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Bulletin Editorial

The Blewbury Bulletin welcomes written contributions from clubs, societies and individual readers.

Articles should normally be no longer than half a page of A4 (about 400 words) and should be sent as emails, or as Microsoft Word files attached to an e-mail, to editor @ blewbury. co. uk (without the spaces). Photographs can be included but these will be printed in black and white with some quality loss.

We also accept hand-written or typed submissions, which should be delivered to Swallows, Church Road, Blewbury OX11 9PY.

All articles will be printed either in 18 cm or 6 cm wide columns at the editors’ discretion.

Anyone supplying information for publication must be responsible for the accuracy of their report. We will not publish any article submitted anonymously but in most circumstances we will withhold the author’s name and contact details if asked to do so.

Opinions expressed by contributors are not necessarily those of the Bulletin, and while every effort is made to ensure the accuracy of published information, the Editor and Officers accept no responsibility for the consequences of any errors that occur.

Deadline Dates

Editorial deadlines are always on a Wednesday. Written contributions should be submitted by 7.30 pm on the dates below in order to ensure their appearance in the following month’s Bulletin:


13 December (for Christmas 2023 and January 2024)


17 January
14 February
20 March
17 April
22 May
19 June (for July and August)
21 August
18 September
16 October
20 November
11 December (for Christmas 2024 and January 2025)