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Minutes of the meeting of the Parish Council held on Wednesday 9th November 2022 at 7.00 pm in the Melland Room at the Blewbury Clubhouse.

In attendance:- Chairman Dermot Mathias (DM)
Vice-Chair Lydia Inglis (LI)
Councillors Michael Penington (MP), Lee Robinson (LR), Mark Shayler (MS),
Camilla Burrow (CB), Mark Blythe (MB), Anne Millman (AM)
Clerk/RFO Liz Cooper
District Councillor Hayleigh Gascoigne (HG)

1.     To receive apologies for absence

Cllr Vaughan Humphries (VH), David Hollick (DH), County Councillor Sally Povolotsky (SP)

2.     To record any declarations of interests relating to this meeting


3.     To receive the County Councillor’s report from Cllr Sally Povolotsky

Report received in advance of the meeting & copied to the Council.

CB reported on behalf of SP that 20mph within the village was imminent. Safety casework on the main roads has begun, but reports are not expected before next year.

4.     To receive District Councillor’s report from Cllrs Hayleigh Gascoigne

HG reminded the Council that Climate Action Fund grants are available until April 2023 & includes funding for nature projects.

CB stated that planting & managing hedges is important. MB to speak to the landowner of the land on either side of the concrete path from Heather Way to the Thames Water site re the potential for planting hedges along the route. CB also stated that an area could be created on the Pound for wild flowers. There is also the potential for nature enhancements around the recreation ground, including the lavender hedge replacement in the car park.

MS stated the hedge on the A417 (cemetery/TFF) could be included in funding applications. CB included the potential for a wild flower area on the Pound & the removal of the lavender hedge in the recreation ground car park.

MS to speak with CB regarding funding application strategy.

MP asked HG to look in to the bin collection problems in Nottingham Fee/Chapel Lane as online reporting has not solved the problems.

Regarding the conservation area appraisal, LI confirmed this is moving forward with a consultation scheduled for February/March 2023, with adoption in Summer 2023.

5.     To receive the Lengthman’s report from David Hollick (see Appendix B below)

The Council extended its best wishes to David in his current circumstances.

6.   To receive a report from the PCSO

Nothing to report this month.

7.   Open Forum

No members of the public were present.

8.   To approve previous minutes & report on any matters arising – All Cllrs

Minutes of the BPC meeting held on 5th October 2022

Council approved the previous minutes as being a true record.

9. To hear the Planning Committee Report & Planning Responses – LI

9.1 To agree or ratify the Council’s response to the following consultations

9.1.1 P22/2460/HH Orchard Dene Cottage, South Street, Blewbury

Replace thatch on ancillary annexe with plain tiled roof. New dormer window, porch & solar panels to annexe. Conversion of single garage to ancillary accommodation to form part of existing         annexe.

Deadline 10.11.22

Council agreed no objections. Returned 07.11.22


9.1.2 P22/V2456/HH Brokenwood, Bessels Way, Blewbury

Installation of 2 air source heat pumps to the rear of the house for the purpose of supplying domestic heating & hot water.

Deadline 15.11.22

Council agreed no objections. Returned 07.11.22


9.1.3 P22/V2259/LB Borlase, South St, Blewbury

Permission to install 8 x velux conservation type windows.

Deadline 28.10.22

Council agreed no objections 25.10.22. Returned 07.11.22


9.1.4 P22/V2378/HH Mockbeggers House, Church End, Blewbury

Ground floor extension with infill wall to under croft, dormer roof extension & additional in-roof window.

Deadline 02.11.22

Council agreed no objections 24.10.22. Returned 24.10.22


9.1.5 P22/V2379/LB Mockbeggers House, Church End, Blewbury

Ground floor extension with infill wall to under croft, dormer roof extension & additional in-roof window.

Deadline 02.11.22

Council agreed no objections 02.11.22. Returned 02.11.22


9.1.6 P22/V2554/HH Gatehouse Studio, London Road, Blewbury

Erection of single storey garden office.

