Minutes of a BPC Finance Committee Meeting held on Thursday 30th May 2024 at 6pm in the Melland Room at the Blewbury Clubhouse.
- To note any apologies for absence
- To agree the Accounting Statements for the 2023/24 audit to recommend to full Council at the next meeting.
The Committee agreed to recommend for acceptance at the next full council meeting both the Annual Governance Statement & the Accounting Statements.
- To review the estimates of receipts and payments for 2024/2025
Due to a number of changes affecting the Council’s budget since it was formally agreed at the full Council meeting in January 2024, the Finance Committee agreed to meet again to revise the budget for 2024/2025 as necessary.
The Committee agreed the budget changes & these are recommended to full council as follows: –
3.1 The recent donations for the skate park replacement of £50,000 & KAP maintenance donation of £1100. These would be added to the budget sheet & the reserves.
3.2 The previous Lengthman leaving two months earlier than planned & adjustments to Lengthman salaries.
3.3 Other smaller adjustments included: –
– Clubhouse income revised up £3000 to £9000
– Parish Council Other Donations reduced to zero
– New litter bin budget increased to £250 from zero
– £1000 added to the Clubhouse for creation of additional storage
- To review any other financial matters affecting changes to the budget
4.1 Grounds maintenance contract
The Committee acknowledged that ‘no mow May’ & the complexities of the work around the churchyard, combined with the wet weather have made it difficult to keep our verges & green areas under control. The Committee therefore agreed to propose to full council that: –
4.1.1 The current contractor (TFM) would be asked to concentrate on the maintenance of the Pound & Play Close.
4.1.2 The previous contractor (Whitehorse Horticulture). with considerable experience of the churchyard area, would be asked to quote for the continued maintenance of this area.
4.2 Any other matters
4.2.1 The Committee also considered the work required on a hedge & footpath at the Blewbury end of Coffin Way. This would be carried forward to full council.
4.2.2 The Committee agreed to propose to full council a Lloyds 32-day notice savings account for c£85,000 of reserves, with an interest rate of c2.5%, paid monthly.
- To review any changes to Reserves
See 3.1 above. In addition, the Committee agreed to remove Speed Watch & Neighbourhood Plan from the Reserves list.
- Date of the next planned Financial Committee meeting: – Thursday 28th November 2024, 7pm in the Melland Room at the Clubhouse.
The meeting finished at 7pm.