Minutes of the meeting of the Parish Council held on Wednesday 12th July 2023 at 7.00 pm in the Vale Room at the Blewbury Village Hall.
Councillors A Millman (AM), S Austin (SA), A Calder (AS), J Gibson
(JG), J Saunders (JS)
Clerk E Cooper (EC)
Lengthman D Hollick (DH)
Speed Watch Team Jill Ingoldby (JI)
1. To receive apologies for absence
M Shayler (MS), L Inglis (LI), L Robinson (LR), County Cllr S Povolotsky, District Cllrs H Gascoigne (HG) & D Dewhurst (DD)
2. To co-opt a new Councillor
2.1 To agree to the co-option of the proposed new Councillor
Council agreed unanimously to the appointment of Julia Saunders.
2.2 New Councillor to complete Declaration of Acceptance of Office form
Julia Saunders completed her Declaration of Acceptance of Office form & this was counter signed by the Clerk.
2.3 New Councillor to complete Register of Members Interests form
Julia Saunders completed her Register of Members Interests form.
3. To record any declarations of interests relating to this meeting
4. To receive the County Councillor’s report
Received in advance of the meeting & sent to Council.
5. To receive District Councillor’s report
Received in advance of the meeting & sent to Council.
6. To receive the Lengthman’s report
DH reported that the problem with the water supply from the borehole & underground tank were now fixed with the supply of new parts.
DH felt the work at the Clubhouse had slowed considerably & Worthys were to provide more people on 13th & 15th July to speed up the finishing process.
DH reported more vandalism around the Clubhouse on 6th July. Cameras were suggested, but the cost may be prohibitive at this point.
DH referred to an email from the Tennis Club offering to look after the lavender hedge. However, the Council has already agreed to remove the hedge in the autumn due to its age & other vegetation growing through it. DH to let Tennis Club know. Clerk confirmed that a grant had been received in the sum of £503 towards this work.
DH also thought that further improvement work could take place between the end of the tennis club & the recreation ground gate. If this area was also cleared, this may be a good place to install the bike racks. AM to consider & speak to LR.
DH reported that the footpaths were good, but with considerable encroachment from hedges/trees within properties on to paths. DH noted in particular the ‘Savages’ footpath & will speak to R. Savage. DH also reported the Morton path was accessible to the far end, but then became impassable, but this was the land owner’s responsibility.
Finally, DH reported the gate to KAP needed to be replaced due to wear & tear. DH to see how easily this can be remedied.
7. Open Forum
Council agreed to bring forward item no.14.1 Speed Watch update to this point.
Speed Watch update
Report received ahead of the meeting & sent to Council. JI asked if this heading could be changed to ‘Speed Reduction Measures’ & Council agreed. LI had emailed an update to Council on 6th July. SID sites are agreed & the poles should be installed in the next couple of months. LR to give an update on moving SIDs around in September meeting. Speed measurements had been taken across the A47 near Savages as part of the crossing installation, although this is in the OCC budget for 2024.
8. To approve previous minutes & report on any matters arising
Minutes of the BPC meeting held on 14th June 2023
Council agreed the minutes were a true reflection of the meeting.
9. To hear the Planning Committee Report & Ratify/Agree Planning Responses
9.1 To agree the council’s response to the following consultations
9.1.1 P23/V1265/HH Winterbrook Farm, Bessels Way, Blewbury
Demolish existing plant room & build new summerhouse.
Deadline 17.07.23.
BPC response no objections 20.06.23.
9.1.2 P23/V1300/HH Charity School House, Church Road, Blewbury
Erection of detached, oak-famed, home office & reading room following removal of two existing sheds.
Deadline 05.07.23.
BPC response no objections with comments 15.06.23
9.1.3 P23/V1534/LDP 29 Bridus Mead, Blewbury
Enclose existing porch, loft conversion with rear dormer & roof lights.
No formal response required.
9.2 To note planning permissions / withdrawals received during the month
10. To hear an update on Finance & Administration from the Clerk
10.1 Financial Updates
10.1.1 End of month reconciliation sent in advance of the meeting to the Chairman.
Agreed & signed by DM.