Deadline 29.11.22

Council agreed no objections 11.11.22. Returned 11.11.22


9.2 To note planning permissions received / withdrawn during the month


9.2.1 MW.0099/22 Chilton Recycling Facility

Planning permission 26.10.22

9.2.2 MW.0101/22 Chilton Recycling Facility

Planning permission 26.10.22

9.2.3 P22/V1945/HH 6 Chailey Gardens, Blewbury

Planning permission 05.10.22

9.2.4 P22/V2032/HH Upstones, Berry Lane, Blewbury

Planning permission 06.10.22

9.2.5 P22/V1876/FUL Winterbrook Farm, Blewbury

Planning permission 07.10.22

10.    To hear an update on Finance & Administration from the Clerk


10.1 Financial updates


10.1.1 End of month reconciliation for October sent in advance of the meeting to the

Chairman. Agreed & signed at the meeting.

10.1.2 Lloyds Bank account funds as of 31.10.22:-


This sum includes reserves of:-

  • £21,909.51 village hall remaining refurb funds
  • £15,273.28 CIL funds

Net funds available £86,714.55

10.1.3 End Q2 results, end of year forecast & budget 2023/4

Clerk is working with LR on results to send to Council in advance of Finance Committee Meeting in December.


10.2 Administrative updates


10.2.1 BPC Finance Committee Meeting

Council agreed to hold meeting on Thursday 22nd December at 6pm. Clerk to confirm venue.

Attendees – DM, MP, LR, VH

Clerk’s note:- This date will now change to either 20th or 21st TBC.

10.2.2 Council were reminded that elections would be held in May 2023. Council agreed to consider an engagement strategy in December’s meeting.

10.3 To agree authorisers for this month’s payments

LR & DM to authorise payments.


10.4 To approve payments to be made under the general power of competence and within budgeted amounts as detailed in the table below – All Councillors





E Cooper/D Hollick/

E Holroyd

Clerk, Lengthman & Hall Administrator salaries & expenses for October£2193.00
NEST DDClerk’s pension October & November (£92.09pm)£184.18
HMRCPAYE Clerk, Lengthman, Hall Admin October£290.40
Biffa Waste Services Ltd DDWaste services November£112.32


BT DDClubhouse line rental November£40.66
Scottish Power DDClubhouse electricity 01.10.22£300.00
J NewmanClubhouse cleaning October£252.00
Tom Coates (Rustic Management)Hedge trimming 20.09.22 (paid to be ratified)£90.00
Calders & GrandidgePoles for TFF Play Space (VAT only, not inc in pro forma – paid to be ratified)£218.59
PWLB DDPW497831 Clubhouse repayment 31.10.22£4365.00
SSE DDScout Hut electricity Q3£166.63
Tanfield ChambersCounsel opinion (paid to be ratified)£780.00
BVHEMCPO Grant Q3 Oct-Dec£300.00
OALCCouncillor Fundamentals course (AM)£66.00





Blewbury village allotmentsIncome (30.09.22)£520.00
Reeves MemorialsKay Memorial£75.00
BVHEMCClubhouse Melland Room Income July-Sept22£2976.00
Co-op Funeral CareMoore burial fees£210.00
Abingdon Stone & Marble /

Co-op Funeral Care

Crook memorial /

Chapman burial

Scottish PowerBGC£66.00
Blewbury Tennis ClubInsurance share£90.24
Mrs MorrisMorris memorial£75.00
BVHEMCHEH salary repay£1776.49
BVHEMCInsurance share£3459.33

11.    To receive an update from VHEMC – DM

11.1 Trustees / Counsel opinion update

Counsel’s opinion was sought & given, in that there should be a way of changing the personal liability on trustee of the village hall & DM is waiting for written instruction.

11.2 Cycle shelter update

DM to speak with B Gibson regarding the final decision on a cycle rack with or without a cycle shelter.

11.3 Any other updates


12.    To receive an update on the Community Art project – CB & LI

LI confirmed that David Harber will provide 3 ideas for artwork following a discussion with LI & DM.

The installation site & an unveiling event will be discussed in due course.

13.    To receive an update on the all things relating to the operation of the Clubhouse & the recreation ground – MP, DH


           13.1 Clubhouse

13.1.1 Alarm system update

Council agreed unanimously to proceed with the AVS proposed alarm system. Clerk to pursue with AVS.

13.1.2 All other matters relating to the Clubhouse

Clerk to monitor electricity charges & report to MP.

AM to speak to E Eisenhandler regarding the IT specification for the Clubhouse & discuss with MP.

