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Minutes of the meeting of the Parish Council held on Wednesday 13th September 2023 at 7.00 pm in the Melland Room at the Blewbury Clubhouse.

In attendance: - Chairman D Mathias (DM)
Councillors A Millman (AM), S Austin (SA), A Calder (AC), J Gibson (JG), J Saunders (JS), M Shayler
(MS), L Inglis (LI), L Robinson (LR)
Clerk E Cooper (EC)
Lengthman D Hollick (DH)
Speed Watch Team J Ingoldby (JI)
District Councillors H Gascoigne (HG), D Dewhurst (DD)

1.     To receive apologies for absence

County Councillor S Povolotsky

2. To record any declarations of interests relating to this meeting


3. To receive the County Councillor’s report

None received.

4. To receive District Councillor’s report

Received in advance of the meeting & issued to the Council.

HG / DD stated there is a GWPHC update in their report. This is in the hands of Taylor Wimpey & the ICB (who have not submitted a plan for a surgery as yet). HG / DD urged the Council to contact the ICB & push for progress.

HIF1 (OCC led 4 projects – A4130 dualling, Didcot Science Bridge, Didcot – Culham river crossing, Cliften Hampden bypass) – due for determination by Secretary of State for Levelling Up, Housing & Communities Now subject to an 8-day public inquiry in December.

5. SpeedWatch / Speed Reduction Measures

(Moved to here from item 13.1)

5.1 SIDs

JI stated the SID poles were installed. 3 SID units are to be installed on the poles & rotated to an agreed timetable. LR to investigate how this installation will take place & how the rotation will be managed. R Loyd of the Speed Watch team keen to have the SIDs installed asap. JI, RL, LR to coordinate & form a plan, including how to download speed data from the units. They will endeavour to have one installed by the end of the month.

5.2 White Gates

JI is chasing the white gates & road markings.

6. To receive the Lengthman’s report

DH reported that he had dealt with several cases of vandalism in the Clubhouse/Scout Hut area.

DH recommended, & the Council agreed, to engage a contractor to remove the lavender hedge & other foliage.

7.   Open Forum

No members of the public were present. However, S Austin spoke as a resident about problems that another park home site, under a different parish council were experiencing. These same problems had been experienced by Ladycroft in Blewbury. SA asked if any support could be offered to the other Parish Council? Council in favour of offering written assistance. AM has access to previous documents & will develop outline of steps previously taken. JS urged caution & advised any correspondence to be legally checked.

8.   To approve previous minutes & report on any matters arising

Minutes of the BPC meeting held on 12th July 2023

Council agreed previous minutes as a true record.

9.   To hear the Planning Committee Report & Ratify/Agree Planning Responses (LI)


9.1 To agree the council’s response to the following consultations

9.1.1 P23/V1943/HH 29 Bridus Mead, Blewbury

Enclose existing porch, loft conversion with rear dormer & roof lights.

Deadline 15.09.23

Council agreed no objections. Returned 08.09.23

9.1.2 P23/V1825/HH Ashbrook House, Westbrook Street, Blewbury

Proposed construction of an annexe tied to Ashbrook House.

Deadline extended to 18.09.23

Council agreed no objections, but with comments. Returned 15.09.23.

9.2 To note planning permissions / withdrawals received during the month


9.2.1 P23/V1265/HH Winterbrook Farm, Bessels Way, Blewbury

Demolish existing plant room & build new summerhouse.

Planning permission 26.07.23


9.2.2 P23/V0446/LB Corrydon House, London Road, Blewbury

LB consent 12.09.23

10.   To hear an update on Finance & Administration from the Clerk

10.1 Financial Updates

10.1.1 End of month reconciliations sent in advance of the meeting to the Chairman.

Agreed & signed by the Chairman in the meeting.

10.1.2 Lloyds Bank account funds as of 31.08.23 were £81,843.52

This sum includes reserves of:-

–     £17,269.51 remaining village hall refurb funds

–     £10,521.53 CIL funds

–     S106

The Clerk stated that there had been no response to the request to draw down funds allocated to the village artwork project. DD to make enquiries on behalf  of the Council. Net funds available £54,052.48.

