Minutes of the Annual Parish Council meeting held on Wednesday 10th May 2023 at 7.00pm in the Vale Room at the Blewbury Village Hall.
Councillors Dermot Mathias (DM), Lydia Inglis (LI), Lee Robinson (LR), Mark Shayler (MS), Anne
Millman (AM), Jane Gibson (JG)
Lengthman David Hollick (DH)
District Councillors Hayleigh Gascoigne, Debra Dewhurst
One member of the public
1. To elect a Chairman
Dermot Mathias was nominated, seconded & all were in favour of his appointment as Chairman of the Council.
2. To elect a Vice-Chairman
Lydia Inglis was nominated, seconded & all were in favour of her appointment as vice-chairman of the Council.
3. To complete Declaration of Acceptance of Office forms
All Councillors completed their Declaration of Acceptance of Office forms.
4. To complete Register of Members Interests forms
All Councillors completed their Register of Members forms.
5. To discuss the Council’s three Councillor vacancies
Councillors had spoken to a number of interested people & the Chair would confirm appointments at the next meeting.
6. To confirm all Committees & Committee members currently existing for the Council
6.1 Finance – members DM & LR (with a third member to be confirmed)
6.2 HR – Council agreed to rename this Committee Personnel. Members DM & LI
6.3 Clubhouse – members DM & JG, with input from I Bacon on behalf of the Cricket Club
6.4 Cob Wall – member LI
7. To receive apologies for absence
E Cooper (Clerk), County Councillor S Povolotsky
8. To record any declarations of interests relating to this meeting
9. To receive the County Councillor’s report
None this month.
10. To receive District Councillor’s report
HG stated the draft local plan was expected in summer of 2024.
LI to start revising the Neighbourhood Development Policy.
11. To receive the Lengthman’s report
DH reported that mowing was taking up a great deal of his time currently. DH will speak to A Musson regarding a hedge cutting plan for the autumn.
12. Open Forum
Wendy Carless attended to represent Speed Watch and gave her report in person. No other members of the public were present.
13. To approve previous minutes & report on any matters arising
Minutes of the BPC meeting held on 12th April 2023
Council unanimously agreed the previous minutes to be a true record.
14. To hear the Planning Committee Report & Ratify/Agree Planning Responses
14.1 To agree the council’s response to the following consultations
14.2 To note planning permissions received during the month
14.2.1 P23/V3020/LB Charity School House, Church Road, Blewbury
LB consent 24.04.23
14.2.2 P23/V0341/HH 21 Bridus Mead, Blewbury
Planning permission 13.04.23
15. To hear an update on Finance & Administration (reported by the Clerk in advance of the meeting)
15.1 Financial Updates
15.1.1 End of month reconciliation sent in advance of the meeting to the Chairman.
Agreed & signed by DM.
15.1.2 Lloyds Bank account funds as of 30.04.23 were £143,383.37
This sum includes reserves of:-
- £21,909.51 remaining village hall refurb funds
- £10,521.53 CIL funds. LI asked for more information on CIL money available to BPC. Clerk to investigate & report at next meeting.
Net funds available £110,952.53
15.1.3 April receipts include:-
– Precept £42,500
– VAT refund of £2506.40 Q4 22-23
– Donation of £1200 for the play areas from the BVS
15.2 Administrative updates
15.2.1 General Power of Competence
Council resolved unanimously to retain the General Power of Competence as it meets the criteria.
15.2.2 To hear an update on the internal & external audits
The Clerk reported in advance of the meeting:- Internal Audit
The Clerk was progressing the internal Audit, which had not as yet reached it’s conclusion. External Audit
- BPC has been reclassified as an intermediate authority as it’s receipts during the year exceeded £200,000 (largely due to the remaining village hall refurb funds). This means additional records are required with the EA submission.
ii.To agree & sign off the Accounting Statements
Council agreed to & signed off the Annual governance Statement only at this point.
15.3 To agree authorisers for this month’s payments
15.4 To approve payments to be made under the general power of competence and within budgeted
In addition, Council agreed to a payment to Kit Davis for Cob Wall repairs in the sum of £180, & a payment of £1507.20 to QiK Group for the supply of two containers (containing kitchen & toilet facilities), to enable users of the recreation group (ie Cricket Club) to provide facilities for their players & visitors.
PAYEE | Description | Amount | |
E Cooper/D Hollick/ E Holroyd | Clerk, Lengthman & Hall Administrator salaries & expenses for April | £2,479.23 | |
HMRC | PAYE Clerk, Lengthman, Hall Admin April | £376.63 | |
NEST DD | Clerk’s pension April | £107.93 | |
Biffa Waste Services Ltd DD | Waste services May | £123.84
| |
BT DD | Clubhouse line rental May | £46.53 | |
Scottish Power DD (01.04.23) | Clubhouse electricity | £286.13
| |
J Newman | Clubhouse cleaning April | £72.00 | |
BHVEMC | Room Hire | £67.25 | |
HAGS-SMP Limited | Parts for KAP equipment | £42.00 | |
DHPH | Replacement pipe & parts for Scout Hut exterior | £153.60 | |
Walters Electrical Services | Installation of defib units* | £396.00 | |
PWLB DD | PW497831 Clubhouse loan repayment | £4312.50 | |
Gallagher | Tractor insurance* | £145.56 | |
EE | Top-up Clerk’s phone (debit card)* | £30.00 | |
VoWH DC | Uncontested election fee | £200.00 | |
SSE DD | Scout Hut electricity Q1 23-24 | £76.36 | |
White Horse Horticulture | One cut of Pound, Play close & Churchyard | £225.00 | |
Total | £9,140.66 | ||
* Paid to be ratified
Receipts | Description | Amount |
VHEMC | HEH Salary Share | £1680.25 |
VHEMC | Clubhouse receipts Jan-Mar23 | £485.00 |
VoWH DC | Precept first half | £42,500.00 |
HMRC | VAT Repay Q4 22-23 | £2506.40 |
BVS | Play Areas Donation | £1200.00 |
M&J Didcock | Burial Fees (Ling) | £120.00 |
Total | £48,491.65 |
16. To receive an update from VHEMC representative on village hall activities
DM updated Council on the progress with new agreements for the Post Office & the Doctor’s Surgery.
