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Minutes of the meeting of the Parish Council held on Wednesday 11th October 2023 at 7.00 pm in the Melland Room at the Blewbury Clubhouse.

In attendance:- Chairman D Mathias (DM)
Councillors A Millman (AM), S Austin (SA), A Calder (AC), J Gibson (JG), J Saunders (JS), M Shayler
(MS), L Inglis (LI), L Robinson (LR),
Clerk E Cooper (EC)
Lengthman D Hollick (DH)

1.     To receive apologies for absence

County Councillor S Povolotsky, District Councillors Hayleigh Gascoigne, D Dewhurst

3. To record any declarations of interests relating to this meeting


3. BPC Insurance

With the agreement of the Council, the Chair asked that the subject of the Council’s insurance be brought forward from item 10.1.5 to this point.

AC explained the current situation; where insurance companies had declined to quote & he was waiting for Marsh to confirm an offer. The Clerk had heard from Marsh late in the afternoon, & offer would shortly be made to cover all previous items, with the exception of the village hall, for which a separate quote would be made. The premium would be significantly higher than previous years & the excesses would be higher, but not so significantly. Confirmation details are expected shortly.

Clerk’s note:- Insurance documents sent through on 16th October. Insurance premium £29,638.60, including IPT of £2854.14.

4. To receive the County Councillor’s report

Received in advance of the meeting & sent to Council.

5. To receive District Councillor’s report

Received in advance of the meeting & sent to Council.

6. To receive the Lengthman’s report

  • Recreation Ground car park lavender hedge – Clerk to obtain quotes from 3 contractors. LR noted that the grant of £500 for the removal of the hedge must be spent by next February.
  • Hedge cutting – Sustainable Blewbury do not want to cut hedges before January 2024, in order to leave berries for birds.


7. To receive an update on Speed Watch / Speed Reduction Measures

See 14.2.

8.   Open Forum

To receive representations from members of the public if present. Maximum 15 minutes (3 minutes per person).

None present.

    9.   To approve previous minutes & report on any matters arising

9.1 Minutes of the BPC meeting held on 13th September 2023

JG stated that as per item 4, she would draft a letter regarding Great Western Park health facility  concerns.

9.2 Minutes of the BPC extraordinary meeting of the Finance Committee held on 20th September 2023

Council agreed that both sets of minutes were a true representation of the meetings.

10.   To hear the Planning Committee Report & Ratify/Agree Planning Responses (LI)


10.1 To agree the council’s response to the following consultations

10.1.1 P23/V2131/HH Lantern Cottage, South Street, Blewbury

Proposed amendments to P22/V1817/HH & new proposals for replacement of all single glazed windows with new double glazed upvc windows. Replace door to tea room with upvc door, raise cills of windows to tea room & brick underneath. New Velux conservation roof light.

Deadline 25.10.23

Returned 12.10.23 with objection & comments.

10.1.2 P23/V2066/HH & P23/V2067/LB Granary House, London Road, Blewbury

Refurbish & convert existing curtilage listed storage outbuilding in to ancillary residential annex.

Deadline 18.10.23

Returned 12.10.23 with no objections.


10.1.3 P23/V2079/HH & P23/V2046/LB Orchard Dene House, Watts Lane, Blewbury

Rear extension, single storey flat rood etc.

Deadline 18.10.23

BPC no objections. Returned 06.10.23

10.2 To note planning permissions / withdrawals received during the month


   11.   To hear an update on Finance & Administration from the Clerk


11.1 Financial Updates

11.1.1 End of month reconciliations sent in advance of the meeting to the Chairman.

Agreed & signed at the meeting.


11.1.2 Lloyds Bank account funds as of 30.09.23 were £111,380.06

This sum includes reserves of:-

–     £17,269.51 remaining village hall refurb funds

–     £10,521.53 CIL funds

Net funds available £83,589.02, less insurance of £29,638.60, giving a net funds total of £53,950.42.


11.1.3 Receipts

See table below.


11.1.4 To confirm the application for S106 funding

The licence agreement for ear-marked S106 funding for the village artwork project was agreed by Council & is progressing. Final considerations are being given to whether planning                           permission is required.


11.1.5 To discuss the recommendations regarding the Council’s insurance renewal premium, following the BPCX meeting of the Finance Committee & subsequent progress.

See 3. above.


11.2 Administrative updates


11.2.1 To consider the cost of upgrading the IT system in the Melland Room (All) AM to recommend what is the minimum requirement for a working system, & how this can be upgraded over time. Council noted that only one contractor had quoted                           for the work, & this contractor was involved in the original installation. Council agreed not to waste any more time in pursuit of other quotations, but to pursue a solution from the contractor who is already familiar with the installation. JG, AM, SA & DM agreed to meet to discuss getting the Clubhouse fully in order, including Marketing.

