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Minutes of the Blewbury Parish Council Meeting held on Wednesday 10th April at 7pm in the Melland Room at the Clubhouse

In attendance: - Chairman D Mathias (DM)
Vice Chairman L Inglis (LI)
Councillors A Calder (AC), M Shayler (MS), L
Robinson (LR), S Austin (SA), J
Saunders (JS)
Clerk E Cooper (EC)
Lengthman D Hollick (DH) & I Wood (IW)
District Councillor H Gascoigne ((HG)

1.     To receive & approve apologies for absence


2.     To record any declarations of interests relating to this meeting


3.     To receive the County Councillor’s report

Received in advance of the meeting & circulated to Council.

4.     To receive District Councillor’s report

Received in advance of the meeting & circulated to Council.

In addition, HG stated in regards to Great Western Park, a business case had been approved by BOB is February. A Deed of Variation should add a contractor to cover the new surgery under S106. Hg stated it would still be some time before there was a spade in the ground. Also, the Didcot Woodlands Surgery would be running the new GWP Surgery.

5.     To receive the Lengthman’s report from David Hollick, & introducing the trainee Lengthman, Iain Wood.

DH introduced the new trainee Lengthman, Iain Wood, to the Council. Iain had just completed his first week learning the role & was progressing well. DH reported that all work was on track, although one of the large mowers is awaiting a new part.

6.   Open Forum

No members of the public were present.

7. To approve previous minutes & report on any matters arising – All Cllrs

Minutes of the BPC meeting held on 6th March 2024

Council agreed the minutes were a true record.

8. To hear the Planning Committee Report & Planning Responses – L Inglis


8.1 To agree or ratify the Council’s response to the following consultations


8.1.1 P24/V0610/LB The Cleeve, South Street, Blewbury

Various works to interior & exterior.

Deadline 12.04.24

Council agreed no objections by email. Returned 21.03.24.


8.1.2 P24/V0533/HH Lowmans, south Street, Blewbury

Rear extension, internal alterations & external wall materials changed.

Deadline 05.04.24

Council agreed no objections by a majority, by email. Returned 21.03.24


8.2 To note planning permissions received / withdrawn during the month

8.2.1 P24/V0217/HH Collis Moor, Nottingham Fee, Blewbury

Planning permission 07.03.24

8.2.2 P24/V0249/PIP Workshop adjacent to Pilgrims Way, Blewbury

Permission in principle 22.03.24

8.2.3 P24/V0350/LB Corrydon House, London Road, Blewbury

LB consent 26.03.24


 9. To hear an update on Speed Watch & Speed Reduction Measures (L Robinson)

LR reported that the SIDs were now up & running. Initially being tested, the displays are not active, but data is being gathered & would be included in the next Speed Watch report. The Council expressed its thanks to LR for all his hard work & persistence in making this happen.

10. To hear an update on Finance & Administration from the Clerk


10.1 Financial updates


10.1.1 End of month reconciliation for March sent in advance of the meeting to the Chair. Agreed & signed at the meeting.

10.1.2 Receipts in March included: –

– Cemetery related £125.00

10.1.3 Lloyds Bank account funds as of 31.03.24 were £54,684.24

This sum includes reserves of: –

  • £16,594.16 remaining village hall refurb funds
  • £10,521.53 CIL funds
  • £5,000 EV Charger grant fund

Net funds available £22,568.95

10.1.4 The first half of the precept was received on 5th April in the sum of £56,500.


10.2 To hear options for an interest-bearing account for Reserves – L Robinson

LR stated that as the level of reserves in an interest-bearing account would be relatively low, he did not think it was worth moving accounts to another bank to perhaps achieve a higher rate of interest.

AC stated that although another bank may provide a higher rate of interest, he agreed it was not worth changing bank accounts.

Clerk to liaise with LR on opening an interest-bearing account.


10.3 Administrative updates


10.3.1 To hear an update on the Parish Councillor vacancy

The Clerk stated that as the vacancy notice was dated 1st April, the 14 days would end on 14th  April. After this, & provided the vacancy notice has not prompted otherwise, the Council                   would be free to advertise for a new Councillor.

Clerk to provide detail to LI for Bulletin & LR for FB.

10.3.2 To receive an update on the allotment administration changes

i. Council to formally acknowledge & agree new PCC annual fee

Council acknowledged & agreed that the new annual fee for the PCC would be £450.

ii. Council to formally acknowledge & agree new arrangement with the BVGA

Council acknowledged & formally agreed to the new administrative arrangements with the BVGA. Clerk to arrange for signatures to new agreement.

10.3.3 To hear an update to proposed changes to existing leases – D Mathias

i Croquet club

DM has spoken with D Long from the croquet club. The rent of £1 per year will be paid up to the end of the lease in 2035 (a total of £16 including some arrears). The club also offered                   an annual maintenance fee towards the upkeep of the car park of £100, which the Council agreed was acceptable.

ii Tennis Club

DM & AM to arrange to meet with a tennis club representative.

iii Band Hut

The Blewbury Band secretary had recently paid £5 rent on 03.04.24 for 2024, which also included some arrears.