10.1.3 Receipts Cemetery fees for August total £505.00 Donations

The Chairman announced an anonymous donation of £50,000 was to be made to the Council. The donor has asked to approve any suggested spend, for the benefit of the village, based on the Council’s judgement. DM to relay the Council’s thanks to the donor. The Clerk also stated that the second half of the precept was received on 08.09.23 in the sum of £42,500.

10.1.4 Scottish Power – Clubhouse Electricity

Direct Debit 01.09.23 £1109.21. Reduced on 04.09.23 to £631 (meter reading submitted 05.09.23). Direct Debit subsequently further reduced to £424 with effect from 01.10.23.

10.2 Administrative updates

10.2.1 To hear an update on the external audit

External Audit letter, conclusion report & invoice received 23.08.23 & copied to Council. ‘AGAR (Annual Governance & Accountability Return) in accordance with proper practices.’

10.2.2 To hear an update related to the Malthus Trust (LI)

The Malthus Trust is an educational charity – it exists to support children in Blewbury and owns the building occupied by the Pre-school. Currently there are only 11 children enrolled in the Pre-school, and numbers willing to serve on the committee that runs the Pre-school are very low. LI asked Council to ratify a proposal by the Trust to set up a working party to look at ways of making the Pre-        school more sustainable in future. This may include a representative from the Trust, BPC, the Pre-school, the primary school and potentially OCC. Council gave its support to this idea. LI will report back on this in due course.

10.2.3 To hear an update on Council Roles & Responsibilities (DM)

DM to complete the draft & issue to all in about 2 weeks’ time.

10.2.4 Poppy Appeal

AM asked if the Council could make a donation towards a wreath for this year’s poppy appeal. Council unanimously agreed to a donation of £50. AM to provide the Clerk with details for the payment to be made.

10.3 To agree authorisers for this month’s payments


10.4 To approve payments to be made under the general power of competence and within budgeted amounts: –

Council agreed to include a late payment for DHPH in the sum of £169.20.




Amount (inc vat)

E Cooper/D Hollick/

E Holroyd

Clerk, Lengthman & Hall Administrator salaries & expenses for August£2,721.70
HMRCPAYE Clerk, Lengthman, Hall Admin & Employer NICs August£609.35
NEST DDClerk’s pension August£107.93
Biffa Waste Services Ltd DDWaste services August£123.84


BT DDClubhouse line rental August£46.53
J NewmanClubhouse cleaning August£270.00
White Horse HorticultureOne cut of Pound, Play close & Churchyard August£225.00
eCapital CommerceWorthy Builders invoice 12009 (queried with Crawford & Co 4.9.23)£7964.38
Moore External AuditorsBPC EA conclusion£504.00





VariousBurial fees total£505.00


10.5 To ratify payments made in August 2023 & listed at Appendix A

Council unanimously agreed to ratified payments already made.

11.    To receive an update from VHEMC representative on village hall activities (DM)


11.1 Bike rack update (Clerk)

The Clerk explained that although a business case had been submitted, there had been no response & therefore no way of obtaining the funds. DD to chase on behalf of the Council.

11.2 Any other updates on village hall activities

11.2.1 LR had applied for a grant towards 2 x charging points.

11.2.2 DM stated that he was still waiting for a concrete response from Woodlands Surgery in Didcot regarding the new lease for the part time surgery in the Blewbury  village hall.

11.2.3 Village Clubs & Societies event will be held in the main hall of the Village Hall on Sunday 24th September between 2 & 4pm. JS & AM were thanked for their huge involvement in organising this event.

12.    To receive an update on all things relating to the operation of the Clubhouse & the           Recreation Ground (DM, JG, DH, Clerk)

           12.1 Clubhouse & Recreation Ground

On behalf of the Council DM thanked the Clerk, D Hollick for all their work from the day of the flood through to the reopening of the Clubhouse. To JG for her sterling work, particularly in organising the kitchen, to MS for enabling the use of the cabins, to SA for sorting out the glassware, crockery & cutlery & to the Hall Administrator for her input.

