The community room, known as the Melland Room, is a light airy space with large double doors opening onto views across the Wessex downs. Measuring 7.2m x 8.5m, it has a capacity of 60 persons. The room is flexible in its setup and can be used for meetings (board or lecture style), workshops, and informal events. It is fully equipped with audio-visual equipment and wifi. Next to the Melland room is a kitchen with a bar opening into the main room.
Email blewburyvillagehall.bookings@gmail.com for further information.
2 x rectangular tables (1600×800), wheeled, flip top
12 x square tables (800×800) – suitable for bridge, 4 persons eating
60 x chairs, stackable in 5-6s
Large screen
Amplifier, Blu-ray player and media projector
4 speakers around room
Kitchen has a kettle, microwave, fridge, crockery, cups and cutlery.
Booking the Clubhouse
To book the Clubhouse, please note the following points and then use the link below to go to the Hallmaster booking system.
The Hallmaster calendar shows current bookings and future availability for all Village Hall and Clubhouse venues. Please see the instructions below the calendar for an explanation of the colour coding and how to make a booking request.
To make a booking request you need to be registered on the Hallmaster system. If you are not already registered, clicking the “+” symbol on your chosen booking date will enable you to register as a customer and make a booking request. Existing customers can review their bookings or add new ones by clicking on the Customer Login button.
When you register or request a booking you will receive an automated email response from noreply@hallmaster.co.uk. If for any reason you need to contact the Blewbury bookings manager directly, please email blewburyvillagehall.bookings@gmail.com
Clubhouse terms of hire and hire charges can be found on the documents page. If you are booking any of the rooms in the Village Hall the relevant documents can be found here.