13.2 Recreation ground

13.2.1 Update on any other aspect


14.    To receive an update on all aspects of TFF & car park – LR, MS, DH


14.1 Play area / trim trail update

14.1.1 Remedial work Play space

Replacement poles have been delivered. MS to arrange installation. Trim trail

MS confirmed delivery of new parts scheduled for Monday 14th November.

14.1.2 Annual & quarterly inspections

Clerk to source an inspector to carry out an inspection when all remedial work is complete.

14.1.3 Weekly visual & monthly recorded inspections update

Carried out by DH.

14.2 Any other updates

14.2.1 Outdoor tennis table – LI

A potential site has been identified by the tennis club. R Murphy to report back to LI.

14.2.2 MP reported that an additional 5 – 10 spaces could be created in the TFF car park by squaring off the spaces. To be considered further next year.

15    To receive an update on Risk Management & Compliance


15.1 Update on TFF incident on 1.5.22

No further update from the insurers has been received.

15.2 Speed Watch Update

Report received in advance of the meeting & sent to Council.

15.3 Speed Reduction Measures update – CB/LI

Regarding the siting of SIDs, Council agrees in principle to the sites suggested, with the exception of the Pound. CB to provide details of potential affected properties on Bessels Way to LI, as             property occupants will need to be informed. CB to speak to other Parish Councils where SIDs are installed for advice. CB stated J Ingoldby was happy for volunteers to move SIDs around, but they       must receive training & be covered by Parish Council insurance. Clerk to obtain ‘volunteer’ template & send to Council.

15.4 Village defibrillators update

The Clerk confirmed that the two defibrillators (village hall replacement & Blueberry new installation) had been requested from Community Heartbeat. An invoice has yet to be received.

Clerk’s note:- Invoice received 11.11.22. The defib unit for the Clubhouse awaits installation.

15.5 Any update or information on risk management & compliance


16.   To receive an update on issues relating to the Environment – from CB


16.1 Information from Sustainable Blewbury

16.1.1 SB is to apply to become a CIO (Charitable Incorporated Organisation) in December.

16.1.2 The annual village leaf clearance will take place on 20th November.

MB to obtain keys to tractor & trailer for black bag collection. MB to speak to J Lakeland & DH.

16.1.3 Work to take over the Thames Water site & Quaker burial site is ongoing.


16.2 Any other environmental issues

16.2.1 CB, LI, DM to discuss a plan for revising the Council’s ‘Green Spaces’ policy to include nature enhancement & protected areas, & to align with the NDP.

16.2.2 LI to include a note in the Bulletin regarding close boarded fences & referring to the NDP (Neighbourhood Development Policy).

17.   To receive an update on any issues relating to Footways, Footpaths, rights of way and open spaces – from MP, LI, MB


17.1 Update on any future tree work

DM confirmed he is awaiting a tree work schedule from Complete Tree Services for next year.

17.2 Play Close Footpaths & ecology update

CB confirmed that the PCC were dealing with a TOE application.

17.3 Any other update on Footways, Footpaths, Rights of Ways & open spaces in & around the village

17.3.1 Chalk Pit signage

LI had sent round chalk pit sign copy for comment. Concern was raised over the use of any fire or barbeque. LI to consider in final draft.

18.   To receive an update on any outstanding consultations – All Councillors


19.  To agree the date/venue of the next meeting(s) of the Council – All Councillors


Next full council meeting Wednesday 14th December at 7.00pm in the Melland Room.

BPC Finance Committee Meeting Thursday 22nd December at 5pm in the Old Mill.



The meeting finished at 8.55pm.



Appendix A


1.MB to discuss with landowner the potential for hedge planting along concrete path to nature reserve.December meeting
2.MS & CB to speak re grant application strategy for various climate action planting initiativesDecember meeting
3.All to consider community engagement initiativesDecember meeting
4.DM to speak BG re village hall bicycle shelter & rack or just rack.December meeting
5.Clerk to engage AVS for Clubhouse alarm systemDecember meeting
6.Clerk to send BT account details to MPActioned
7.AM to speak to E. Eisenhandler regarding an IT spec for the Clubhouse & discuss MPDecember meeting
8.MS to arrange the replacement of cross poles at the TFF Play SpaceDecember meeting
9.Clerk to arrange for TFF Play Space inspectionDecember meeting
10.CB to confirm to Council final sitings for SIDsDecember meeting
11.Clerk to obtain ‘volunteer’ template & send to CouncilDecember meeting
12.LI to note in Bulletin NDP principle on close boarded fencingDecember meeting
13.MB to obtain keys to tractor & trailer from DH for leaf collection & confirm to J LakelandASAP
14.CB, LI, DM to discuss a plan for revising the Council’s ‘Green Spaces’ policyOngoing
15.MS to look at the Council being more involved in next year’s Remembrance Day.December meeting


