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Community Speedwatch

September 19, 2019

Have you been in the village and witnessed drivers travelling at excessive speeds? Would you like to join a team of volunteers to ‘encourage’ these drivers to slow down?

Community Speedwatch is a national initiative where members of local communities, supported by the Police, monitor speeds of vehicles using speed detection devices. Vehicles exceeding the speed limit are referred to the Police with the aim of educating drivers to slow down.

We have several volunteers but we need more, so if you could spare a couple of hours every couple of months please consider signing up. We also need to raise at least £3000 to pay for the equipment.  This could be from donations or:

  • each household could pay an additional small premium on the council tax to pay for this, for one year only
  • Oxfordshire CC could fund the equipment in lieu of more expensive traffic calming infrastructure
  • we could share the cost and equipment with Upton and Harwell, who have expressed interest.

Any other thoughts as to how we raise the money or expressions of willingness to join us will be most welcome.

For more information and to register please visit the website, select ‘Join Existing Group’ from the left hand side of the webpage and look for Oxfordshire, then Didcot – Blewbury Speedwatch Group, or contact Jill Ingoldby on 07824 552562 /