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Minutes of the meeting of the Parish Council held on Wednesday 13th December 2023 at 5pm in the Melland Room at the Blewbury Clubhouse.

In attendance: - Chairman D Mathias (DM)
Councillors S Austin (SA), A Calder (AC), J Saunders (JS), M Shayler (MS), A Millman (AM),
Clerk E Cooper (EC)
Lengthman D Hollick (DH)
District Councillor D Dewhurst

1.     To receive apologies for absence

County Councillor S Povolotsky, District Councillor H Gascoigne (HG), Parish Councillors L Inglis (LI), L Robinson (LR), J Gibson (JG)

2. To record any declarations of interests relating to this meeting

M Shayler – Village Hall bike rack.

3.To receive the County Councillor’s report

No report this month.

4. To receive District Councillor’s report

Received in advance of the meeting & sent to Councillors.

DM raised the subject of GWP health care. DD stated there are various legal wrangles, including land needing to be transferred to the District Council along with S106 money.

5. To receive the Lengthman’s report

DH stated that all was quiet, with PAT testing complete & servicing of all items underway, with the help of BlewShed. The problem he had the amount of space that the Amazons had taken in the Scout Hut, over & above that allocated to them. DH & DM to speak to Amazons representatives regarding this issue. Also, the replacement part for the zip wire was outstanding, which he would organise with MS at an appropriate time.

6. Open Forum

To receive representations from members of the public if present. Maximum 15 minutes (3 minutes per person). None present.

7.   To approve previous minutes & report on any matters arising

Minutes of the BPC meeting held on 8th November 2023

Council agreed the minutes as a true record.


8. To hear an update on all Financial Matters from the Clerk

8.1 Financial Updates

8.1.1 End of month reconciliation sent in advance of the meeting to the Chairman. Agreed & signed by the Chairman at the meeting.

8.1.2 Lloyds Bank account funds as of 30.11.23 were £71,977.08

This sum includes reserves of: –

– £17,269.51 remaining village hall refurb funds

– £10,521.53 CIL funds

Net funds available £44,186.04

8.1.3 Receipts

See table below.

8.2 Administrative updates

8.2.1 NALC Clerk’s pay agreement notification 06.11.23, wef 01.04.23 & applied to Clerk’s November salary

8.2.2 Cemetery matters

The Clerk explained recent cemetery administration matters that took considerable time to deal with.

8.2.2 Allotment matters

The Clerk explained that a meeting was held with representatives of the Blewbury Village Garden Association to discuss the administration of the allotments. Allotment documentation was to be amended & updated, & landlords contacted. A further meeting should be held in late January.

8.2.3 Any other administrative updates

i. Last Worthys (eCapital) invoice payment / loss adjuster update

The Council had agreed the last insurance extension payment from the previous insurers, Hiscox (through Gallagher). Council had also agreed to the final Clubhouse losses                               total following confirmation of the total from the loss adjuster. The Clerk requested that the final payment to eCapital was made, pending the receipt of funds from the loss adjuster.

Clerk’s note: – Funds in the sum of £13,164.45 receive on 15.12.23.

ii. The Clerk explained that a borehole risk assessment was due, & if Council agreed, the SODC would be engaged to carry this out, costs TBC. Also, that a fire risk assessment should be carried out be Red Box at a cost of £395 + vat. Council agreed, Clerk to arrange.

8.3 To agree authorisers for this month’s payments (Signatories)

D Mathias & A Calder.

8.4 To approve payments to be made under the general power of competence and within budgeted amounts (All): –






Amount £ (inc vat)

E Cooper/D Hollick/

E Holroyd

Clerk, Lengthman & Hall Administrator salaries & expenses for November2570.07
HMRCPAYE Clerk, Lengthman, Hall Admin & Employer NICs November496.43
NEST DDClerk’s pension November153.69
Biffa Waste Services Ltd DDWaste services November 