1.CB to look at a hedge cutting management plan for 2023.January meeting


Appendix B – Lengthman’s Report

October 2022

Nothing much to report this month.

Some grass cutting done. Footpath, Recreation Ground and TFF areas all OK.

Hedge cutting has been completed. Some by myself and the rest by a contractor from Aston.

New poles for the TFF Play Area repairs have been delivered.

I will be starting on the servicing of the mechanical equipment in November/ December.

All other areas are satisfactory.



Appendix C

OCC news: cost of living special

Cost of living support for low-income pensioners and families: OCC are sending a one-off payment of £85 to 11,000 lower income pensionable households to support with energy bills. Eligible residents will receive an Oxfordshire-branded letter from the Post Office, redeemable for cash at Post Office branches. Schools and colleges will provide children entitled to free school meals with a £15 voucher.


£100K pot to help community organisations with energy bills: Applications for grants between £250 and £3000 can be made through the Oxfordshire Community Foundation. Expected to be popular – deadline is 21 November 2022.


In November I proposed a motion around off grid living / energy parity, the council voted to request more energy support for off-grid residents: Many residents in rural areas live without access to mains energy and instead use heating oil, bottled gas, or other forms of fuel. The leader of the council will write to government to request off-grid residents receive the same level of support (£400) as on-grid residents. Conservative councillors abstained on the motion.


In East Hendred & Steventon we have Warm Spaces – I’ve attached the November details for Hendreds, I believe Steventon is every other Tuesday at St Michael’s Church Hall, well done to everyone for making these happen! Yesterday I met with Cllr Medley and she has ideas for Harwell too!


OCC supports care business start-ups: OCC is supporting new ‘micro enterprises’ to become established care providers, helping local businesses to grow, and develop greater local choice for people looking for additional support. The Community Catalysts’ programme takes people through the standards, so that new micro-enterprises have a thorough understanding of what it takes to deliver quality care. Over one hundred people have signed up and have the combined capacity to support one thousand people in the county.


Renewed call on government to fund Special Educational Needs & Disabilities (SEND): OCC is appealing to the government to urgently address the national funding issues facing all local authorities providing SEND services for children and young people. The county council has also submitted to the Department of Education bids for two further special free schools.


Tree services team successfully bids for funding: OCC tree services team has been successful in a bid to the Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs (DEFRA). Funding will be used to provide two new community tree and woodland planting officers who will work to increase tree cover across the county.


More sustainable streetlights policy: OCC has approved a new policy for streetlights to reduce impact on climate change and the environment. The policy considers the impact of light pollution on nature and dark skies in assessing where lighting should be added. When new lighting is necessary, dimming and reduction in operating hours will be used to preserve the night sky.


Parking standards for new developments: Developers will need to follow a revised set of guidelines when they consider parking provisions for new developments. New standards place much more emphasis on cycles, shared car clubs, and public transport than on multiple cars per household. A graduated approach is taken to allow for increased need for parking in rural settings.


Cheaper Park and Ride tickets up and running: Passengers can now buy a combined ticket covering both parking and return bus travel for £4 for a car with only 1 adult and £5 for a car and 2 adults. With both options, up to three children under 16 can travel for free. Drivers are encouraged to purchase a combined ticket through the RingGo parking app, or at one of the onsite ticket machines.


Oxford traffic filters: Public consultation closed on 13 October 2022. The next step is for the cabinet to take a decision on 29th November 2022, where the cabinet will consider the outcomes of the public consultation and the closure of Botley Road for a year by Network Rail to accommodate improvements to the railway.



Local News


  1. Harwell, annual Speedwatch data submitted to roads safety teams and once again I’ve asked for a review of Reading Road, also highlighted again concern over the SIDS data. Am also chasing final designs of the high street and now the S278 works for Grove Road (which apparently is happening this month!!!). I’ve had more complaints about Grove Road, the “rural” section and it needs a resolution, it’s still too fast at 40mph, poorly maintained and used as a racetrack by LGV and drivers.


