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Minutes of the Blewbury Parish Council Meeting held at 7pm on Wednesday 12th April 2023

Minutes of the meeting of the Parish Council held on Wednesday 12th April 2023 at 7.00 pm in the Vale Room at the Blewbury Village Hall.

In attendance:-
Chairman Dermot Mathias (DM)
Vice-Chair Lydia Inglis (LI)
Councillors Lee Robinson (LR), Mark Shayler (MS), Vaughan Humphries (VH), Michael Penington (MP)
Clerk Liz Cooper
Lengthman David Hollick (DH)
Hall Administrator Evi Holroyd (HEH)
District Council Hayleigh Gascoigne (HG)

1.     To receive apologies for absence

Councillor A Millman, County Councillor S Povolotsky

2.     To record any declarations of interests relating to this meeting

Councillor M Shayler – Payments to Shayler Concrete.

3.     To receive the County Councillor’s report

Report received post meeting & sent to Council.

4.     To receive District Councillor’s report

Received ahead of the meeting & sent to Council.

5.     To receive the Lengthman’s report

DH reported that the TFF play space was fully open, although some very minor repairs were still to be carried out. Minor repairs were also pending for KAP. DH also asked that the plan for hedges be revisited. To speak to AM as Sustainable Blewbury representative.

6.   Open Forum

Two members of the public were present at the meeting.

Robin Southwell-Sander, representing the cricket club, gave a brief update on the current membership & fixtures for the season, which starts on 16th May. With the Clubhouse remaining closed to all users, the Council will work with Robin to see what facilities can be arranged (primarily access to power & toilets),

MS to investigate the use of a temporary ‘site cabin’.

7.   To approve previous minutes & report on any matters arising – All Cllrs

7.1 Minutes of the BPC meeting held on 8th March 2023.

Council agreed the minutes were a true record of the meeting.

7.2 Minutes of the Finance Committee meeting held on 22nd December 2022

Correction to item 9.1. This should read ‘The Committee agreed an increase of 10% to SCP30 of the NALC pay scales 22-23, with effect from 1st April 2023’.

Council agreed unanimously to this change.

7.3 Minutes of the BPC meeting held on 11th January 2023

7.3.1 Correction to item ‘Clerk salary increase of 10%, to SCP30 of the NALC pay scales, with a further review following any NALC salary award in 23-24.’

Council agreed unanimously to this change.

7.3.2 Correction to item Precept – ‘Committee recommends an increase of £10,000 (c.13%) on the precept for 2023-24, providing a total of £85,000. This equates to a tax base increase of c.£13.43 per annum, or £1.34 per month (average over 10 months).’

Council agreed unanimously to this change.

8. To hear the Planning Committee Report & Planning Responses – LI

8.1 To agree or ratify the Council’s response to the following consultations

8.1.1 P23/V0560/HH 85 Dibleys, Blewbury

Construction of two-storey side extension & a single storey rear extension, with demolition of conservatory.

Deadline 06.04.23

Council agreed no objections with narrative regarding existing covenant 03.04.23

8.2 To note planning permissions received / withdrawn during the month


9.    To hear an update on Finance & Administration from the Clerk

9.1 Financial updates

9.1.1 End of month reconciliation for March & end of Q4 for 22-23 sent in advance of the meeting to the Chair & LR.

Reconciliation signed by DM.

9.1.2 Lloyds Bank account funds as of 31.03.23 were £100,114.43

This sum includes reserves of: –

  • £21,909.51 village hall remaining refurb funds
  • £10,521.53 CIL funds

Net funds available £67,683.39

9.1.3 Update on 22-23 audit process.

The Clerk reported that the audit process & the internal audit were underway.

9.2 Administrative updates

9.2.1 To receive an update on 2023 local elections – DM/Clerk

The Clerk confirmed that the six people nominated to be Parish Councillors were duly elected.

DM confirmed that efforts were ongoing to find an additional three Councillors to make up the full complement of nine.

