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Minutes of the meeting of the Parish Council held on Wednesday 14th June 2023 at 7.00 pm in the Vale Room at the Blewbury Village Hall.

In attendance:- Chairman D Mathias (DM)
Councillors A Millman (AM), M Shayler (MS), S Austin (SA), A Calder (AS)
Clerk E Cooper (EC)
District Councillor H Gascoigne (HG)
One member of the public.

1.     To receive apologies for absence

Cllrs L Inglis, J Gibson, Lengthman D Hollick, County Cllr S Povolotsky, District Cllr D Dewhurst

2.     To co-opt new Councillors

2.1 To agree to the co-option of two new Councillors

Sheila Austin & Andrew Calder were duly co-opted to the Council.

2.2 New Councillors to complete Declaration of Acceptance of Office forms

Sheila Austin & Andrew Calder completed their Declaration of Acceptance of Office forms & these were countersigned by the Clerk.

2.3 New Councillors to complete Register of Members Interests forms

Sheila Austin & Andrew Calder completed their Register of Members Interests forms.


3. To record any declarations of interests relating to this meeting



4. To receive the County Councillor’s report

Received in advance of the meeting & sent to Council.


5. To receive District Councillor’s report

Received in advance of the meeting & sent to Council. In addition HG stated:-

  • The Climate Action Fund was open again.
  • A report is expected shortly on the doctor’s surgery requirements on Great Western Park.
  • Electric chargers. AM & SA agreed to look at a potential application.
  • HG will check if there is any further CIL money to come. Clerk’s note:- HG confirmed there is no further CIL money to be allocated to Blewbury at this time.


6. To receive the Lengthman’s report

A verbal report was given to the Clerk from the Lengthman, with details emailed to Council on 14th June.

– The new flooring in the Clubhouse is progressing well, moving from the changing rooms up to the kitchen. The kitchen installation & flooring in the Melland Room will take place next week.

– All the mowing is up to date, & as you may imagine, has taken some hours to complete.

– New bench – David suggests that the new bench replaces the one by the play area on TFF. The existing bench needs to be removed, repaired & installed by the Clubhouse.

– Once the new kitchen is in at the Clubhouse, a working party needs to be formed to put all the stuff back in place. This will take time as it all will need washing before being put back. You may also wish to do a little ‘sort out’. SA offered the use of a commercial dishwasher for this task. SA to contact DH & arrange.

7.   Open Forum

To receive representations from members of the public if present. Maximum 15 minutes (3 minutes per person).

Dave Child attended the meeting to express his concern about the poor state of the area of Coffin Way just up from Westbrook Street in terms of both the overgrown hedges & the state of the path.

8.   To approve previous minutes & report on any matters arising

Minutes of the BPC Annual General meeting held on 10th May 2023

Council unanimously agreed the minutes as a true record.

8.1 Matters arising

8.1.1 Malthus Trust

DM explained the Council’s responsibility to nominate people as trustees for the Malthus Trust every 4 years. Meirion James & Lydia Inglis are the current nominees & Council agreed to the nominations for a further 4 years. DM also proposed that the Malthus Trust & the Council meet once a year. A policy will be required to cover these actions in future.

9.   To hear the Planning Committee Report & Ratify/Agree Planning Responses


9.1 To agree the council’s response to the following consultations

9.1.1 P23/V1035/HH Garden House, Westbrook Street, Blewbury

Replace all windows with PVCu windows, addition of front door with porch & two new windows to north elevation. Stained timber cladding etc.

Deadline 21.06.23.

BPC response no objections 05.06.23.

9.1.2 P23/V1169/FUL Blewbury Service Station

Retrospective application for a proposed 3m rear extension.

Deadline 13.06.23.

BPC response no objections with comments 26.05.23.


9.1.3 P23/V0560/HH Amendment no. 1 for 85 Dibleys, Blewbury

Parking arrangements amended.

BPC response no objections 24.05.23.

