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Minutes of the above meeting held on Wednesday 27th April 2022 at 7.30 pm in Blewbury Village Hall.

In attendance: - Dermot Mathias (BPC/DM), Liz Cooper (BPC/Clerk/EC), Caroline Pettigrew
Approximately 28 other attendees.

      Blewbury Village Society

  1. Welcome, Agenda and Apologies for non-attendance

DM opened the meeting & handed over to CP. No specific notices of non-attendance had been received.


  1. Minutes of the last BVS AGM

The last BVS meeting was held in 2019.

  1. BVS Chairman’s Report

CP explained that the BVS organises social events in the village & there was more information in her report. The committee has 11 member & meets once a month. CP confirmed that R Marsden has resigned as Chair & R Challenor had also left the committee.

CP thanked all the committee members for their work in the last two years difficult years.

Events over the past two years are covered in the report.

CP also thanked the Barrett’s & the band, McFunky, regarding the change of date for the summer dance in 2021.

CP said they hope to have more scheduled events in 2022. Including the Beer Festival & the summer dance. CP also invited people to come forward with suggestions for events.

  1. BVS Treasurer’s Report

£1000 was donated to the Parish Council from the comedy night.

£1300 was donated to BVS from R Freeborn’s family. The R Freeborn memorial cup is hotly contested in the Boxing Day walk.

It was noted that the biggest expense was insurance.

Other details as per the Financial Report.

  1. Election of BVS officers

Caroline Pettigrew was nominated, seconded & elected as Chair.

Tony Salter was nominated, seconded & elected as Treasurer.

Sue Gunawardena was nominated, seconded & elected as Secretary.



Annual Parish Meeting – Facilitated by the Parish Council

  1. Last Annual Parish Meeting 2019 & what’s happened since then …

DM addressed the meeting & explained that whilst reports received were available to read, if any producers of the reports wanted to add anything further, they could do so.

DM talked through his short time thus far as Chair of the Parish Council & paid tribute to his predecessor, Chris Lakeland, & his hard work & commitment to the welfare of the community. A toast was made to Chris.

2. Subjects raised: –


2.1 Chailey Gardens play area – it was confirmed that this area is run by a management committee & residents pay towards this. The play area I unadopted. Lee Robinson who lives in Chailey Gardens will speak to the management company regarding the overflowing bins in the play area.


2.2 M Jacobs stated that the use of pesticides is still being used by farmers around the village. She was happy to follow this through regarding advance notice signs.


2.3 Steve White on behalf of ??? the strategic view on community assets used to be to cover annual costs & keep costs down, it is now about sustainability & funding.


2.4 J Ingoldby on Speed Watch. There are two hotspots – London Road at TFF & Bessels Way at Winterbrook Farm. The data shows the danger periods. Hope to get the PCSO & TVP more involved in addressing issues.

County Cllr Sally Povolotsky stated that 20mph within Blewbury village is schedule din the 1st trance in June/July of this year. SP pushing for 20mph on A417 in built up areas. The Safety Officer is to draw up plans for consultation. A triangulation of measures works well, with well-placed smiley faces (Syds / solar powered?) which can be moved around, and speed watch action. The speed watch reports are used by the County Council – hence 20mph action. Syds also record data which can be downloaded. SP suggested 6 – 8 poles on the London Road & Bessels Way.

In the meantime; BPC can lobby the PCSO to drive round more often.

SP is looking in to Rural Safety funds on behalf of Blewbury.

SP said that chicanes do not work as a speed deterrent. Raised platforms work better. Pegasus crossing would be considered (also suitable for horse riders).

SP will look at what measures are best for Blewbury, following safety officer recommendations, & report to the village. There will then be a consultation for approx. 8 weeks, followed by an engineered solution (which will take time).


2.5 Blewbury School

Ann Parham, Chair of Governors at the school gave an update.


2.6 Louise Butler gave an update on United Charities.


2.7 Mike from BlewShed gave an update & stated that BlewShed now have 28 paid up members.


2.8 Audrey Long from the Local History Group gave a brief update.


2.9 Steve White gave a brief update on the Tony Loy Trust, which was set up to help support children & young people in Blewbury & the neighbouring area in sport and the arts.


2.10 John Ogden stated that Sustainable Blewbury’s AGM was on Thursday 28th April. He also reported that a deal was being struct with Thames Water & their sewage plant for Sustainable Blewbury to take over & create a nature reserve.


2.11 St Michael’s

Louise Butler stated that their resources wee overstretched with 6 parishes under their care. They are now providing different services at different times.

3. Reports were submitted from the following & are available on the Blewbury web site: –

    1. Parish Council Chairman
    2. Parish Council Finance
    3. Parish Council Planning
    4. County Councillor
    5. District Councillor
    6. United Charities
    7. Malthus Trust
    8. BlewShed
    9. Speed Watch
    10. Blewbury Pre School
    11. Blewbury Local History Group
    12. Tony Loy Trust
    13. Village Hall Management Committee
    14. Village Hall Refurbishment Committee
    15. Parish Transport representative
    16. Blewbury Players
    17. Blewbury School (report made available post meeting)


4. The meeting concluded at 9.05pm.

5. Date of next meeting Wednesday 19th April 2023, in the village hall at 7.30pm (provisional).