th 1844 aged 57. And what I say unto you, I say unto all, watch. Mark xiii, Chap 37 v. North face: In loving memory of John Frewin who died July 28th 1850 aged 69 years.


In memory of Charles King Perry who died March 6th 1853 aged 66 years. F.S. C.R.P 1853


In memory of William Perry who died August 12th 1851 aged 38 years. F.S. W.P.


In loving memory of Julia Robinson who died Dec. 30 1901 aged 58 years. "Her ways are ways of pleasantness & all her paths are peace."


In memory of Will'm Casbeard who died  Nov. 19th 1808 aged 85 years. Talk…world and censure on/I…you now I'm gone/God…who next must follow me/Reader…it may be thee.


In loving memory of Priscilla beloved wife of Jesse Andrews who died after long suffering April 26 1885 aged 54 years.


In memory of William Saunders of Blewbury who died November 16 1874 in the 56th year of his age."His end was peace." F.S.  I.H.S. W.S 1874


Martha Dearling wife of William Dearling Died July 7th 18x2 aged 73 years.


..Ward 1722 aged 78


In affectionate remembrance of Francis Martin who departed this life September 26 1870 aged 81 years. Also of his beloved wife Hannah who departed this life July 17 1859 aged 62 years. "The righteous shall be in everlasting remembrance." F.S. F.M. 1870 H.M 1854


In loving memory of Alfred Martin who died January 7th 1896 aged 73 years. Also of Elizabeth Martin (wife of the above) who died October 10th 1894 aged 64 years. "The Lord gave and the Lord hath taken away. Blessed be the name of the Lord."


In memory of Gad Lousley who died July 14th 1847 aged 28. Also of Harriett his wife who died March 2 1858 aged 35. North face: And also of Elizabeth their duaghter who died Aug 21st 1859 aged 16 years.


Sacred to the memory of Joseph Lousley eldest son of Daniel Lousley of this place who died Jan 25th 1891 aged 72." For the way of righteousness is life; and in the pathway thereof there is no death."Prov:12 28


In memory of Mary Elizabeth the wife of Joseph Lousley who died Dec 8 1879 aged 61 years. "She was an affectionate wife and a loving and beloved mother." The last of the Bohams of this place.


In memory of Daniel Lousley who died Oct 6th 1853 aged 60 years


Beneath this tomb lieth the remains of Mercy the wife of Daniel Lousley and niece of Mary Watts who died the 14th of October 1834 aged 27. "As she lived, so she died! A Christian.

Also of Daniel Lousley died Jan'y 31st 1855 aged 15 years.


In memory of Mary Watts who departed this life on Saturday April 27th 1841 aged 80 years. "Blessed are the dead which lie in the Lord."


In memory of John Austin who died 12th April 1861 aged 64 years. Also Elizabeth Austin wife of the above who died August 16 1860 aged 59 years. F.S On these few lines pray cast an eye/No flattery they contain/Those only who in Christ do die/In Christ shall rise again.


In memory of…the wife of we..she departed this life nov 4 1768. Ag.. 34 years. (surface destroyed by weather)


In memory of William Crutchfield Citizen of London who died Oct 30 1775 aged 69 years. South face: Also of Mary his wife who died 1st April 1768 aged 49 years William their son and an infant  25 March 1756 All are buried under this tomb


In memory of Prudence wife of William Crutchfield who died April the 4th 1765 aged 87 years.


In memory of Mary daughter of John and Prudence Wade who died January ye 2nd 1779 aged..


In memory of Rich. Robinson who died 11 Oct 1778 aged 68 years. Also Ann wife of Rich. Robinson who died 2 June 1809 aged 77. F.S. A father kind, a mother dear/Within this grave lies sleeping here/While in this world they did remain/Their latter end was grief and pain/At length the Lord thought it best/ To take them to a place of rest.


Sacred to the memory of Tho. Son of Tho. & Sarah Coombs Robinson who died 10 April  xxxx. F.S Ah! Whither has thou flown delightful boy/Pride of thy father all they mother's joy/Shall pleas'd with all and happy all to please/The… (stone destroyed)


Sacred to the memory of Thomas Robinson of West Square St George's Southwark who died Feb'y 6 1838 aged 61 years. F.S. Alas! How frail is mortal man/His time on earth is but a span/Then look and learn as you pass by/Both how to live and how to die.


F.S H.H 1889 (probably Henry Hester as shown in register)


In memory of John Slade who died October ye 16 1774 aged 59


In memory of Robert Hoar who died Oct……..years.


In memory of Ann wife of Robert Hoar who died April 22 1786 aged 76 years. "Before we close our eyes." F.Sl. A.H.