9.1.4 Land adjacent to the Garden House, Coffin Way, Blewbury

Construction of a single detached dwelling.

Deadline 08.06.23.

BPC agreed to object as follows:-

The PC has no objection to the design of the house, however the site plan as depicted includes a shared access road. The PC objects to the close-boarded fencing proposed between the bungalow and the new house – policy 9 of the village NDP states: Where possible, boundaries should be native or wildlife-enhancing hedgerows. Fencing and walls should reflect traditional rural styles; high fences or walls restricting views are discouraged. The PC is also concerned about the proposed car parking, which will lead to cars exiting the site by reversing across a public footpath.  


9.1.5 P23/V1300/HH Charity School House, Church Road, Blewbury

Erection of detached, oak-framed home office & reading room following removal of two existing  sheds.

Deadline 05.07.23

BPC agreed no objectives, plus narrative 14.06.23.


9.2 To note planning permissions / withdrawals received during the month


9.2.1 P23/V0726/LDP Winterbrook Farm, Bessels Way, Blewbury

New pool side summerhouse.

Application withdrawn 16.05.23.

10.   To hear an update on Finance & Administration from the Clerk


10.1 Financial Updates

10.1.1 End of month reconciliation sent in advance of the meeting to the Chairman.

Agreed & signed at the meeting by DM.


10.1.2 Lloyds Bank account funds as of 31.05.23 were £134,134.01 CIL Funds

The Clerk explained it had come to light that the c£9500 of CIL funds being held by  the Council for the village artwork project, were also being held as S106 funds. This                           means that the CIL funds are free to be spent elsewhere. Deadline October 2025. CIL funds held by the Council are £10,521.53. S106 Funds

Held by the District Council & can be drawn down. £9595.01 confirmed as held for the village artwork project. £124.31 held for skate park repairs.

Total S106 funds £9719.32. Spend deadline May 2027. Village Hall refurb funds remain reserved at £21,909.51. Net Council funds available as at 31.05.23 £101,702.97.


10.1.3 May receipts include:-

Cemetery fees totalling £875.00


10.2 Administrative updates


10.2.1 Standing Orders Review

Council to agree to the following changes:-

Item 18. Financial controls & procurement, para v.

‘£25,000’ should now read ‘£60,000’ with regards to contract estimates below this value not being subject to a tendering process.

Other changes proposed to paras 3x, 15b i, 15b iv, 18a, v, c & 27 l, I k.

Council unanimously agreed to update the Standing Orders. Clerk’s note:- revised & issued to Council 19.6.23.


10.2.2 To hear an update on the internal & external audits Internal Audit

Complete 06.06.23. IA report sent to Council ahead of meeting. Council agreed to accept the IA report. External Audit

  1. To agree & sign off the Accounting Statements

Accounting Statements agreed by Council & signed by the Chairman.

  1. To agree the parameters of the Notice of Public Rights

Council agreed to the parameters of the Notice of Public Rights.

iii. To agree to the restatement of assets for last year

Council agreed to the restatement of the asset level for the previous year, & to the level for the 22-23 audit.

  1.              To agree for all audit documentation to be sent to the external auditor                                               Council agreed all necessary documentation to be sent to the external auditor.


10.3 To agree authorisers for this month’s payments

LR & DM.


10.4 To approve payments to be made under the general power of competence and within budgeted amounts.

Council agreed to all payments & noted the following:-

10.4.1 The HMRC PAYE figure was amended to £466.75 with the addition of Employer NICs.

Clerk explained that Employer NICs are now part of the calculation of the payment to HMRC.