  1. Chilton – Hagbourne Hill issues have now raised this as a complaint to directors as simply getting no where. Now has a weekly monitoring station and minimal works due Nov – Dec, won’t solve the issues in my view. 20mph consultation is open.


  1. Chilton Fields – chasing legal on adoption – no news yet!


  1. Rowstock – Rowstock Relief consultation now closed for phase 1. This I’ll review with officers and speak to Steventon PC once data in, as the effected parish. Sadly Milton Heights isn’t in my division so will try and get engagement.


  1. Former Esso – Milton Hill Hotel – appeal set for January 2023, main points of objection for the review pending from VOWH. Noted RRA meeting set for Thursday 10th November, sadly I have 4 clashes on the same evening.


  1. East Hendred – 20mph consultation open (Let’s Talk Oxfordshire), listening to comments and ideas from residents. PC has asked for speed reduction on Newbury Rd to Ridgeway – it’s non residential and would be rejected I think, however it’s fair to ask up to Icknield way as part of active travel network / vision zero!


  1. Mill Lane – further complaints over football parking by residents, raised with Sports Club Committee, car park was rammed this weekend, and despite cones / markers by the club the traffic was still bad on a small access country lane!


  1. Mill Lane – chasing resurface / dressing as deteriorating, as well as “some” pot holes filled, others left despite being marked up!


  1. West Hendred – crossing feedback design to be completed by end 2022, reminder that this was an additional scheme “slotted” into forward plan due to a near miss incident. There’s a need for a retaining structure which meant further needs by Milestone who are the contractor. Noted the email of complaint by WHPC, but the scheme is in the work programme.


  1. Upton Crossing, delays for finishing communicated to PC, resurfacing shifted to December.


  1. Blewbury, chasing 20mph sign installation. Meanwhile safety review started with officers on Bessels and London road, early days. No other issues flagged in Blewbury


  1. Steventon – resurfacing is November for the subsidence on the High Street side of the bridge, questions asked over how far does this work go, as far as I’ve seen it’s fairly isolated to the most effected area.

Stonebridge road defects rectified

Meanwhile we await WRSE report which due next week, and will be supporting GARD with series of public meetings to discuss.

Bells now installed, pending painting – hopefully that will slow down the HGVs

Barnett Road, ongoing concerns for safety due to parking – still trying to get sense of what can be done due to other localised parking issues

20mph scheme designed and waiting for consultation link!


  1. A417 Hendreds, now have a NO CUT sign for the wildflower Meadow and have bulbs to plant (native) and some foxgloves for plant now the ground is sodden, needs a cut around March and we going to go again!




– Village Safety cases – especially those around major A roads (4130 and 417 two main issues locally)

– 20mph schemes / casing the first block which was Steventon, Chilton, Blewbury and E.Hendred – either for signage or final designs, should all be complete by Dec 2022. Note that Harwell 20mph was a S278 scheme

– HIF1 – although now in planning

– Didcot masterplan on traffic, and representing the division at that table, my primary objective is reducing HGV movements!

– Valley Park – working with ward Cllrs Medley and Gascoigne to get residents forums up and running by Dec 22.

– I work at the community hub volunteering 3 x a week, and we distributing food around the local area, happy to discuss how we have made this work with anyone who wants to do something locally, all welcome at the Steventon and Hendred hubs!

– Raising concerns on SEND provision and supported local residents at recent OCC protest, have pulled together a cross party group to listen, and ensure these voices and issues are not forgotten.

– Looking at School Streets locally and school safety concerns, happy to discuss with PCs around how that works, if suitable, in their parishes.

– attended the Zero Hour event last week, around the CEE Bill, sadly although invited the MP didn’t attend

– ongoing letters and work on Thames water SESRO including county water summit which now has a date (finally!!)

– I’ve stepped off most of the committees now at County to focus on cost of living and division centric work, which is frustratingly experiencing delays, I now only sit on AONB, Place Scrutiny, and Localities (which I chair), as feel these are the three most important committees to influence for our people and place!)


