Blewbury is a village with a lot going on, and this website is designed to help everyone keep up. Whether you want to browse the latest news, check for future events or book a venue for a meeting or party, you should be able to find the information you need quickly and easily on these pages.
For residents, we aim to provide a service that the village needs and deserves. For visitors, we aim to give a flavour of what makes Blewbury a great place to live. Please let us know if you think we can do either of these things better.

Berry Lane Closure
Berry Lane will be closed for a week from 21 - 28 March for the installation of a pipe across the road, between the Church End triangle and the Manor bank, close to the Manor gates.

Hello from your new Webmaster
Hi there. I'm Brian, your new webmaster. I've taken over from Peter, who's stood down from looking after the Blewbury website for many years (thanks Peter!). Please let me know if there's anything you'd like added to the website. You can contact me at

Zak Corderoy signs for Dan Cooper Motorsport
Dan Cooper Motorsport (DCM) has announced the signing of Zak Corderoy for the 2025 Quattro Group British Supersport Championship season.
Stop Press
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Blewbury Bulletin
The deadline for editorial and advertising in the April issue is 7.30 pm on Wed 19th March.