10.1.2 Lloyds Bank account funds as of 30.06.23 were £122,958.50
This sum includes reserves of: –
– £21,909.51 remaining village hall refurb funds
– £10,521.53 CIL funds
Net funds available £90,554.46
10.1.3 Receipts
There were no receipts in June
10.1.4 To hear an update on finances relating to the Clubhouse remedial work
Invoice 11963 received from Worthy Group in the sum of £45,257.93 inc. vat. Funds received from Hiscox on 04.07.23 in the sum of £47,970.04. This includes £10,505.10 for electricity costs to the Council during the drying out process. Also, less an excess of £250.
10.2 Administrative updates
10.2.1 To hear an update on the external audit
Audit documentation sent to Oxon SA (Moore UK) on 17th June. Requests for additional information on variances & assets have been met.
10.2.2 To hear an update on a planned Clubs & Societies Event (JG)
This event is planned for 2-4pm on Sunday 24th September in the Village Hall. Councillors to provide ideas to JG on the Council’s approach for the event. JG, AM & JS to collaborate.
10.2.3 To hear an update in alternative insurance providers (AC)
AC had looked in to alternative insurance providers & would ask Marshes to provide a quote prior to the renewal date.
10.2.4 To ratify minor amendments to paras 6.3, 11.2 & 11.8 of the Financial Regulations as notified in advance to Council.
Council unanimously agreed to the changes.
10.3 To agree authorisers for this month’s payments
DM, & in his absence, LR. Clerk to contact LR.
10.4 To approve payments to be made under the general power of competence and within budgeted amounts as per the table below.
Council agreed to the addition of an expenses payment for DH in the sum of £101.98, an invoice for the renewal of the Hallmaster licence in the sum of £238.80, & the Clerk confirmed that an invoice had been received from SCS for the footpath resurfacing work in the sum of £5568.
10.5 To agree the parameters for payments, including salaries, during August when there is no meeting.
Council agreed that salaries should be paid on Thursday 10th August. Any other essential payments to be dealt with as they arise & ratified at the September meeting.
PAYEE | Description | Amount | |
E Cooper/D Hollick/ E Holroyd | Clerk, Lengthman & Hall Administrator salaries & expenses for June | £2,725.81 | |
HMRC | PAYE Clerk, Lengthman, Hall Admin June | £533.35 | |
NEST DD | Clerk’s pension June | £107.93 | |
Biffa Waste Services Ltd DD | Waste services July | £154.80
| |
BT DD | Clubhouse line rental July | £46.53 | |
J Newman | Clubhouse cleaning June | £144.00 | |
QiK Group | Extended Hire of 2 facility cabins at Clubhouse | £403.20 | |
White Horse Horticulture | One cut of Pound, Play close & Churchyard June | £225.00 | |
eCapital Commercial Finance Ltd | Worthy Builders invoice 1 (11963) (Insurance funds received)* | £45,257.93 | |
eCapital Commercial Finance Ltd | Worthy Builders invoice 1 (11979) (Information only – insurance funds not yet received) | £23,628.65 | |
AO Retail Ltd | Fridge & microwave for Clubhouse* | £756.00 | |
AO Retail Ltd | Printer* (for Clerk) | £162.00 | |
OALC | Course – Inspection of Play Areas* – MS | £144.00 | |
Vale of White Horse DC | Transfer of Clubhouse Premises Alcohol Licence* | £23.00 | |
Vale of White Horse DC | Payment of 3 x premises alcohol licence fees for 2021, 22 & 23 @£180pa for Clubhouse | £540.00 | |
PWLB | VH Refurb loan repayment 505556 (paid 3.7.23) | £3,305.00 | |
Scottish Power DD | Clubhouse electricity* | £788.21 | |
VHEMC | Post Office quarterly rent | £300.00 | |
SCS | Heather Way footpath resurfacing (approval – work starts 11.7.23) | £5,568.00 | |
Total | £84,813.41 | ||
* Paid to be ratified
Receipts | Description | Amount |
None in June23 | ||
04.07.23 | Hiscox Insurance (Clubhouse remedial work) | £47,970.04 |
Total | £47,970.04 |
11. To receive an update from VHEMC representative on village hall activities
11.1 Village Hall bike rack update
The business case was completed. Clerk is awaiting a ‘funding agreement’ from OCC in order to receive funds.