That’s all folks, see you at PCs where I can this month, remember you can always ring me with any issues. Councillor priority funding is now all spent and we await to hear if we get anything in 2023. Meanwhile resources and budgets are getting tighter and tighter, especially in non essential service delivery. It’s not going to be a good winter I feel, and am very concerned, let’s see what 17th November brings us all!



Cllr Sally Povolotsky FRSA (She / Her)

County Councillor for Hendreds & Harwell Division

Mobile – 07939 912997




Appendix D


Monday 7th November 2022 Monthly Parish Update

Vale of White Horse District Councillors

Cllr Hayleigh Gascoigne and Cllr Sarah Medley


Hello! November has started with some great local events in the community – firstly, the annual fireworks display on the Harwell recreation ground on Friday 4th November. Well done and thank you to the Harwell Scouts for organising the event, the fireworks were very impressive! On Saturday 5th November we attended the first ever Didcot Eco Fair at Cornerstone Arts Centre. Well done to Sustainable Didcot and South & Vale Business Support for organising – it was a perfect opportunity to shop local with eco-friendly small businesses in the area. Thank you to the local organisations there giving advice and information on home insulation, recycling and ways to save on your energy bills.

We know that the recent energy price increases and rising cost of living continue to be a concern for many residents. A reminder that the council has put together a Cost of Living Help webpage for more information about financial and housing support, and local community food services. You can also contact the council’s Community Support Hub for practical support and advice: call 01235 422 600 (Mon to Thurs 8.30-5pm and Fridays 8.30-4.30pm) or visit Citizens Advice Oxfordshire South and Vale can provide you with free, confidential advice via 0808 278 7907. Vale Community Impact can provide free advice too, call them on 01235 765348.

We use these monthly updates to keep you updated on our activities, general council news and any COVID-19 developments. We also post regularly on our councillor Facebook Page: Cllrs Hayleigh Gascoigne & Sarah Medley Please do not hesitate to get in touch with any issues or concerns, either via Facebook message or email: and  

Community Support

The Council Community Support Hub

The Community Support Hub, originally set up by the council in 2020 in response to the pandemic, is still available for anyone in need of help: if you have COVID-19, or if you are struggling financially due to the cost-of-living crisis, or if you are just finding life difficult due to the pandemic. Whether it’s practical support or just advice, get in touch. Call: 01235 422 600 (Mon to Thurs 8.30-5pm and Fridays 8.30-4.30pm) or visit


General Ukraine queries:

For housing and community support in South and Vale:

Checking your benefits entitlement

From Age UK Oxfordshire – With financial difficulties becoming an issue for more and more people, now is a good time to check your benefits entitlement. Government grants for support with fuel bills commonly check if you were getting a means-tested benefit, such as Pension Credit, so it’s important to ensure you’re not missing out. You can ask a local advice centre to help you, or if you have access to the internet there are several well-known benefits check websites that you can use.

Age UK

Entitled To


You can ring the Pension Service who can check your eligibility for Pension Credit over the phone on 0800 99 1234 (8am to 6pm weekdays). Age UK Oxfordshire Advice Line – 0345 450 1276

Local News

Didcot & Villages Health Care

Healthwatch Oxfordshire is hosting an online Open Forum on Tuesday 29th November from 4.30pm to 5.30pm, and all are welcome to attend to have your say about local health and care services. For details, including a Zoom joining link, see here.

As part of Healthwatch Oxfordshire’s support for Patient Participation Groups they also hold regular webinars for PPG members and patients on topics of interest. The next webinar will be held on Friday 25th November at 1.30pm and will explore ‘Who else can I see in my doctor’s surgery other than my GP’. More details on this, including a joining link, will be given on the website – click here.

Talented young people star in A Christmas Carol at Cornerstone

Young People from Didcot and the surrounding area will play starring roles in an adaptation of A Christmas Carol – Charles Dickens’ festive tale of redemption and compassion, taking place at Cornerstone in Didcot.

To book tickets or find out more visit or call the box office on 01235 515144.

Climate & Environment News

Solar farm public consultation

A developer has launched a public consultation for proposals for a large solar farm in the Vale, West Oxfordshire and Cherwell. The developer proposing the Botley West Solar Farm advise that it is large enough to be considered a ‘Nationally Significant Infrastructure Project’, which means it will be determined by a government appointed Planning Inspector – you can read more about that process here.
The deadline to submit any comments is the 15 December and there will be public events taking place across the area from 19 November – 5 December. There’s more information on the developer’s website

Funding available for community climate projects – apply now!