9.2.2 To hear an update on issues relating to the Blewbury allotments

The Clerk briefly explained the situation regarding the leases & administration of the allotments. The Clerk would arrange a meeting with Blewbury Village Garden Association to agree a way forward. Council unanimously agreed to formalise devolvement to the BVGA, with their agreement.

9.2.3 To ratify decision to renew the contract for White Horse Horticulture

Council unanimously agreed to renew this contract for a period of one year.

9.3 To agree authorisers for this month’s payments


9.4 To approve payments to be made under the general power of competence and within budgeted amounts as detailed in the table below.

9.4.1 Council noted a correction to the listed Shayler Concrete invoice, which should read £303.60.

Council also agreed to the inclusion of an additional Shayler Concrete invoice received after the issue of the agenda for £320.00.





E Cooper/D Hollick/E HolroydClerk, Lengthman & Hall Administrator salaries & expenses for March£2,339.82
NEST DDClerk’s pension March£97.81
HMRCPAYE Clerk, Lengthman, Hall Admin March£346.02
Biffa Waste Services Ltd DDWaste services April (no invoice received as of 31.3.23)£154.80


BT DDClubhouse line rental April£40.66
Scottish Power DDClubhouse electricity 01.04.23£286.13
J NewmanScout Hut (limited) clean March£72.00
VHEMCRoom bookings Feb/March£56.25
Shayler ConcreteFittings for play equipment @TFF£303.60
RoSPAAnnual play area inspections£762.00
Travis PerkinsWood & wood screws for TFF play area£81.86
Oxfordshire CABDonation£150.00




Vale of White HorseClimate Action Fund grant£503.00
BlewShedAnnual electricity share£128.89
Scottish PowerCredit£67.00
HMRCVAT refund (March 2022)£1584.51
HMRCVAT refund (April – December 2022)£10536.18

  1.  To receive an update from VHEMC – DM

10.1 Trustees / Counsel opinion update

DM has sought further guidance on counsel opinion received, & although not the outcome was not ideal, it was sound opinion.

10.2 Any other updates

DM confirmed that Andrew Forman was now the Chairman of the VHEMC & was in the process of a handover from Bruce Gibson. DM would be working with Andrew on the anomalies around leases, the Post Office grant & the Surgery arrangements/rent. HEH to forward an email she had received from the surgery administrator to DM.

11.    To receive an update on the Community Art project – LI

LI, AM & J Gibson met with D Harber & agreed a preferred installation site of the Play Close. Mr Harber will prepare drawings of the proposed artwork & present to the PCC & Parish Council.

12.    To receive an update on the all things relating to the operation of the Clubhouse & the recreation ground

          12.1 Clubhouse

12.1.1 Council to discuss the continued closure & agree parameters particularly around:- Art Weeks 4-14 May

The Clerk was working with the Art Weeks lead to provide limited facilities. Amazons Football

With the cancellation of the recent tournament due to the weather, Amazons have proposed a new tournament date in August, to which the cricket club have agreed. Cricket season

See item 6 above.

Clerk to check on alcohol licence holder.

12.1.2 Council to discuss remedial work situation & agree actions

Clerk to speak to the loss adjusters regarding progress in all areas & create a time line for works to completion.

DM, MP, DH to meet with Revival representative on Monday at 4pm re drying out process.

12.2 Recreation ground – Update on any other aspect of the recreation ground


13.    To receive an update on all aspects of TFF & car park – LR, MS, DH

13.1 Play area / trim trail update – MS

13.1.1 Play space remedial work

The remedial work is complete, except for some minor works that DH will action. The Play Space is open for use.

13.1.2 Goal remedial work

MS confirmed this is complete, apart from a little ground work.

13.1.3 Update on table tennis table installation on TFF

The table tennis table is installed & in use. MS to confirm if any further work is required to secure the table.