BT DDClubhouse line rental November46.53
Scot Pow DDClubhouse electricity424.00
SSE DDScout Hut electricity July – November311.00
J NewmanClubhouse cleaning November234.00
Radii RampsSkate ramp repair425.00
Travis PerkinsScrew for repair work & hand wipes21.34
White Horse HorticulturePound, Playclose & Churchyard mow November225.00
DHPHInstallation of frost heaters in Clubhouse (no invoice rec’d at time of meeting, so payment not made)1574.40
OLPNew zip wire trolley*229.40
Gallagher InsuranceFinal payment for extension of previous cover265.17
J Necci-GhiriClubhouse gutter clearing & velux window cleaning120.00
ProtecAlarm parts84.13
VHEMCPO Grant Q1&3*600.00
eCapitalFinal payment re Clubhouse flood4430.77

* Paid to be ratified




Amount £

VWHDCVH EV charging points grant5000.00
Lloyds BankCompensation75.00
OCCVH bike rack1000.00
VHEMCHEH VH Pay refund1518.88
VHEMCClubhouse receipts Jul-Sep231519.00


9.   To hear the Planning Committee Report & Ratify/Agree Planning Responses (L Inglis)

9.1 To agree the council’s response to the following consultations

9.1.1 P23/V2653/HH 1 Bohams Cottage, Westbrook St, Blewbury

Single storey rear extension to replace existing & alteration to parking area.

Deadline 19.12.23

Council agreed no objections. Returned 14.12.23.

9.1.2 P23/V2635/FUL Land at end of Coffin Way, Blewbury OX11 9QD

Construction of a single dwelling & associated external works.

Deadline 04.01.24

Council agreed by a majority (1 abstention) to object to this consultation. Returned with narrative 14.12.23. County Councillor DD will also call in to Planning Committee.

9.2 To note planning permissions / withdrawals received during the month

9.2.1 P23/V2066/HH & P23/V2067/LB Granary House, London Road, Blewbury

Planning permission 14.11.23

9.2.2 P23/V1825/HH Ashbrook House, Westbrook St, Blewbury

Planning permission 1.12.23

9.2.3 P21/V3076/FUL Churn Cottage, Churn Farm, Bohams Rd, Blewbury

Planning permission 03.11.23

9.2.4 P23/V1300/HH Charity School House, Church Road, Blewbury

Planning permission 03.11.23

9.2.5 P23/V2131/HH Lantern Cottage, South Street, Blewbury

Planning permission 21.11.23

9.2.6 P23/V2079/HH & P23/V2046/LB Orchard Dene House, Watts Lane, Blewbury

Planning permission 21.11.23

9.2.7 P23/V2094/HH 85 Dibleys, Blewbury

Planning permission 06.12.23


10.   To hear an update on Speed Watch & Speed Reduction Measures (L Robinson / J Ingoldby)

There was no Speed Watch / Speed Reduction Measures update this month.

11.   To receive an update from VHEMC representative on village hall activities (D Mathias)

11.1 Bike rack installation (M Shayler)

MS confirmed that the position of the bike rack to be installed had been agreed. The bike rack is yet to be ordered.

11.2 Any other updates on village hall activities (D Mathias)


12.    To receive an update on the all things relating to the operation of the Clubhouse & the Recreation Ground (J Gibson, D Mathias, D Hollick)

          12.1 Clubhouse & Recreation Ground

12.1.1 BT phone contract (L Robinson)

Council agreed to the new BT contract proposed on email by LR. LR to provide details to the Clerk to instigate.

12.1.2 Clubs use of facilities (J Gibson)

  1. User agreements update (Cricket & Football)

JG provided a signed copy of the agreements to the Clerk.

12.1.3 Any other updates on any aspect of the Clubhouse

  1. Frost heater installation update (D Mathias/D Hollick)

DH confirmed that the frost heaters were installed & working. Some work is to be completed by DHPH.

  1. The Clerk is investigating what kind of entertainment licence may be required for the Melland Room.

iii. The Clubhouse Working Group is now formed (J Gibson, E Holroyd, D Mathias, S Austin, A Millman) & will meet 4 times a year to oversee and monitor the administration &                         maintenance of the Clubhouse.

13.    To receive an update on all aspects of TFF & car park (D Hollick, M Shayler)

13.1 Play areas update (Play Space, Pump Track, Skate Park)

13.1.1 Installation of zip wire part

Acknowledged as outstanding & will be replaced at an appropriate time.

13.1.2 Update on minor tasks from RoSPA report

DH has nearly completed this list.