11.2 Any other updates on village hall activities
11.2.1 DM confirmed that the newly appointed Postmaster stepped down after a just a few days. The Postmistress is keeping the post office open as a new post holder is sought.
11.2.2 Woodlands Surgery – will continue twice weekly. Council is proposing a rent increase & a new lease is being drawn up by S Barrett. A commercial agreement is also in draft form with DM & A. Forman.
12. To receive an update on the all things relating to the operation of the Clubhouse & the recreation ground
12.1 Clubhouse & Recreation Ground – Council to hear a remedial work update & discuss further actions
12.1.1 Remedial & other works
i. Overall progress / re-open date
Only small snags left to deal with. Temporary cabins to be removed 2nd August. Re-opening estimate 2nd week August.
ii. Clubhouse alcohol licence payments
All past payments scheduled to be made 13th July. Licence transfer payment already made.
Designated premise licence holder to be confirmed.
iii. Melland room sound panels – cleaning update
No contractor has yet been found to clean the panels, so these will stay as is for now.
iv. Melland Room IT
The cost of a new projector system is c£4800. Council need to know if existing projector/system is fit for purpose/working & what the return on such an investment in a new system would be? AM to set out suggestions for agreement by Council by email. DM stated that both halls should be marketed together with their individual facilities.
v. Trace heating & lagging
Trace Heating – cost to be met by Council @£3113.75 (ex vat)
Lagging – cost to form a part of losses statement @£3692.31 (ex vat)
Council agreed unanimously to proceed with both these items. Clerk to contact Worthy Builders.
12.1.2 Borehole / Water tank considerations
Borehole & water tank problems were resolved with the installation of new parts in the plant room. Water supply is restored to all facilities.
12.1.3 Installation of existing bike rack hoops
DH & Clerk suggest the area Between the end of the tennis club & gate to the recreation ground could be used to install bike hoops already in the possession of the Council. For further consideration in the autumn, once vegetation is cleared.
12.1.4 Any other updates on any aspect of the Clubhouse Update received from Hall Administrator: –
Both sports clubs (cricket & football) used the grounds twice a week during June. For July & August the cricket club is booked twice a week, with an additional 2-3 Sunday matches. With the Clubhouse still closed, there have been no bookings. A number of events booked straight into the village hall over the last 6 months, others had to be cancelled completely. However, the number of enquiries was significantly less than usual. Summer is usually busier with party bookings in the Clubhouse than in the winter and the closure has affected this significantly. I have blocked off Clubhouse bookings until Sunday 23rd July. This can be amended as soon as I know when the Clubhouse will open. New entrance alarm panel
Scheduled to be installed 28.7.23. Replacement fire alarm panel
The replacement fire alarm panel is due to be installed in October (date tbc). The existing panel will be brought back to working order on 17.7.23.
13. To receive an update on all aspects of TFF & car park
13.1 Play areas update (MS/DH)
No areas of concern reported.
13.2 Croquet Club parking request
Following a request by the croquet club to park on TFF next to the club (following incidents in the TFF car park), Council agreed it could not agree to this request. DM to speak to D Long re alternatives.
13.3 Any other updates – Trim Trail/TFF/Car Park
13.3.1 Marked parking bays (see Amazon points for Council to consider email dated 25.6.23)
DM & DH to discuss regarding the recreation ground & TFF car parks.
13.3.2 Use of TFF by Amazons for training (inc. use of portable flood lights in winter)
The Amazons had indicated that they could obtain a grant to obtain lights in order to train in the winter months. Council were in favour. DM & JG to set out terms of use in principle.
14. To receive an update on Risk Management & Compliance
14.1 Speed Reduction Measures
See item 7. above.
14.2 Insurance review (AC)
See 10.2.3 above.
14.3 Any update or information on risk management & compliance
15. To receive an update on issues relating to the Environment
15.1 Information from Sustainable Blewbury (AM)
DH met with A Musson regarding a hedge cutting plan & had forwarded to the Council for consideration.
15.2 Any other environmental issues
15.2.1 District Council Deep Cleanse Services (email 3.7.23 refers)
AM recommended & Council agreed this was not required.