In memory of Mary wife of John Huggins who died Nov 4 1793 aged x3 years. F.S verse indecipherable


John Huggins….January 1826 aged 82 years. F.S. verse indecipherable


In memory of Ann wife of William Boham who died Jan 19 1792 aged 3x years.


Sacred to the memory of Will. Boham who died August 12 1847 aged 60. F.S. Verse indecipherable


Sacred to the memory of William Boham who died 9th November 1828 aged 39 years. F.S. in constant earth why cannot mortals cease/To build their hopes upon too short a lease/We dote upon the…..not knowing why/For whilst we yet prepare to live, we die. (rest indecipherable)


……wife of…….Boham mother of William Blay Boham who died April 16th 1860 aged 68 years. F.S. (face destroyed)


In memory of Will'm Blay Boham died June 10 1843 aged 23 years. F.S. face destroyed.


In memory of William Goddard whod died 5 July aged 78 years. Ann Goddard ……….died May 11 1798 aged 78 years. F.S W. G 1795 A.G. 1798


Sacred to the memory of William Goddard who died Sep 19 1808 aged 67 years. Also Mary his wife who died April 14 1820 aged 81.


Sacred to the memory of John Goddard who died August 28 1827 aged 78 years. Also Eleanor his wife who died May 18th 1829 aged 79 years. "This slab was erected by their affectionate daughters Ann Goddard and Catherine King.


F.S only F.G. 1796 (register gives Francis Goddard buried May 26th 1838 aged 57


F.S. F.H. 1838 (register give Frances Hale buried May 26th 1838 aged 57)


Sacred to the memory of John Hale who died 13…. F.S. (face destroyed)


I.H.S Inscription indecipherable


I.H.S In loving memory of John Shand born Dec 10th 1808 died….1823


Here lyeth the body of Ann wife of William Commin daughter of Joseph  and Ann Whitt of Hagbourne who died  November ye 3rd 1703 aged 25 years.


Here lyeth ye body of Alice wife of Thomas Dandridge who died April ye 5th 170x aged 70 & upwards


Death hath……this all/My life is past, my glass is run/And now to Jesus I am come. Thomas Dandridge died July ye ….aged 61 years.


In memory of George Knapp who died…. South face: In memory of George Knapp who died Dec 14 1814 aged 47 years. Dear wife and children as you pass by/As you are now so once was I/As I am now so you must be/Therefore prepare to follow me.


Here lies ye body of John son of John and Sarah Slade who died August ye…. 1710 aged 23 years.


"All flesh is a grass." In memory of Benjamin Leach who departed this life Dec 16th 1866 aged 76 years. "Be thou faithful unto death and I will give you a crown of life." F.S. B.L. 1866


"Thy Will be done." In memory of Mary Ann Leach who departed this life June 21st 1869 aged 79 years. I bid this world a glad farewell/I've done with suffering now/And never more one passing grief/Shall shade my peaceful brow/I've reached my home, my happy home/So holy and so pure/And (blessed thought) I know it shall/Eternally endure. F.S M.A.L. 1869


Sacred to the memory of Elizabeth  wife of Ferdinando Sheppard who died March 28 1840 aged 68 years. But life or death if Christ is ours/Is equally the same/The Lord that gives, He takes away/And blessed be his name. F.S E.S 1840


Sacred to the memory of Ferdinando Sheppard died 20 Dec 1818 aged L years. Farewell vain world I've had enough of thee/And now am careless what thou say'st of me/They smiles I court not nor thy frowns I fear/My cares are past, my head lies quiet here/What faults you found in me take care to shun/And look at home enough there's to be done.


In memory of Mary wife of Ferd'o Sheppard who died July 6th 1807 aged 71. F.S (verse indecipherable)


In loving memory of Elizabeth Pether who died Nov 3rd 1893 aged 72 years.Also of Edward Pether who died April 17th 1900 aged 81 years. Also of two daughters of the above Anna Maria Pether who died July 24th 1872 aged 16 years and Elizabeth Pether who died March 30 1873 aged 26 years. F.S (buried)


In memory of Leah wife of William Church of Didcott died 6th April 1878 aged 79 years. F.S verse indecipherable.


In memory of Will'm Huggins who died Feb 24 1734 aged 45 years. "When either life or death is giv'n/Remember 'tis the will of heav'n."


Sacred to the memory of Will. Huggins who died 11 June …. 1830 aged 70. F.S. surface destroyed.


I.H.S.  In affectionate memory of Samuel Huggins who died July 7th 1878 aged 83 years. "Be ye also ready". Also of Catherine the beloved wife of the above who  died November 29th 1879 aged 71 years. F.S. S.H. 1878 C.H. 1879


Here lyeth the body of R.B. Brown who died 3 October 1716