10.3.4 To hear an update on the grass cutting contract for this year. Two quotes have been provided for this work & a third is awaited. The Council agreed in principle to the lower of the two quotes if a third one was not provided or was unacceptable.

10.3.5 To hear an update on the format of this year’s Annual Parish meeting currently scheduled for Wednesday 15th May – J Saunders

JS & AM updated the Council on ideas to make the annual parish meeting more social, fun & informative. The endeavour is to invite all groups within the village & perhaps divide into Environmental, Recreation, Finance & Local Government categories.

10.3.6 Any other administrative updates

BT bill – has been issued & is incorrect.

The Clerk stated that the last BT bill included the new service & old line rental.  This was highlighted to BT & a refund for the line rental will be made.


10.4 To agree authorisers for this month’s payments (signatories present only) DM & AC


10.5 To approve payments to be made under the general power of competence and within budgeted amounts as detailed in the table below – All Councillors


10.5.1 In addition to the payments below, Council also agreed to the addition of the following payments: –

i. Halfords £36 for new trailer number plates

ii. Safety clothing & equipment for the new Lengthman £128.50

iii. ONPA membership £50.00

iv. PCC allotment rent in the sum of £300






E Cooper/D Hollick/

E Holroyd

Clerk, Lengthman & Hall Administrator salaries & expenses for March£2288.57
NEST DDClerk’s pension March£113.65
HMRCPAYE Clerk, Lengthman, Hall Admin & Employer NIC contributions March£440.17
Biffa Waste Services Ltd DDWaste services April£180.30


BT DDClubhouse digital fibre package£80.07
Scottish Power DDClubhouse electricity 01.04.24*£258.00
J NewmanClubhouse cleaning March£216.00
VoWHDCClubhouse annual premises licence£180.00
Village Hall AdminBlewbury Post Office quarterly rent£300.00
PWL 497831 DDClubhouse loan (cap&int)£4,207.50
Travis PerkinsTimber, gloves£38.22
ICO DDData Protection Certificate Renewal£35.00
AmazonIT for Hall Administrator: Laptop, External Hard drive, software*£713.79
MTSSID installation£648.00

*Paid to be ratified




M&J DidcockCemetery fees (Pottle)£125.00

11.    To receive an update from VHEMC – D Mathias

         11.1 EV charger update – L Robinson

LR stated the difficulties in identifying a supplier to provide the right unit for installation. He would continue to pursue.

         11.2 Any other updates

A district surveyor is to carry out an appraisal on the Blewbury Surgery rent.

12.    To receive an update on the Community Art project – L Inglis

LI stated that there were 6 objections & 3 in favours against the planning application on the Vale of White Horse web site. The objections were more to do with the location of the artwork than the artwork itself. If the artwork installation receives planning permission, the Council would also consider upgrading the dedicated bench close to the installation point. The next Community Artwork working group meeting is in May.

13.    To receive an update on all things relating to the operation of the Clubhouse & the recreation ground – D Hollick, E Holroyd


          13.1 Clubhouse

13.1.1 ECIR & fire risk assessment remedial work update

All work signature items have been completed. Administrative items to be confirmed.

13.1.2 Clubhouse working group meeting update

The working group provided minutes of their recent meeting in advance to the Council.

13.1.3 Clubhouse Admin report

Clubhouse income for January to March 2024 estimated at £2740.50.

13.1.4 Any other updates

The Working Group’s financial objective for this year is to break even at c£15,000.


13.2 Recreation ground update

All in order. Awaiting SCS supply of top soil for the piece of ground between the car park & the tennis club fence.


13.3 Scout Hut update

The Council awaits a feasibility study from BlewShed on work required on the building & initial options for storage.


13.4 Any other updates


14.    To receive an update on all aspects of TFF & car park – M Shayler, D Hollick


14.1 Play area / trim trail update

The repairs to the zip wire & the table tennis bench remain outstanding. Other areas of wear around the TFF entrances & the goal would be repaired when the ground is dryer.


14.2 Inspections

Weekly visual & monthly recorded inspections all up to date.


14.3 Skate Park future refurbishment / replacement update – D Mathias/A Calder

DM & AC are taking advice from experts in the field as to a suitable replacement for both the skate park & the cycle track. SA highlighted the facilities available in nearby which may help in the       decision making, & also that any such facility should be available to a wide age range.


14.4 Cycle Track – potential refurbishment / replacement update – D Mathias/A Calder

See 14.3 above.


14.5 Any other updates



15.    To receive an update on Risk Management & Compliance – A Calder

No update.