12.1.1 i. Clubhouse alcohol licence update (Clerk)

Licence received with new DPS 6.9.23.

ii.Melland Room IT update (AM)

Council agreed it must have a formal specification for the required system in order to ask contractors to quote for like systems. Also, that 3 contractors should be asked to quote if possible. Clerk to arrange.

12.1.2 Cricket club considerations

The cricket club has reached the end of their season.

12.1.3 Amazons football considerations

The poor state of the Clubhouse was noted & reported to the Amazons after their tournament in August & the additional cleaning that this required.

A new user agreement was signed this month.

12.1.4 Lavender hedge & other work update (DH)

Previously covered under Lengthman’s update. Contractors to be approached to quote for work. Clerk to arrange. LR has already obtained a grant towards new plants & will refer to previous advice from C Burrow regarding suitable plants for                   this area.

12.1.5 Installation of existing bike rack hoops (MS/DH)

This will be investigated once the lavender hedge & other foliage has been removed.

12.1.6 Any other updates on any aspect of the Clubhouse


13.    To receive an update on all aspects of TFF & car park (DH/MS)


13.1 Play areas update

Clerk to check on last RoSPA inspection & arrange next.

13.2 Any other updates – Trim Trail/TFF/Car Park

3 Towers Hike Checkpoint on TFF agreed for Saturday 14th October.

14.    To receive an update on Risk Management & Compliance (LI / JI)

14.1 Speed Reduction Measures

Covered in item 5. Above.

14.2 Any update or information on risk management & compliance

LR is now responsible for BPC updates via the Blewbury Parish Council FaceBook page.

LR to add information on camping in the Chalk Pits. This information should also be replicated on the village web site. Clerk to investigate.

15.   To receive an update on issues relating to the Environment (AM)

15.1 Information from Sustainable Blewbury

AM reported that the Nature Reserve was proving successful in a short space of time.

However, progress on the Quaker Wood was moving more slowly.

15.2 Any other environmental issues

Erosion of the edge of the Pound in South Street – see 16.1 below.

16.   To receive an update on any issues relating to footpaths, rights of way and open spaces (All)

16.1 Parking on the Pound (MS)

Reported to fixmystreet 04.09.23 (Clerk). Status ‘in progress’ 13.9.23. Clerk to obtain update.

DM to talk through practicalities with MS & DH.

16.2 Village Artwork installation update (LI)

16.3 Any other updates on footpaths, rights of way and open spaces

JG to advertise for a fixmystreet superuser through the next edition of the Bulletin & on FaceBook (LR).

          17.   To receive an update on any outstanding consultations


18. To agree the date/venue of the next meeting(s) of the Council & any related matters (DM)


18.1 Next full Parish Council meeting will be held on Wednesday 11th October at 7.00pm in the Melland Room at the Clubhouse.

18.2 To discuss the introduction of AOB as an agenda item


Appendix A       

E Cooper/D Hollick/

E Holroyd

Clerk, Lengthman & Hall Administrator salaries & expenses for July£3,178.94
HMRCPAYE Clerk, Lengthman July£609.35
NEST DDClerk’s pension July£107.93
Biffa Waste Services Ltd DDWaste services Aug£123.84


BT DDClubhouse line rental Aug£46.53
Scottish Power DDClubhouse electricity* 1.8.23£788.21
SSE DDScout Hut Q2 electricity£249.14
J NewmanClubhouse cleaning July£144.00
White Horse HorticultureOne cut of Pound, Play close & Churchyard July£225.00
eCapital Commercial Finance LtdWorthy Builders invoice 1 (11979)

(Insurance funds received 18.7.23

Protec Fire DetectWork to remove one detector & replace a second*£438.00
Protec Fire DetectReplacement fire detection panel*£2484.36
David Harber LtdSupply, delivery, and installation of artwork project ‘Blewbury Dial’ – 50% deposit£5400.00
BWSUpgrade Clubhouse intruder alarm£1,420.80
Didcot PlantHire of Auger£191.27
Shayler ConcreteFittings supplied for temporary cabins at Clubhouse£265.00
 Travis PerkinsMiscellaneous for Clubhouse fixings£39.60
Scot PowerOutstanding electricity balance – Clubhouse£3516.94
EEClerk’s phone top up (debit card)£30.00
AmazonClubhouse sundries:-