11.2.2 To agree the Parish Councillors Roles & Responsibilities issued by DM (All)

All agreed, with the addition of Cob Wall responsibility (LI/JS)

11.2.3 To update Council on the CIC (Clerk)

An email was received from S Barrett informing the Council that the CIC is in the process of being dissolved at Companies House.


11.2.4 To hear an update on the Malthus Trust (LI)

Mr P Wheedon is to take over from LI as a trustee. Clerk to write confirmation letter.


11.2.5 To consider ‘Connected Communities Fund Part 2’. Details sent to Council 15.9.23. (All)

This fund expired on 28th September.


11.3 To agree authorisers for this month’s payments (Signatories)

DM & LR agreed to sign off this month’s payments.

Council also agreed to add Councillor A Calder as a signatory. Clerk to complete mandate request.


11.4 To approve payments to be made under the general power of competence and within budgeted amounts (All): –

In addition, Council were notified of a DD from VoWH for annual garden waste charges had gone through the account.




Amount (inc vat)

E Cooper/D Hollick/

E Holroyd

Clerk, Lengthman & Hall Administrator salaries & expenses for September£2,511.23
HMRCPAYE Clerk, Lengthman, Hall Admin & Employer NICs September£584.55
NEST DDClerk’s pension September£107.93
Biffa Waste Services Ltd DDWaste services September£154.80


BT DDClubhouse line rental September£46.53
PWLB DDPW497831 Clubhouse Loan£4260.00
J NewmanClubhouse cleaning September£216.00
White Horse HorticultureOne cut of Pound, Play close & Churchyard September£225.00
A MillmanExpenses (printing costs for village clubs & societies event)£75.60
J GibsonExpenses (kitchen & toilet rolls for Clubhouse)£48.00
* Paid to be ratifiedTotal£8,229.64





VariousBurial/memorial fees total£377.00
Precept2nd half£42,500.00
VHEMCClubhouse receipts April – June£445.00
BVGAAllotment receipt£520.00


12.    To receive an update from VHEMC representative on village hall activities (DM)


12.1 Bike rack update (Clerk)

Confirmation letter from OCC received on 20.10.23 & awaiting funds of £1000. This represents a change from the £2786 originally requested.

12.2 Any other updates on village hall activities (DM)

12.2.1 DM stated the doctor’s surgery at the village hall was worth c£4000 per year. DM is still pursuing this arrangement.

12.2.2 LR announced the successful application for a £5000 grant for an EV charger at the village hall. LR to find out more about what is involved, including a site survey.


13.    To receive an update on the all things relating to the operation of the Clubhouse & the Recreation Ground (DM, JG, DH, Clerk)


           13.1 Clubhouse & Recreation Ground

13.1.1 Amazons football new user agreement (JG)

The user agreement is still under discussion.

The Amazons leader has also been asked to locate the defib unit for the Clubhouse as only the cabinet has been installed.

13.1.2 Lavender hedge & other work update (DH)

Already covered above.

13.1.3 Any other updates on any aspect of the Clubhouse Protec to install new fire alarm (Clerk)

The installation of the new Protec fire alarm system is on 27.10.23. Worthy Builders to confirm a start date to install trace heating, check all pipe joints  & install new lagging towards the end of the month.

Worthy Builders began this work on 13.10.23 with the removal of insulation. Clerk’s note:- An over entrance door auto heater switch was installed & PAT testing carried out on 17.10.23.

13.2 In addition, DH reported that BlewShed had requested more space in the Scout Hut. DH stated there is no more space in the Scout Hut, but he would look at other potential storage.

14.    To receive an update on all aspects of TFF & car park (DH/MS)


14.1 Play areas update

All areas reported as being in good order.

14.2 Any other updates – Trim Trail/TFF/Car Park

14.2.1 BlewShed have completed a new bench for TFF & this has been installed, & the old one removed to be refurbed. Clerk to write a letter of thanks to BlewShed.

14.2.2 MS was dealing with the vandalised bench near the table tennis table on TFF.


15.    To receive an update on Risk Management & Compliance (LI / JI)

15.1 Play area inspections

Council agreed to accept a quote from RoSPA for quarterly inspections @£416 + vat. An inspection is due in October.

15.2 SpeedWatch / Reduction

SpeedWatch monthly report received in advance of the meeting & sent to Council.

LR to arrange the installation of a single SID unit to test all elements., with assistance from R Loyd.