16.   To receive an update on issues relating to the Environment – A Millman


16.1 Information from Sustainable Blewbury

AM highlighted the recent information from OCC regarding applications for funding to combat flooding. AM recommended a holistic approach to cover all areas in the village in one application      (Berry Lane, A417, corner of Westbrook Street, Church End for example). DM suggested that any funding should perhaps be used to assess the problems first & asked Councillors to suggest any                 contacts they may have who could carry out a survey of the specific areas. LI will speak to an A417 resident affected by flooding.

16.2 Any other environmental & bio diversity issues


17.   To receive an update on any issues relating to Footways, Footpaths, rights of way and open spaces – M Shayler, D Hollick


17.1 Parking on the Pound update

Council has previously agreed to low-level hedge planting on the eroded edge of the Pound on South Street. Council agreed this was not the right time of year to plant a hedge & this would be deferred to the autumn. Council further agreed to the installation of low-level posts asap to be installed to prevent further erosion. MS to investigate & action.


17.2 Any other update on Footways, Footpaths, Rights of Ways & open spaces in & around the village


17.2.1 Church footpath resurface – the PCC are planning to apply for TOE funding.


17.2.2 Dog waste bin – LI asked that a new bin be installed t the bottom of Cow Lane. The amount of dog waste that is left at the bottom of the lane is unacceptable. Whilst the Council agreed that     dog walkers should take their dog waste home & dispose of it, if a bin can be provided that may help alleviate the situation. Li will speak to J Gibson & the District Council on this subject. HG will provide a contact name. HG also stated that if approved, the right size bin           must be installed.


17.2.3 MS stated that the Blewbury end of Coffin Way will require some repairs once the weather is better.

18.   To receive an update on any outstanding consultations – All Councillors

None outstanding.


19. To agree the date/venue of the next meeting(s) of the Council – All Councillors


Next full council meeting is the Annual Parish Council meeting on Wednesday 8th May 2024 at 7.00pm in the Melland Room at the Clubhouse.


Advance notices: –

Annual Meeting of the Parish on Wednesday 15th May at 7pm in the Village Hall.



The meeting finished at 8.45pm.


Appendix A


1.LI to speak to J Gibson & VoWHDC re proposed new bin/collectionMay meeting
2.DM to consider set up of Skate Park / Cycle Track Working Group.May meeting
3.AC to ask other interested parties to meet & discuss 2. aboveMay meeting
4.Clerk to liaise with LR & open interest-bearing account with LloydsMay meeting
5.Clerk to send councillor vacancy to LI & LR for publication after 14/4.Actioned
6.DM & AM to meet with Tennis Club secretary re maintenance.May meeting
7.Clerk to check all items from Fire Risk Assessment have been actioned.May meeting
8.AM to consider flooding funding application for cause analysis.ASAP
9.Councillors to suggest anyone who may be able to help with survey of specific flooding area.ASAP
10.LI to speak to London Rd resident particularly affected by flooding in the road.ASAP
11.MS to meet with contractor on site 11/4 to discuss installation of small posts on South Street edge of Pound to prevent further erosion of this edge.Cleared
12.DM to investigate problem with tree highlighted by SA.May meeting
1.BPC to review its overall storage position with the set-up of a working group – DMASAP
2.LR to meet with SID installation contractor on Friday 8 March to discuss installationActioned


4.DM to speak David Long re introduction of a maintenance charge to the Croquet ClubActioned
5.DM & AM to speak to the Tennis Club re introduction of a maintenance chargeApril meeting
6.Clerk to look at lease data that needs to be updated.ASAP
7.Clerk to obtain two additional quotes for grass cutting contract.Actioned
8.DM, AM, JS to open discussions re format of APM in MayActioned
10.LR to obtain further quotes re EV charger at VHASAP
11.DM to obtain new skate ramp proposal from Radii RampsActioned
12.AC to continue investigations in to new pump trackOngoing
13.AM to consider draft community engagement statement regarding ‘water problems’ in the villageASAP
14.Clerk to recommend No Parking signs for the Pound.Actioned
15.DM to arrange on site visit to Pound to establish position, length & type of low-level hedge.Actioned
16.DM to speak to resident of Turnpike House re parking.Actioned


4.DH to work through minor tasks highlighted in Fire Risk AssessmentActioned
7.DH to work through minor tasks highlighted in the last RoSPA reportActioned
2.HG to check on progress of requested dog waste bin re-siting on Berry Lane.C’fwd
5.DM to open discussions with A Forman re Post Office Post Mistress formal arrangements (appointment/grant)ASAP
11.LR / MS to see if funding for car park maintenance is available.C’fwd
7.DH / MS to arrange to replace part on zip wireOngoing
2.MS to deal with vandalised bench by the TTT on TFFASAP
6.Clerk to draft new ‘hedges’ letter.Actioned
8.MS to investigate possibility of installing steps in to TFF from Rubble Pit LaneCleared