1. Hall admin phone/accessories £140.97

2. Clubhouse kitchen urn £53.98

3. Clubhouse kitchen urn cover £8.19

4. Clubhouse toilet brushes £53.68

5. Clubhouse post box £24.95

BWS SecurityClubhouse intruder alarm service call (faulty window sensor)£134.40
Travis PerkinsThumb turn cylinder£14.60
VHEMCHall hire£38.25
eCapital CommerceInvoice 12010 Worthys£6957.61
VoWHDCLicence change of DPS (debit card)£23.00


 *Paid to be ratified 


Receipts DescriptionAmount
VHEMC 25.7.23HEH Salary VH Share repayment Q1£1754.50
Hiscox 18.7.23Clubhouse insurance payment£19690.54



       Appendix B


1.Debra D to assist in obtaining drawdown of S106 money for village art project.ASAP
2.Debra D to chase funding for village hall bike rack.ASAP
3.Clerk to check on RoSPA play area inspections.ASAP
4.LR to investigate engaging a third party to install/move around SID units, with objective of installing one unit by end Sept to understand practicalities.ASAP
5.J Ingoldby, R Loyd & L Robinson to form a post SID installation plan for frequency of downloading data & rotation of SIDsOctober meeting
6.J Ingoldby to chase white village gates & road markings. LI to provide contact name to JI.ASAP
7.EC to copy Neighbourhood Plan to HG & DDASAP
8.LI to feedback to Malthus Trust that Council are in favour of a working party to discuss options for the Blewbury pre-school.ASAP
9.DM to complete draft of Council roles & responsibilities & issue to all.October
10.EC to produce spec for new IT equipment in Melland Room & find other contractors to quote.ASAP
11.EC to find 3 gardening contractor to quote for lavender hedge + removal.ASAP
12.LR / JG to add information re camping in the Chalk Pit to FB & website.ASAP
13.DM to speak to MS & DH re practicalities of preventing parking on the Pound.ASAP
14.EC to chase fixmystreet re restoring the edging on the PoundASAP
15.JG to ‘advertise’ for a fixmystreet superuser through the BulletinActioned
16.LR to ‘advertise’ for a fixmystreet superuser through FBActioned


 1.DH to speak to tennis club re removal of lavender hedge & other vegetation in autumn.Actioned
 2.AM/LR/DH to discuss possible installation of bike racks following removal of vegetation as 2. above.Actioned
 3.DH to speak to R Savage re overgrown Savages footpath.C’fwd
 5.LR to give update on moving SIDs around.October meeting
 7.AC to obtain insurance quote from alternative provider.Ongoing
 9.Clerk to obtain ‘funding agreement’ for VH bike rack.C’fwd
 10.VH Woodlands Surgery – DM to update on new lease & commercial agreement.Ongoing
 12.Clubhouse IT – AM to set out recommendations for Council.Actioned
 14.DM to speak to D Long re car parking for croquet clubActioned
 15.DM & DH to discuss potential of marking parking bays at TFF & recreation ground.C’fwd
 16.Amazons – DM & JG to set out terms of use for lighting.Actioned
 17.AM & SA to investigate possibility of EV station & grant.Actioned
 18.JG & AM to investigate 94 bus – reprieved for foreseeable future, but with scheduled changes.Actioned.
 19.JG to request for fixmystreet super user in next Bulletin.Actioned
 21.Clerk to action upgrade of sign on Pound. Changed to arrange removal of sign.ASAP
 22.MS to ascertain ownership of parts of footpath at Blewbury end of Coffin Way.September meeting
 23.Clerk to draft new ‘hedges’ letter.C’fwd
3.DM & DH to find suitable location for beech tree on TFFActioned
4.AM to speak to A Musson regarding London Road hedge layingActioned
5.DH to speak to BlewShed re work on new benchAlmost complete
3.Clerk to arrange a meeting with BVGA to discuss allotment administration.C’fwd
6.MS to confirm if any further work is required to secure table tennis table.Confirmed no.
12.MS to investigate possibility of installing steps in to TFF from Rubble Pit LaneTBC