Communities in the Vale have another chance to apply for funding to help grassroots projects aimed at tackling climate change. Local groups and town and parish councils can apply for a share of £50,000 from the latest round of Vale of White Horse District Council’s Climate Action Fund, with up to £5,000 on offer for individual projects.

The funding is aimed at projects that help to address climate change and increase people’s awareness and knowledge of the climate emergency.  Work could focus on areas such as the natural environment, energy, waste and consumption, or transport and travel. Applications are open until midday on 25 November 2022.

New LEDs light up leisure centre

New LED lighting at the White Horse Leisure and Tennis Centre in Abingdon has given the centre a new lease of life and is saving energy at the same time.

Council presents colourful bench to the winner of its litter bug trails competition

There’s a new ‘seat of learning’ at Wootton St Peters School after the school was presented with a bright multi-coloured recycled plastic bench for their playground by Councillor Sally Povolotsky, Vale of White Horse District Council Cabinet Member for Climate Emergency and Environment. Report highlights council’s work towards tackling the climate emergency

Report highlights council’s work towards tackling the climate emergency

Vale of White Horse District Council’s work towards tackling climate change has been highlighted in a new quarterly report. As part of its commitment to openness and transparency, the Vale publishes a performance report showing the progress of its Climate Action Plan. As part of its commitment to openness and transparency, the Vale publishes a performance report showing the progress of its Climate Action Plan.  The Plan sets out the steps it will take to become a carbon neutral council and how it will support local efforts to reduce carbon emissions across the district. You can read the full report on the cabinet meeting agenda page.

Claim a free tree for your garden

The International Tree Foundation and Oxfordshire Trees Collaborate are working together this autumn to offer free tree saplings for people to plant in their garden.
For more information and to order a free tree please visit the International Tree Foundations website.

Climate Emergency Advisory Committee – 5th December

The next climate emergency advisory committee meeting is 5th December.
The agenda will be published on the website closer to the time.

As always, if you wish to speak in this meeting, or any other, please email Democratic Services a few days in advance of the meeting. The contact is:

Council News

Full Council meeting – 12 October 2022

Cllr Emily Smith, Leader of Vale of White Horse District Council, delivered her Leader’s statement to Council at the meeting on 12 October 2022.
“At the forefront of my mind at the moment is the worsening Cost of Living Crisis and how we as a council can best support local people and businesses from huge energy bills, rising prices and runaway inflation…“
Head to press release to read the full statement.

Cllr Hayleigh Gascoigne proposed a motion pledging support for businesses struggling with rising costs. Following the approved motion, Cllr Emily Smith, Leader of Vale of White Horse District Council, will write to The Rt Hon Jacob Rees-Mogg MP, Secretary of State for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy, to ask him to consider lengthening the energy cap period for small businesses and provide more direct support for the hospitality industry, particularly pubs and restaurants struggling with rising food and energy costs. Read the press release for more information.

A new approach for community health and wellbeing

“We want our residents to be active, healthy and happy.” Those were the words of Cllr Helen Pighills, Cabinet Member for Healthy Communities at Vale of White Horse District Council about a new Active Communities strategy her council has launched in partnership wit South Oxfordshire District Council.

“Our aim is to give our local residents the ability and tools to make a real and sustainable difference to their own activity levels, their physical health and in turn their mental wellbeing,” added Cllr Maggie Filipova-Rivers, South Oxfordshire’s Cabinet Member for Community Wellbeing.

The strategy is a brand new approach to health and wellbeing developed by the two neighbouring councils to help their residents come together to take part in sport, health and recreational activities that improve their physical and mental wellbeing, while forging stronger social links within their local communities.

Bin day changes
Almost every household across Blewbury, Harwell, Chilton and Upton has been affected by the Bin Day changes.

The vast majority of collections have gone ahead without disruption following Biffa’s recent rollout of rerouted collection rounds, however there have been a few issues here and there. If you have been affected, then you can use the contacts below or contact one of us in the usual way to chase this up.

  • missed collections not connected to the changes should be reported by residents in the usual way to Biffa by calling 03000 610610.

Anyone needing to check their waste collection details can visit Binzone – or