Minutes of the Blewbury Parish Council Finance Committee Meeting held on Thursday 22nd December 2022
1. To note any apologies for absence
V Humphries
2. To elect a Chairman of the Finance Committee
Those present agreed that D Mathias should chair the meeting.
3. To hear any Declarations of Interest
4. To review the of Terms of Reference (ToR)
All agreed there were no changes to the ToR.
5. To review the estimates of receipts and payments for 2022/2023
The financial position up to 19th December was sent to committee members ahead of the meeting. It was agreed that estimates to the end of year would be largely in line with budget, with the exception of costs relating to the remedial work on the TFF Play Space. However, estimates for this work had already been presented to Council.
6. To establish estimates of receipts and payments for 2023/2024
The Committee discussed receipts & payments for the next financial year line by line, making adjustments for price increases as appropriate.
7. To review the Direct Debits & Standing Orders of the Council
7.1 Direct Debits
Biffa, BT, NEST, Scottish Power, SSE, PWLB
The Committee acknowledged that the direct debits would stand.
7.2 The Council does not have any standing orders
8. To review outgoing grants:
- BVHEMC Post Office grant £1200pa
The Committee agreed to maintain this grant.
- Didcot CAB
The Committee agreed to make a grant of £150 to the CAB at the beginning of the next financial year.
- Other previous regular grants: Downland Village Transport Group, South & Vale Carers
Centre, Home Start Oxfordshire
The Committee agreed that any grants would be considered on an individual basis, but would hold a £1000 budget in reserves.
9. To review employee salaries
- Clerk
The Committee agreed an increase of 10% to £18.80/hr with effect from 1st April 2023. This will be further adjusted as necessary when the NALC agreed pay scales for 23-24 are produced, and will be aligned to the nearest SCP on the pay scale.
- Lengthman
The Committee agreed to increase the Lengthman’s hourly rate by £1.50 with effect from 1.4.23.
- Hall Administrator
The Committee agreed to increase the Hall Administrator’s hourly rate by £1.50 with effect from 1.4.23.
- Clubhouse Cleaner
The Committee agreed to maintain the current hourly rate for the cleaner.
10. To review the Blewbury Cemetery fees
The Committee agreed to raise the Cemetery Fees by c10%, with appropriate rounding, with effect from 01.01.2023. Clerk to inform funeral directors.
11. To agree the level of reserves needed for the next financial year.
The Committee agreed it did not want to create a lengthy list of Reserves & would maintain the current list of Reserves for audit purposes.
12. Capital projects. To establish reserves available for capital projects and to agree the budget for capital projects.
The Committee agreed that its largest project in the next financial year may be the Heather Way footpath, where quotes would be required for the resurfacing. Otherwise, there were no planned Capital Projects for the next financial year.
13. Precept for 2023/2024 To agree the precept for the next financial year and make recommendation to the full Parish Council.
Following a review of all items in the budget for the next financial year, the Committee agreed to increase the precept by £10,000, an increase of 13%. This equates to a tax base increase of c£1.14 per annum, per household, or .114 pence per month (over 10 months).
14. To consider applying for a debit card for the Clerk’s use on behalf of the Council
The Committee agreed that the Clerk should look in to the use of either a credit card or debit card on behalf of the Council & report back.
15. To review & agree any amendments to the Council’s Financial Regulations
The Committee agreed that there were no changes to the Financial Regulations, but acknowledged that a change would be required if a credit or credit card is requested.
16. To review physical assets and liability
The Committee was satisfied that the list of physical assets & liability was adequate.
17. To review the adequacy of the Risk Management Policy
The Committee was satisfied as to the adequacy of the Risk Management Policy.
18. To review the adequacy of Council Insurance cover
The Committee agreed that the current insurance cover was adequate. The Committee would recommend to Council that providers of local council insurance should be investigated c3 months before the insurance expires on 30 September 2023. Clerk to note in diary.
19. Date of the next meeting:- Wednesday 20th December 2023 (TBC)