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BlewShed News

June 4, 2024


BlewShed products: have been very popular this month and sales of garden trugs in particular have been booming at Savages. One of our range, a horseshoe handled wooden tray, was even posted on Blewbury Village Society’s FaceBook page by its proud new owner! As with all our products this was made from useful and valuable materials that would otherwise have been binned or burned. The horseshoes were salvaged from our village farrier’s skip and most of the wood from broken or non-returnable pallets from Savages or local building projects. With a bit of work such items can be repurposed for useful and attractive items. If any of you have been disappointed because items have sold out at Savages, please be patient as we are currently catching up with demand and you can always place an order for them either with Savages or with BlewShed when we are open.

DIY for beginners: Our next DIY workshops are in planning and will focus on helping DIY beginners with their individual projects using techniques they learned over the winter. More experienced members have been using the workshop facilities for progressing their own projects of varying levels of ambition ranging from a replica ‘Studley’ tool chest, making replacement boat parts, designing electronic measuring devices, renovation of a late grandfather’s tool chest, restoration of antique tools, carving traditional wooden spoons and many other items.

Community Projects:  Recently BlewShed made and fitted a replacement turned wooden handle for the Blewbury Allotments Association garden roller, and several new projects are currently being planned, more news later.

Meetings: Members enjoyed a convivial social evening at the Blueberry and those who attended agreed this should be repeated more often. Watch this space. The next BlewShed club night will be Tuesday 11th June, 7.30pm at BlewShed, when member Mike Wrottesley will give a talk on rocking horses. All welcome.

BlewShed opening times and membership: Tuesday, Friday and Saturday afternoons 1.30-4.00 pm and Thursday afternoons 2.00-4pm for electronics, non-dusty work and a chat. BlewShed annual membership subs are £25 for individuals, or £37.50 for a family. This includes expert advice from members and use of a very well-equipped metal-working, woodworking and electronics workshop. BlewShed is here to help members and DIY beginners learn various woodwork, metal-work and other practical techniques, so come along and acquire some new skills, or just have a cuppa and chat. Everyone is welcome to club night meetings on the second Tuesday of the month.

Mike Wrottesley, BlewShed secretary