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Monthly Archives: May 2020

Coronavirus in Blewbury

May 15, 2020

Here are the main Coronavirus-related news items notified so far; there are more inside the  recent issues of the Blewbury Bulletin. Information affecting the wider area can be found on the Local Government news page on this website.


  • Blewbury Post Office is open again following the refurbishment.

Opening times are Monday to Fridays, mornings only, 8.30am to 12noon, with a 10 minute break at approximately 10.30am.

• Information on Church activities

St. Michael’s Church is now open for private prayer at the following times:
Wednesdays: 10am – 12 noon  and Saturdays: 3pm – 5pm
A steward will be on duty. Please note that social distancing must be maintained.

Regular Sunday Services, evening prayer (Compline) and groups are continuing online and by telephone.  The clergy are available if people have questions, would like to talk, or would like to ask for prayer for themselves or someone they care about.

For full details, click here to view/download a PDF file containing the latest information from the Churn Benefice.


  • Recycling centres open on 18 May for essential use

Oxfordshire County Council will re-open Household Waste Recycling Centres on 18 May, for essential use. Essential use means waste that cannot be stored at home, or would cause harm to health if stored.

There will be new site rules to ensure social distancing and the safety of residents and site staff. This includes reducing opening hours to 8am – 4pm to allow for cleaning, limiting the number and size of vehicles coming in and contactless payments only.

Queues are likely, so if it can wait, please do. If it’s waste that can be disposed of legally and responsibly in another way, such as weekly kerbside collections or district council collection services, please do that.

Full information about the changes to recycling centre rules can be found on their website –

• Bulky waste collection service reopens

South Oxfordshire and Vale of White Horse district councils have reopened their paid-for bulky waste collection service for large household items and are also issuing a warning about fly-tipping while other outlets for domestic waste remain closed.

The bulky waste collection service was temporarily stopped to allow the councils’ waste contractor, Biffa, to prioritise the important kerbside household collections while members of their waste collection crews were off sick or self-isolating. Biffa has now built up sufficient resilience in its workforce and can now provide the paid-for service again. The situation is being regularly monitored and residents should be aware that if staffing levels fall the service may need to be suspended again.

With household waste recycling centres still closed, along with charity shops and their donation banks, there are fewer places to dispose of unwanted items that do not fit into kerbside collections.

The councils have issued a warning to anybody tempted to fly-tip – this includes leaving rubbish next to litter bins – that they will investigate and prosecute anyone found to be responsible.

  • Croquet Club open

Following the Government announcements in May, Blewbury Croquet Club has  reopened to its members on a restricted basis, following strict precautions – on both social distancing and cleaning – as guided by the English Croquet Association. For now, no visitors are allowed on our premises, but we sincerely hope to be able to open our gates to prospective new members again before too long.

See our website for details, or contact David Long, Club Secretary, on 07484 360169

• Please stay away from Trim Trail on Tickers Folly Field

Unfortunately there are some visitors still using the Trim Trail equipment at Tickers Folly field. None of the equipment should be used for the foreseeable future. Please be aware that the virus can remain on surfaces and be contagious for many hours.

Please protect yourself and others by not coming into contact with any shared surfaces. This includes, but is not limited to, all community play and fitness equipment.

Should you have any contact, thoroughly wash your hands directly you get home.

Chris Lakeland, Chairman Blewbury Parish Council

• From the Parish Council:

In the current circumstances, when the vast majority of children in the village are being home schooled and taking exercise breaks in their gardens, the Parish Council asks residents to be considerate and not light bonfires.


We continue to organise shopping and prescription collections, run errands, and organise phone call rotas, or help with computers and communications. If you need help with any of those things, call Karen on 07825 154842 or Lydia on 07801 932393. To register as a volunteer, join the Facebook group Blewbury Good Neighbours; we’d love the group to continue, as we know that everyone needs a helping hand sometimes! Thank you to our wonderful volunteers, you are all amazing!


The April Parish Council meeting (April 8th) and the Annual Parish Meeting (April 22nd) will proceed as required by law, but in a highly restricted form. More details on page 18.


Following Government advice on social distancing and non-emergency hospital visits, and taking into account the fact that many of our drivers are themselves members of at-risk groups, the Flying Squad service is regretfully suspended until further notice.


In view of the current restriction on public gatherings the AGM will be held as soon as possible after the reopening of the Hall following refurbishment, subject to government guidelines prevailing at the time.


Ringing at St Michael’s is still suspended. Hopefully when ringing is allowed to recommence we will send a powerful message of joy, hope and relief once the crisis has passed.


If you would like to receive urgent village news and information by email, you can sign up to the Bulletin Stop Press service on the home page of this website. Powered by MailChimp®, all emails are blind copied so no addresses are shared.

Please note that the Bulletin’s coronavirus coverage does not, and will not, include advice on the virus itself, or on how individuals should respond to it. For the latest, most reliable information on these health-related issues, we recommend tuning in regularly to national and local broadcast news, or visiting the following websites (web addresses shortened for convenience):

Public Health England

Department of Health and Social Care

Coronavirus (COVID-19): UK Government response

Please note that information on these sites is frequently updated, so should be checked regularly for the latest advice.