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New nature reserve and woodland

August 25, 2022

Nature reserve – Sustainable Blewbury’s negotiations with Thames Water to convert the old sewage works site, at the end of the concrete path going north from the Village Hall, to a nature reserve have progressed well and we are now expecting work to commence in autumn. This first stage will be carried out by Thames Water contractors and when the work is complete, hopefully in early spring, we will be calling for volunteers to help manage the site. Before then we plan a full project launch with a presentation of what to expect on completion.

Woodland – On the way to that site is the field that was once the Quaker burial ground. The owner, in an act of very great generosity, is planning that SB should take it over to create a woodland for the benefit of the village and to assist the national campaign to increase tree cover in the fight against climate change. This project will need a lot of input from the village in terms of both hard physical labour and financial support. Planning is well underway and we hope to present our ideas in September.   John Ogden, Chair, Sustainable Blewbury