13.2 Any other updates on all aspects of TFF & car park


14.    To receive an update on Risk Management & Compliance

14.1 Speed Watch Update

The speed watch report for March was received ahead of the meeting & sent to Council.

14.2 Speed Reduction Measures update – LI

14.2.1 Council unanimously agreed to pursue 20mph on London Road & Bessels Way through the village. Clerk to formally request through County Cllr S Povolotsky.

14.2.2 LI explained the complexity of the management of all elements of speed reduction measures implementation. LI stated a meeting was arranged for Wednesday 19th April regarding the siting of the two SIDs on Bessel Way.

14.3 Village defibrillators update – Clerk/VH

VH confirmed the installation of the defib unit at the Blueberry was complete. VH to issue a notice on FB. Clerk to ask for update via the Bulletin.

14.4 Any update or information on risk management & compliance – VH


15.   To receive an update on issues relating to the Environment – from AM

15.1 Information from Sustainable Blewbury

AM provided an update ahead of the meeting as follows:-

  • We’re still awaiting news on the outcome of our application for Charitable Status
  • Work on the Nature Reserve is progressing well
  • We had a lower turnout for the litter pick in March, but those who volunteered raised alarm at the number of dog poo bags in hedges; can the PC do anything about educating dog walkers?  Also, the worst litter areas are on entry and exit to the village at the roadsides:  any possibility of temporary signs reminding motorists that it is illegal to litter?
  • SB is planning a major Nature Festival for the Spring of 2024, to include revival of the Millbrook Walk (hoping to work in collaboration with BVS on this initiative)

15.2 Any other environmental issues


16.   To receive an update on any issues relating to Footways, Footpaths, rights of way and open spaces – from MP, LI, MS

16.1 Parking on the Pound

MS & MP to agree & arrange a suitable method to prevent parking on the Pound at the top of South Street.

16.2 Play Close Footpaths update

MS is meeting with representatives of the PCC on 17th April to discuss the next actions.

16.3 Any other update on Footways, Footpaths, Rights of Ways & open spaces in & around the village


17.   To receive an update on any outstanding consultations – All Councillors


18. To agree the date/venue of the next meeting(s) of the Council – All Councillors

18.1 Annual Parish Meeting, following the BVS AGM, Wednesday 26th April 2023, from 7pm in the Village Hall.

18.2 Annual General Meeting of the Parish Council, Wednesday 10th May 7pm, in the Vale Room at the Village Hall.

The meeting finished at 8.30pm.


Appendix A


1.DH to speak to AM (as SB rep) to discuss hedge plans.ASAP
2.MS to investigate the use of a temporary ‘site cabin’ at the recreation ground.ASAP
3.Clerk to arrange a meeting with BVGA to discuss allotment administration.ASAP
4.HEH to forward email from surgery to DM.ASAP
5.Clerk to check on alcohol licence holder for cricket club.ASAP
6.MS to confirm if any further work is required to secure table tennis table.ASAP
7.Clerk to formally request 20mph for London Road & Bessels Way through Cllr SP.Actioned
8.LI to confirm final siting of SIDs on Bessels WayASAP
9.VH to issue notice on FB re installation of defib at the Blueberry.ASAP
10.Clerk to ask for Bulletin notice of installation of defib at the Blueberry.ASAP
11.MS & MP to agree & arrange for a method of parking prevention on the Pound.ASAP



1.DH to arrange collection of the Kubota mower from the manor.By 14/4
3.Clerk to arrange allotment meeting.ASAP
6.MP/MS to arrange temporary solution to the parking on the South Street edge of the Pound.ASAP
7.DM to speak to C. Whatmore re election candidate communications.Actioned
8.AM/LI to agree candidate engagement copy for communications/flyer.Actioned
12.MS to investigate possibility of installing steps in to TFF from Rubble Pit LaneApril meeting
14.AM to arrange Beeswax talk at future BPC meetingTBC
15.AM/LI to investigate where to plant wild flower areas.TBC