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Blewbury News

Bridge Club

September 1, 2024

Advance Notice that the Annual General Meeting will be held at 7pm on Tuesday 8th October, ahead of a shortened session of bridge.

Menagerie Bridge Club will be hosting a Play with an Expert event on Friday 4th October on the Realbridge site for Blewbury and Wantage Bridge Club members. Anyone who would like to take part should contact the Chairman by email.

We hope to restart the Friday evening Social Bridge sessions from Friday 13th September. Anyone who would like to play and has not done so in the past, please also email the Chairman in order that your name can be included on the circulation list. Other dates in September will be the 20th and 27th.

Dates for the Blewbury Thursday evening Realbridge sessions will be August 29th, September 12th and 26th. Wantage will be hosting our combined sessions on September 5th and 19th.  Michael Allen 851870

Blewbury WI News

Blewbury WI generally meet on the 4th Wednesday of the month in the Vale room.

Lots of interesting speakers and a chance to catch up with friends over a glass of wine or two.  Loads of other things to do over the month – see diary below – Just join in as much or as little as suits you.

September main meeting  Wednesday 25 September.  Jane Fletcher will be inspiring us with “Making the most of your possessions in the home for you and others”.  Inspiration to preserve our memories and perhaps re-purpose those treasured family possessions that we all have tucked away out of sight.

She will suggest how we might make the most of our ‘stuff’, all those personal belongings.  Maybe family items? Maybe something precious of your own?  Following the talks with other groups, she has received some lovely examples of what people have gone on to find, dust down, display and share.

If you’d like to come along to Blewbury WI with someone else or find out more, ring our Secretary, Joy, on 850543 or email  New members can join at any time and pay a ‘pro-rata’ rate for the rest of the year.

Calendar of events

Monday afternoons2.30pmMah JongSharon
Thursday 5 September7pmCraft eveningKaren
Tuesday 10 September2.30pmRummikubJudy
Wednesday 11 September7pmEvening ScrabbleLyn
Wednesday 11 September9.30amWalkJill
Thursday 12 September10.30amCoffee morningTrish
Tuesday 17 September2.30pmAfternoon ScrabbleJane
Wednesday 25 September7.30pmMain meetingJoy


Bell Ringing News from Blewbury Tower

Congratulations go to Lindsay Lott on successfully ringing her first quarter peal on 13th July, which was also Andrew Forman’s first quarter peal away from the tenor. Details of this quarter peal including a photo can be found here:

We supported Friends of St Michael’s on 27th July by hosting an ‘open tower’ event for invited guests. During this, visitors learned everything about St Michael’s church tower from bottom to top. The tour started with a brief talk about the bell themed west window, before climbing the tower steps to the ringing chamber where the clock was open to view how this ancient timepiece continues to serve the village. At this point visitors saw a demonstration of how a bell is rung before climbing further up to the bell chamber to see the bells at close quarters and see a bell rung from below. Finally, visitors were allowed to climb the remaining steps up to the tower roof to enjoy magnificent views over the village and beyond. Throughout the tour, the Friends of St Michael’s group provided a running buffet of tea, coffee and delicious cakes. Many thanks go to all of the volunteers who made this such a successful and enjoyable event.

St Michael’s hosted a training course for more advanced ringing techniques on 16th August, and we heard some good ringing from these students from all over the country. They obviously enjoyed our village bells. But it’s not all about bells, as we also enjoy fun times outside of the tower, including recently one of our occasional ‘ringers breakfasts’ held in the sunshine after Sunday morning ringing!

We always welcome anyone who has an interest in learning this ancient and traditional skill, and have just begun teaching some new recruits to continue the next generation of Blewbury bellringers. You might occasionally hear a single bell ringing for short periods, and this is when we are teaching the basic bell handling skills for brand new beginners. Please be patient with us during these occasional times. If you would like to get involved, please see one of the bellringers or come up the tower one Friday night at 8.00pm.

BLEWTUBE is back!

The Village Hall trustees are pleased to announce the return of BlewTube.

We welcome you to our first film, Wicked Little Letters (cert 15), on Friday 6th September at 8pm. Doors open at 7.30pm, and we’ll be serving soft drinks and ice cream in the interval, cash or card accepted. Tickets cost £6 and are available in the post office, or by visiting

Something in the air tonight

The Tony Loy Trust are excited to bring you Seriously Collins, the Phil Collins & Genesis tribute show on Saturday 23rd November at Blewbury Village Hall, 7pm.

Early bird tickets £22 on sale from 20th September or £25 from 1st November. Don’t miss out as limited availability! Book online at Sneak preview at

Post Office News

Hello! Thank you all for bearing with us during our summer opening hours of 9-12pm daily. It really is appreciated and means we are able to stay open all summer long.

From the 3rd of September we will be operating our new opening hours of 9-3pm Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday and 9-12pm on a Wednesday. I hope that these new opening hours will be easier for people to remember and they will enable us to continue with the valuable service the post office provides long into the future.

As always we have fresh kitty’s eggs and local honey on sale. As well as a variety of sweet treats, ice lollies, chocolate and cool drinks available. As well as sending parcels, you can also do banking at the post office, including cash withdrawals, cash deposits and cheque deposits. We look forward to seeing you in the post office soon.
Thanks so much. Sarah, Karen and Andrew

Farewell to our Lengthman

June 8, 2024

Last month the Parish Council gathered to celebrate David Hollick, who has retired as Blewbury’s Lengthman after ten years of service. We’re delighted that Iain Wood has taken over the reins as the new Lengthman; he has had an excellent start in the job.

Village Hall news

April 18, 2024

Jayne Newman, our wonderful cleaner, has been recognised recently for her 35 years of service. The trustees presented her with flowers and a bottle of bubbly to celebrate (see picture, left to right: Andrew Forman, Jill Allen, Jayne Newman, Dermot Mathias, Kate Mitchell).

The ‘Blue’ Won 2-1!

There was a great turnout from the village to spectate the charity match between the Blueberry and the Red Lion. It was a very close affair with both sides looking like they could take the win but big congratulations to the Blueberry for the win and taking the trophy.

Prof Emma Smith – Shakespeare’s ‘Romance Plays’

June 4, 2024

Prof. Emma Smith in Blewbury for talk on Shakespeare’s ‘Romance Plays’

In a great coup for Blewbury’s newly-formed Shakespeare group (now officially known as The Motley Crew!) Emma Smith, of Hertford College, Oxford, has agreed to give a talk on Shakespeare’s late works Pericles, The Winter’s Tale, Cymbeline and The Tempest, often collectively known as the ‘Romance Plays’. Professor Smith is among the best-known names in contemporary Shakespeare scholarship: a world-leading authority on the First Folio, a regular guest on Melvyn Bragg’s In Our Time on Radio 4, and the author or co-author of multiple studies of the Poet and his work. She’s well known because she’s not only a great scholar but also a great speaker, so her appearance at 8pm on Monday September 30th in Blewbury Village Hall is a not-to-be-missed opportunity for all local residents who are remotely interested in Shakespeare. Our thanks go to Motley Crew member Sarah Salter for making it happen!

Tickets are a bargain at £7.50, including a glass of refreshment, and are on sale at the Post Office or can be reserved by email at You can also use this address to join the Motley Crew mailing list.