15.2.2 AM & SA are investigating the possibility of an EV station & whether a grant would be available.
15.2.3 JG raised the possibility of the 94-bus ceasing to run in November 2023. JG & AM to investigate.
15.2.4 JG suggested that a fixmystreet superuser is appointed for the village. JG to put a request in the next bulletin.
16. To receive an update on any issues relating to footpaths, rights of way and open spaces
16.1 Parking on the Pound – remedial / repair action
With MS to action.
16.2 Parking on the Pound – sign
Clerk raised the poor state & siting of the sign on the Pound. To contact sign makers to restore/re-site.
16.3 Coffin Way – hedgerows & footpath beneath
MS to ascertain who is responsible for what part of this part of the footpath in order to move forward.
16.4 Any other updates on footpaths, rights of way and open spaces
16.4.1 Hedges (village generally)
It was agreed that a new ‘hedge’ letter should be written. Clerk to draft.
16.4.2 Footpath 24 – tree encroachment (both on footpath & from adjoining properties)
DH reported the encroachment of trees in the upper part of this footpath.
17. To receive an update on any outstanding consultations
Blewbury Conservation Area Appraisal – open for comments until Wednesday 2nd August.
18. To agree the date/venue of the next meeting(s) of the Council
Next full Parish Council meeting will be held on Wednesday 13th September at 7.00pm in the Melland Room at the Clubhouse. There is no Parish Council meeting in August.
The meeting finished at 9pm.
Appendix A
1. | DH to speak to tennis club re removal of lavender hedge & other vegetation in autumn. | September meeting |
2. | AM/LR/DH to discuss possible installation of bike racks following removal of vegetation as 2. above. | September meeting |
3. | DH to speak to R Savage re ovegrown Savages footpath. | September meeting |
4. | DH to remedy repairs to KAP gate | Actioned |
5. | LR to give update on moving SIDs around. | September meeting |
6. | Councillors to provide ideas on approach to Clubs & Societies event to JG. AM, JS to collaborate. | September meeting |
7. | AC to obtain insurance quote from alternative provider. | September meeting |
8. | Clerk to contact LR re payments. | Actioned |
9. | Clerk to obtain ‘funding agreement’ for VH bike rack. | September meeting |
10. | VH Woodlands Surgery – DM to update on new lease & commercial agreement. | September meeting |
11. | Clubhouse designated premises supervisor | Actioned |
12. | Clubhouse IT – AM to set out recommendations for Council. | September meeting |
13. | Clerk to contact Worthy Builders re trace heating & lagging | Actioned |
14. | Dm to speak to D Long re car parking for croquet club | September meeting |
15. | DM & DH to discuss potential of marking parking bays at TFF & recreation ground. | September meeting |
16. | Amazons – DM & JG to set out terms of use for lighting. | September meeting |
17. | AM & SA to investigate possibility of EV station & grant. | September meeting |
18. | JG & AM to investigate 94 bus | September meeting |
19. | JG to request for fixmystreet super user in next Bulletin. | August |
20. | MS to action remedy to parking on the Pound in South Street. | ASAP |
21. | Clerk to action upgrade of sign on Pound. | ASAP |
22. | MS to ascertain ownership of parts of footpath at Blewbury end of Coffin Way. | September meeting |
23. | Clerk to draft new ‘hedges’ letter. | ASAP |
2. | AM & LI to meet with N James re Malthus Trust trustee appointment | ASAP |
3. | DM & DH to find suitable location for beech tree on TFF | ASAP |
4. | AM to speak to A Musson regarding London Road hedge laying | ASAP |
5. | DH to speak to BlewShed re work on new bench | ASAP |
3. | Clerk to arrange a meeting with BVGA to discuss allotment administration. | C’fwd |
6. | MS to confirm if any further work is required to secure table tennis table. | C’fwd |
11. | MS to agree & arrange for a method of parking prevention on the Pound. | C’fwd |
12. | MS to investigate possibility of installing steps in to TFF from Rubble Pit Lane | TBC |
15. | AM/LI to investigate where to plant wild flower areas. | TBC |
Agenda | PDF download |
Blewbury Parish Council Extraordinary Meeting Wednesday 11th September at 7.00pm in the Melland Room in the Blewbury Clubhouse |