Minutes of the Finance Committee Meeting held on Tuesday 14th December 2021 at 5pm in the Vale Room of the Village Hall.
To note any apologies for absence
V Humphries
To elect a Chairman of the finance committee
D Mathias was elected Chairman for the meeting.
To hear any Declarations of Interest
To review the of Terms of Reference
The Terms of Reference were unanimously accepted.
To review the estimates of income and expenditure for 2021/2022
Clerk provided an estimate of payments & receipts to the end of the financial year. This was all within budget. The Committee agreed the proposed work on the TFF play area matting & cemetery paths may not be completed in the current financial year & provision would also be made in next year’s budget. Clerk to confirm Clubhouse income to date.
To establish estimates of income and expenditure for 2022/2023
A draft budget was issued ahead of the meeting. This was reviewed & revised by those present. MP issued a revised budget sheet at the end of the meeting.
Clerk to speak to the Lengthman re the Biffa bin collection & whether this should be every week.
To review outgoing grants:
- Blewbury village organisation grants
The Committee confirmed the continuance of the Post Office grant of £1200pa.
The Committee required further information regarding the once a week bus to Wallingford run by DVTG before confirming it’s annual grant (previously £400). Clerk to contact DVTG.
- St Michael’s Blewbury PCC
The Committee agreed there was no grant to St Michael’s. Other regular grants: Didcot CAB, South & Vale Carers Centre, Home Start Oxfordshire
The Committee agreed to support the Didcot CAB as this directly affected residents of Blewbury & recommended next year’s grant be raised to £500. No other grants would be made without confirmation that help was received by residents in Blewbury.
To review the salaries of Clerk and Lengthman
8.1 Committee agreed to raise the Lengthman’s salary by £2ph with effect from 1.4.22.
8.2 Committee did not reach an agreement on the Clerk’s salary within the meeting. To be
brought forward to Council’s January meeting.
8.3 LR to check if the Council should be paying employers NI as the Clerk confirmed this is
currently not the case.
To agree the level of reserves needed for the next financial year.
The Committee acknowledged the reserves as they stood & the accounting for reserves would continue in the same way for 22/23.
Capital projects. To establish reserves available for capital projects and to agree the budget for capital projects.
10.1 The Committee was satisfied that funds existed for play area & cemetery projects.
10.2 The Committee agreed for LR & the Clerk to investigate accounting software packages
for implementation for the next financial year, against a proposed budget of c£300pa.
Precept for 2022/2023 To agree the precept for the next financial year and make recommendation to the full Parish Council. Clerk’s note:- precept deadline extended to 22.01.21.
Following a full examination of the budget for 22/23, the Committee agreed to raise the precept to £72,000.
To review & agree any amendments to the Council’s Financial Regulations
The Committee accepted the revised Financial Regulations.
To review physical assets and liability
13.1 The Committee agreed that the physical assets of the Council should be formally
reviewed in 2022, together with ensuring insurance cover & liabilities were robust.
13.2 The Committee agreed to consider an increase in cemetery fees. MP to compare against similar councils who are burial authorities.
Clerk’s note:- MP subsequently concluded that cemetery fees were not grossly out of line with other burial authorities & did not recommend an increase other than possibly an inflation adjustment.
13.3 The Committee agreed that a formal discussion on increasing lease fees should take place in 2022.
To review the adequacy of the Risk Management Policy
The Committee agreed the Risk Management policy was robust, but would ask Cllr V Humphries to formally review in 2022 & make any recommendations to the Council.
To review the adequacy of Council Insurance cover
The Committee was satisfied that the insurance cover was adequate, but would request comparison quotes prior to the renewal date.
Date of next meeting:- Wednesday 21st December 2022 (TBC)
The meeting finished at 7pm.
No. | Actions from this meeting | By when |
1. | Clerk to confirm Clubhouse income to date. | ASAP |
2. | Clerk to check with Lengthman re Biffa bin collection | ASAP |
3. | Clerk to contact DVTG | Actioned 21.12.21 |
4. | Committee to bring forward agreement of Clerk’s salary to January meeting | Jan meet |
5. | LR to check if Council should be paying Employers NI | ASAP |
6. | LR & Clerk to look at software accounting packages | ASAP |
7. | DM to arrange formal review of physical assets & liability | 2022 |
8. | VH to formally review Risk Management policy | 2022 |
9. | Clerk to source comparative insurance quotes prior to renewal on 1.10.2022. | 2022 |