10.4.2 The addition of the payment of CPRE annual membership at £36.






E Cooper/D Hollick/

E Holroyd

Clerk, Lengthman & Hall Administrator salaries & expenses for May£2,721.70
HMRCPAYE Clerk, Lengthman, Hall Admin May£466.75
NEST DDClerk’s pension May£107.93
Biffa Waste Services Ltd DDWaste services June£123.84


BT DDClubhouse line rental June£46.53
J NewmanClubhouse cleaning May£108.00
DHPHFix of secondary leak in Clubhouse roof space*£319.20
Walters Electrical ServicesElectrical installation of two cabins at Clubhouse£500.00
Master Thatcher (Kit David)Cob wall repairs*£180.00
OCC05/06/23 to 04/06/24 Annual Rent Land in grounds of Blewbury School (KAP)£210.08
Pear TechCemetery Maplink tech support£108.00
QiK GroupHire of 2 facility cabins at Clubhouse*£1507.20
Radii RampsRepairs to skate ramp*£250.00
The Revival CompanyClubhouse drying out process VAT only invoice£3719.27
White Horse HorticultureOne cut of Pound, Play close & Churchyard May£225.00
Shayler ConcreteSupply of gravel for footpaths leading from the Play Close£360.00

* Paid to be ratified





M&J DidcockBurial fee (Saunders)£635.00
ChadwicksInterment fee (Gunawardena)£240.00

11.    To receive an update from VHEMC representative on village hall activities


11.1 Bike rack update

Details to be finalised at the next VHEMC meeting on 7th July.

11.2 Any other updates on village hall activities



12.    To receive an update on the all things relating to the operation of the Clubhouse & the recreation ground


           12.1 Clubhouse & Recreation Ground

12.1.1 Remedial work update

  1.   Overall progress

Worthy Builders are keeping the Council informed of progress & plan for all the main work to be completed by the end of the month, followed by snagging & cleaning.

  1.     Kitchen/Bar area (new fridge/microwave combi oven)

This is in the process of being fitted. Combi oven & larder fridge to be ordered. Clerk to action.

iii. Clubhouse alcohol licence

Council agreed that the premises licence should be transferred from the CIC to the Council before the expiry date of 20th June. Clerk to action. It was acknowledged that previous                 invoices to the CIC for the premises have gone unpaid & the Council may have to pay these invoices, if no funds are to come from the CIC. Clerk to action.

  1. Melland room sound panels – refurb or replace?

Council agreed for a spot test with a steam cleaner to take place & if successful to engage a contractor to steam clean the whole panel. Clerk’s note:- Spot test failure. Industrial                                  steam clean required. DH looking for suitable contractors.

12.1.2 Cricket club considerations (season fees / annual agreement)

The cabins provided & in use by the cricket club were proving useful & had enabled them to start their season.

Meetings have been arranged with the Cricket Club and Amazons girls’ football representative, together with DM & JG to review/renew agreements.


12.1.3 Amazons football considerations

See 12.1.2 above.


12.1.4 Purchase & installation of a bike rack

MS confirmed that the Council already has bike racks which are stored at the Scout Hut.

Clerk to speak to DH re bringing these in to use at the Clubhouse.

12.1.5 Any other updates on any aspect of the Clubhouse

Clerk stated that a working party would be needed to restock the Clubhouse (mainly the kitchen) once all works complete.


13.    To receive an update on all aspects of TFF & car park


13.1 Play areas update (MS/DH)

No update.

13.2 Any other updates – Trim Trail/TFF/Car Park

No update.


14.    To receive an update on Risk Management & Compliance


14.1 Speed Watch update

The Council acknowledged the discussions around a crossing on the London Road between Westbrook Street & Savages (exact location to be determined). Speed measure strips will be             installed in the vicinity shortly.

Council expressed concern regarding the moving around of SID units post installation. The Community Speed Watch team, even with assistance from Council members, may not be able to                   carry this out. LR knows of a similar situation where a contractor is hired to move the SIDs. LR to gather more information.

14.2 Any update or information on risk management & compliance

AC to look at alternatives to the current insurance broker/supplier. Clerk to provide details.


