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Bridge Club

September 1, 2024

Advance Notice that the Annual General Meeting will be held at 7pm on Tuesday 8th October, ahead of a shortened session of bridge.

Menagerie Bridge Club will be hosting a Play with an Expert event on Friday 4th October on the Realbridge site for Blewbury and Wantage Bridge Club members. Anyone who would like to take part should contact the Chairman by email.

We hope to restart the Friday evening Social Bridge sessions from Friday 13th September. Anyone who would like to play and has not done so in the past, please also email the Chairman in order that your name can be included on the circulation list. Other dates in September will be the 20th and 27th.

Dates for the Blewbury Thursday evening Realbridge sessions will be August 29th, September 12th and 26th. Wantage will be hosting our combined sessions on September 5th and 19th.  Michael Allen 851870