MS to source an appropriate vehicle to aid installation. Council noted the SIDs should be moved every 2 months & a plan will be formed once the first SID is installed.


16.   To receive an update on issues relating to the Environment (AM)


16.1 Information from Sustainable Blewbury

AM stated the lease on the nature reserve has been signed with Thames Water. The Quaker Wood arrangement is ongoing. Conservation of the wood is with E. Eisenhandler.

16.2 Any other environmental issues

Council agreed for ‘Check before you recycle’ information to be posted on FB (LR) & via AM for the Bulletin.


17.   To receive an update on any issues relating to footpaths, rights of way and open spaces (All)


17.1 Parking on the Pound (MS / DM)

Council remain concerned about the erosion of the South Street side of this green space. Various preventative methods continue to be examined, as Highways/fixmystreet maintain it’s up to the Council what they do. MS to draw up a list of options to present to Council.

17.2 Village Artwork installation update (LI)


17.3 Any other updates on footpaths, rights of way and open spaces

AM was very impressed by the deep clean carried out by the District Council recently & will write a thank you to them.


18.   To receive an update on any outstanding consultations

PDR Consultation – LI responded.


  1. To agree the date/venue of the next meeting(s) of the Council & any related matters (DM)


19.1 Next full Parish Council meeting will be held on Wednesday 8th November at 7.00pm in the Melland Room at the Clubhouse

19.2 AOB

AOB can only be used raising issues for discussion at a future meeting. There can be no discussion or decisions (these would be unlawful) under AOB.



The meeting finished at 8.50pm.




Appendix A

1.Clerk to obtain 3 quotes for removal of lavender hedge & other shrubberyOngoing
2.JG to draft a letter re GWP health facility concernsASAP
3.AM to re-visit minimum requirements for working IT system in the Melland Room.ASAP
4.AM, JG, SA to meet to discuss getting Clubhouse fully in order, inc MarketingASAP
5.Clerk to write letter of confirmation to P Wheedon re Malthus TrustActioned
6.Clerk to complete Lloyds mandate to add A Calder as signatoryActioned
7.DH to look at potential additional storage for BlewShedASAP
8.Clerk to write a letter of thanks to BlewShed for new bench on TFFActioned
9.MS to deal with vandalised bench by the TTT on TFFASAP
10.LR to arrange installation of a SID unit.

MS to source an appropriate vehicle to aid installation.

11.LR to place ‘Check before you recycle’ info on FB

AM to do same for Bulletin

12.Parking on Pound – MS to draw up a list of options to present to CouncilNovember meeting
13.AM to write a thank you to District Council following deep clean.ASAP
1.Debra D to assist in obtaining drawdown of S106 money for village art project.Actioned
2.Debra D to chase funding for village hall bike rack.Actioned
3.Clerk to check on RoSPA play area inspections.Actioned
4.LR to investigate engaging a third party to install/move around SID units, with objective of installing one unit by end Sept to understand practicalities.Actioned
5.J Ingoldby, R Loyd & L Robinson to form a post SID installation plan for frequency of downloading data & rotation of SIDsActioned
6.J Ingoldby to chase white village gates & road markings. LI to provide contact name to JI.Actioned
7.EC to copy Neighbourhood Plan to HG & DDASAP
8.LI to feedback to Malthus Trust that Council are in favour of a working party to discuss options for the Blewbury pre-school.Actioned
9.DM to complete draft of Council roles & responsibilities & issue to all.Actioned
10.EC to produce spec for new IT equipment in Melland Room & find other contractors to quote.Actioned
11.EC to find 3 gardening contractor to quote for lavender hedge + removal.Ongoing
12.LR / JG to add information re camping in the Chalk Pit to FB & website.Actioned
13.DM to speak to MS & DH re practicalities of preventing parking on the Pound.Actioned
14.EC to chase fixmystreet re restoring the edging on the PoundActioned
3.DH to speak to R Savage re overgrown Savages footpath.Actioned
5.LR to give update on moving SIDs around.Actioned
7.AC to obtain insurance quote from alternative provider.Actioned
9.Clerk to obtain ‘funding agreement’ for VH bike rack.Actioned
10.VH Woodlands Surgery – DM to update on new lease & commercial agreement.Ongoing
15.DM & DH to discuss potential of marking parking bays at TFF & recreation ground.Actioned
21.Clerk to action upgrade of sign on Pound. Changed to arrange removal of sign.C’fwd
23.Clerk to draft new ‘hedges’ letter.C’fwd
3.Clerk to arrange a meeting with BVGA to discuss allotment administration.C’fwd
12.MS to investigate possibility of installing steps in to TFF from Rubble Pit LaneTo be installed