15.   To receive an update on issues relating to the Environment


15.1 Information from Sustainable Blewbury (AM)

AM confirmed that Sustainable Blewbury has now gained a charitable status. This has implications for the Blewbury Garden Market on a Saturday morning as they can no longer operate under the Sustainable Blewbury heading.

All is well with the nature reserve.

A lease is with the Quaker Wood owner & is under discussion.

Community Orchard fruit will soon be available for all.

15.2 Any other environmental issues

Coffin Way hedge (Westbrook Street end) as raised under the open forum. Acknowledged this is an OCC path, but the hedges may be owned by the landowners on either side. MS to recommend a suitable material that could be used to improve the path under foot.


16.   To receive an update on any issues relating to footpaths, rights of way and open spaces


16.1 Parking on the Pound

No response from OCC regarding repairs. MS to provide rocks or something similar to prevent parking on the verge.

16.2 Play Close Footpaths

This work is complete.

16.3 Coffin Way considerations

See 15.2 above. Clerk to speak to OCC re update on Coffin Way change of designation.

16.4 Any other updates on footpaths, rights of way and open spaces

16.4.1 Cow Lane

A complaint was received regarding the use of this footpath by horse riders, when it is not a bridleway. Council agreed it had been this way for many years, but perhaps the signage could         be made more prominent. Clerk to write back to complainant.


17.   To receive an update on any outstanding consultations



18. To agree the date/venue of the next meeting(s) of the Council


Next full Parish Council meeting will be held on Wednesday 12th July at 7.00pm in the Vale Room in the Village Hall.



The meeting finished at 8.40pm.



       Appendix A


1.AM & SA to look at potential application for an electric car charging pointJuly
2.SA to arrange with DH collection of Clubhouse kitchen items to run through commercial dishwasher.July
3.Clerk to draft 2 x letters for Malthus Trust trustee appointmentsJuly
4.DM to arrange an annual meeting with the Malthus TrustOngoing
5.DM to draft a policy document between BPC & Malthus TrustASAP
6.Clerk to order larder fridge & combi oven for Clubhouse kitchenASAP
7.Clerk to action transfer of Clubhouse alcohol licence. Actioned 19.6.23 (expiry date 20.6.23)Actioned
8.DH to look at suitable steam cleaning companies for Melland Room sound boardsASAP
9.DM/JG to review/renew agreements with Cricket Club & AmazonsASAP
10.Clerk to speak to DH re bike racks for ClubhouseActioned
11.LR to investigate hire of contractor for moving SIDs post initial installation.July
12.Clerk to provide Council insurance details to ACActioned
13.MS to recommend suitable material for Coffin Way footpath between hedges at Blewbury endJuly
14.MS to provide rocks or similar to edge of Pound at top of South StreetASAP
15.Clerk to speak to OCC for update on Coffin Way change of designation.Actioned
16.Clerk to respond to complainant re Cow LaneActioned


1.DH to speak to A Musson re hedge cutting plans for the autumn.C’fwd 
2.AM & LI to meet with N James re Malthus Trust trustee appointmentActioned 
3.DM & DH to find suitable location for beech tree on TFFC’fwd Oct 
4.AM to speak to A Musson regarding London Road hedge layingActioned 
5.DH to speak to BlewShed re work on new benchActioned 
7.Clerk to investigate CIL & S106 fundsActioned 
8.LI to start revising Neighbourhood Development policyActioned 
3.Clerk to arrange a meeting with BVGA to discuss allotment administration.August
4.HEH to forward email from surgery to DM.C’fwd
6.MS to confirm if any further work is required to secure table tennis table.C’fwd
8.LI to confirm final siting of SIDs on Bessels WayC’fwd
11.MS to agree & arrange for a method of parking prevention on the Pound.C’fwd
12.MS to investigate possibility of installing steps in to TFF from Rubble Pit LaneJuly
14.AM to arrange Beeswax talk at future BPC meetingJuly
15.AM/LI to investigate where to plant wild flower areas.TBC