DM also confirmed that the BPC had issued a letter to the pending new Postmaster to support the appointment.
17. To receive an update on the all things relating to the operation of the Clubhouse & the recreation ground
17.1 Clubhouse
17.1.1 Remedial work
Revival are expected to remove all drying out equipment on 11th May & to issue a certificate of dryness in order for Worthys to begin remedial work.
Clerk’s note:- Certificate of dryness issued & remedial work started 15.05.23.
17.1.2 Art Weeks
Successfully held in the Melland room between 5th & 14th May.
17.1.3 Cricket club
i. Arrangements for season
Council agreed to the hire of two units (one kitchen & one toilet facilities) for a period of up to 12 weeks with effect from Friday 19.05.23, with a budget of £2,500. Specification to be provided to the Clerk for the order to be placed.
ii.Fees for 2023
Council agreed there would be no change to the fees for 2023.
iii.Revised agreement for 2023
Under review by DM & JG.
17.1.4 Any other updates on any aspect of the Clubhouse
A smart meter is due to be installed in the Plant Room of the Clubhouse on 24th May.
17.2 Recreation ground
17.2.1 Amazons football
No update
17.2.2 Cricket club
See 17.1.3 above. A memorial cricket match is booked for 8th July (not Blewbury Cricket Club). Council agreed the originators of this request must speak to the Blewbury Cricket Club regarding use of the pitch.
17.2.3 Any other updates DM asked that the cleaner be advised of the need to clean the 2 containers. DH to speak to BlewShed regarding a date for the completion of the new bench.
18. To receive an update on all aspects of TFF & car park
18.1 Play areas update (MS/DH)
18.2 Any other updates – Trim Trail/TFF/Car Park
19. To receive an update on Risk Management & Compliance
19.1 Speed Watch update
Provided in advance of the meeting & circulated to Council. The Speed Watch group expressed their thanks to the Parish Council for their support & in particular to Lydia Inglis for all her hard work in pushing changes forward. The Speed Watch team is keen to attract new members who can spare a little time each month to help with Speed Watch activities.
19.2 Any update or information on risk management & compliance
20. To receive an update on issues relating to the Environment
20.1 Information from Sustainable Blewbury (AM)
20.1.1 DH & A Musson to liaise over hedge cutting for the autumn.
20.1.2 Council agreed to fund the London Road hedge laying. AM to speak to A Musson.
20.2 Any other environmental issues
21. To receive an update on any issues relating to footpaths, rights of way and open spaces
21.1 Parking on the Pound
Carried forward to June meeting.
21.2 Play Close Footpaths
Work is progressing on the upgrade of the footpaths.
21.3 Footpath gravelling
Council agreed to gravel the east & west footpaths leading from the Play Close. Council also agreed there was no other planned gravelling of footpaths for 2023 at the moment.
21.4 Any other updates on footpaths, rights of way and open spaces
JG to speak to the Clerk regarding overgrown frontage at Lyndon House.
22. To receive an update on any outstanding consultations
23. Points raised for discussion at future meetings
23.1 DM & DH to look at a suitable location for a beech tree to be installed on TFF on behalf of L Farrell.
23.2 DM, AM & LI to meet with N James regarding trustee appointment to the Malthus Trust.
24. To agree the date/venue of the next meeting(s) of the Council
Next full council meeting will be on Wednesday 14th June at 7.00pm in the Vale Room in the Village Hall.
The meeting finished at 8.45pm
Appendix A
1. | DH to speak to A Musson re hedge cutting plans for the autumn. | C’fwd |
2. | AM & LI to meet with N James re Malthus Trust trustee appointment | ASAP |
3. | DM & DH to find suitable location for beech tree on TFF | ASAP |
4. | AM to speak to A Musson regarding London Road hedge laying | ASAP |
5. | DH to speak to BlewShed re work on new bench | ASAP |
6. | Cleaner to be advised of cleaning requirements of new units | ASAP |
7. | Clerk to investigate CIL funds | June meeting |
8. | LI to start revising Neighbourhood Development policy | Ongoing |
2. | MS to investigate the use of a temporary ‘site cabin’ at the recreation ground. | Actioned |
3. | Clerk to arrange a meeting with BVGA to discuss allotment administration. | C’fwd |
4. | HEH to forward email from surgery to DM. | C’fwd |
5. | Clerk to check on alcohol licence holder for cricket club. | Actioned |
6. | MS to confirm if any further work is required to secure table tennis table. | C’fwd |
8. | LI to confirm final siting of SIDs on Bessels Way | C’fwd |
9. | VH to issue notice on FB re installation of defib at the Blueberry. | Actioned |
10. | Clerk to ask for Bulletin notice of installation of defib at the Blueberry. | Actioned |
11. | MS to agree & arrange for a method of parking prevention on the Pound. | C’fwd |
12. | MS to investigate possibility of installing steps in to TFF from Rubble Pit Lane | TBC |
14. | AM to arrange Beeswax talk at future BPC meeting | TBC |
15. | AM/LI to investigate where to plant wild flower areas. | TBC |