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Financial Advice & Support Directory

Charities dedicated to helping local people

Malthus Trust (Education)

3 Berry Lane, Blewbury OX11 9QJ

The Malthus Trust offers financial help to people resident in Blewbury. The bulk of our funds are held in an Educational Trust for the purpose of helping young people under the age of 25 years in almost any way that will make them better prepared, both educationally and physically, for the future. Applications should be made in writing to the chairman Meirion James and will be treated in confidence.

    Tony Loy Trust (Arts & Sport)

    24 Grahame Close, Blewbury, OX11 9QE

    The aim of the Tony Loy Trust is to advance the education and support the development of, and provide opportunities for, children and young people under the age of 25 in Blewbury and the neighbouring area in the arts and sport.

    United Charities (General)

    The charity’s origins date from the C17th with the bequeathal of land and of investments by several gentlemen; followed most significantly by the endowment of two almshouses by James Bacon in 1747. The ancient parish comprised the three now civil parishes of Blewbury, Upton and Aston Upthorpe. The charity is managed by a board of eight trustees and their clerk.

    The main functions of The United Charities are firstly to help people of all ages who live in these parishes and who may need financial help, and secondly to be responsible for the maintenance of the two almshouses in Blewbury. The charity takes very seriously the care and upkeep of the almshouses in the churchyard (Grade II Listed Buildings) which are gifted to local residents in exchange for a maintenance contribution. This is one source of the charity’s income as is some wise investment from the sale of land.

    The charity aims to remain up-to-date with the needs of those within the villages who may require assistance and also to make everyone aware of the valuable work it does close to home in the community we share. Anyone needing help, or who knows of someone in need, should get in touch with the trustees via the charity’s clerk – see email below. Self-referrals are very welcome. All applications are treated in the strictest confidence. All applications are looked at entirely on a case-by-case basis and any gifts are made at the trustees’ discretion. Amounts will vary depending on levels of need.

    The trustees are:

    Blewbury: Sheila Loy (Chair), Chris Savage, Jill Willison, Louise Butler, Louise Esplin

    Upton: Carol Walker

    Aston Upthorpe: Tony West, Mike Wigg

    Registered Charity No: 203538

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