13.1.3 Any other play area updates

The next quarterly inspection is due in January 2024. Clerk to confirm.

13.2 Any other updates – Trim Trail/TFF/Car Park


14.    To receive an update on Risk Management & Compliance (D Mathias/A Calder)

14.1 AC to obtain a formal check list from Zurich to ensure all areas are covered.

14.2 MS to fill in the pot holes in the TFF car park.

15.   To receive an update on issues relating to the Sustainability & the Environment (A Millman)

15.1 Information from Sustainable Blewbury

No update this month.

15.2 Any other environmental issues

15.2.1 Luke from Oxfordshire Wildlife Rescue would like to come & talk to the Council. AM to make contact.

15.2.2 AM to report to DD re re-siting of dog poo bin at end of Berry Lane.

15.2.3 AM had spoken to A Musson re hedges. AM/A Musson/DH to discuss prior to DH holiday if possible in order to move forward before nesting season begins.

16.   To receive an update on any issues relating to trees, footpaths, rights of way and open spaces (J Gibson/M Shayler)

16.1 Parking on the Pound (M Shayler / D Mathias)

Actions as per previous minutes.

16.2 Village Artwork installation update (L Inglis)

The Clerk gave a brief update. A full update is awaited from the Village Artwork Committee.

16.3 Any other updates on footpaths, rights of way and open spaces


17.  To receive an update on any Community Engagement Matters (All)


18. To receive an update on any outstanding consultations (Clerk)


19. To agree the date/venue of the next meeting(s) of the Council & any related matters (D Mathias)

19.1 Next full Parish Council meeting will be held on Wednesday 10th January at 7pm in the Melland Room at the Clubhouse

19.2 The Parish Council Annual Finance Committee meeting will be held on Wednesday 20th December at 6pm in the Melland Room at the Clubhouse.

19.3 AOB



The meeting finished at 6.30pm.


Appendix A


 1.DM & DH to speak to the Amazons representative regarding the excessive use of space in the Scout Hut.Jan meet.
 2.Clerk to contact allotment landlordsEnd of Jan.
 3.Clerk to arrange Clubhouse borehole risk assess & fire risk assess.Jan meet.
 4.CC D Dewhurst to call in P23/V2635/FUL to Planning CommitteeASAP
 5.LR to provide details of proposed new BT contract to the Clerk.ASAP
 6.Clerk to investigate what type of entertainment licence is required for the Melland Room.ASAP
 7.Clerk to arrange next quarterly play areas inspection by RoSPAMon 29th Jan
 8.AC to obtain insurance checklist from Marsh/ZurichASAP
 9.MS to fill in TFF car park pot holes.At appropriate time
 10.AM to contact Luke from Oxfordshire Wildlife re presentation at BPC meeting.TBC
 11.AM to report re-siting of dog poo bin at end of Berry Lane to CC DDASAP
 12.AM to speak to A Musson re hedges.Actioned
 13.Village Artwork Committee (LI / JS) to provide update at next BPC meetingTBC
1.DM to provide HG with details of doctor’s surgery correspondenceActioned
2.LI to provide HG with copy of Gove letterActioned
3.DH to contact DHPH re capping of showers & frost concerns in ClubhouseActioned
4.LR to arrange new contract with BT for ClubhouseActioned
7.DH / MS to arrange to replace part on zip wireOngoing
8.LR to find a contractor for installation & moving round of SIDsOngoing
9.Parking on Pound issue proposals – LI to include in FEBRUARY Bulletin update, LR to update on FB at same timeFEBRUARY Bulletin
10.DM to ask AM to open discussions re footpath access on Churn estateASAP
1.AM, JG, SA to meet to discuss getting Clubhouse fully in order, inc MarketingActioned
2.MS to deal with vandalised bench by the TTT on TFFASAP
4.VH Woodlands Surgery – DM to update on new lease & commercial agreement.Actioned
5.Clerk to action removal of sign on Pound.Actioned
6.Clerk to draft new ‘hedges’ letter.C’fwd
7.Clerk to arrange a meeting with BVGA to discuss allotment administration.Actioned
8.MS to investigate possibility of installing steps in to TFF from Rubble Pit LaneTo be installed