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Monthly Archives: July 2022

Community Speedwatch

July 31, 2022

We have made great progress but there is still more to do about traffic speeding in our community.

We understand that Blewbury Parish Council (BPC) has applied for a 20 mph speed limit within the internal roads in the village to be effective from September 2022. Great news for pedestrians, cyclists horse riders, in fact all road users.

Over the 100 sessions that we have completed, we have created evidence to support the Village Plan 2016, which identified the crossings on Bessels Way to Blewburton Hill, and the London Road to Tickers Folly Field and the Play area as being ‘hot spots’ requiring traffic calming measures.

Meetings are being held by BPC and Highways to come up with some suggestions that we can implement in the future. We still need to collate statistics so if you can spare an hour or two, once a month please join the group. If you would like to join us, here’s what to do:

  1. Type https://www.communityspeedwatch.orginto a web browser.
  2. Click on the [Register]
  3. Then to the left, click on [Join Existing Group].
  4. Choose [Thames Valley]from the pull down and click [Continue].
  5. Choose [Oxfordshire]from the pull down and click [Continue].
  6. Now choose [Didcot Blewbury Speedwatch Group]from the pull down menu and click [Continue].
  7. Finally complete their details in the registration form and follow the emailed instructions.

If you would like more information please contact Jill Ingoldby on, or come and talk to us when you see us in action.