Minutes of the Blewbury Parish Council Meeting held on Wednesday 12th February 2025
Councillors Lee Robinson (LR), Sheila Austin (SA), Mark Shayler (MS), Julia Saunders (JS), Anne Millman (AM), Andrew Calder (AC), Andy
Evason (AE)
Clerk Liz Cooper
Other attendees L Babington-Smith, R Loyd, G Loyd, A Stockley. J Andrew, J Richardson
- To receive & accept apologies for absence
Apologies were received & accepted from: – Chairman D Mathias (DM), Lengthman I Wood (IW), District Councillors H Gascoigne & D Dewhurst
- To record any declarations of interests relating to this meeting
- To receive a report from the County Councillor
No report received & County Councillor not present.
- To receive a report from the District Councillor
Received in advance of the meeting & sent to Council.
- Action points from previous meetings – All
Any changes noted.
6. To receive the Lengthman’s report from Iain Wood
- KAP inspections & repairs
- Work at KAP entrance (MS)
The gates had been moved at the KAP entrance, but no ground work had taken place as the contractor was no longer available. Cllr Shayler recommended he gravel a 3msq area from the car park up to the kerb stones & install timber edging. The old mats can be re-used on the surface from the other side of kerb, through to under the gates. Council agreed to this solution. Cllr Inglis to ask BlewShed if they can repair the damaged gate post. Cllr Shayler to provide a quote to the Clerk for the proposed work. In the meantime, the KAP play area will remain closed & updated notices will be issued.
- Play Space & Trim Trail inspections & repairs
Council agreed to leave any work on the entrance sign until the weather improved & a proper assessment could take place. IW to monitor in the meantime.
- General work & observations
- Open Forum
To receive representations from members of the public if present. Maximum 15 minutes (3 minutes per person).
- Enquiry into the use of Blewbury Clubhouse kitchen as temporary base of operations – Joseph Richardson
Mr Richardson gave a brief explanation of his start up business proposal, for which a kitchen facility is required. While the Council expressed an interest in helping, it would need much more information on the proposal in order to make a considered decision & would be in touch with Mr Richardson.
- Jon Andrew raised the subject of a better surface on Coffin Way to aid this cycle route. Cllr Inglis briefly explained the previous work on this subject. Council agreed that it would wait until after the OCC May elections & raise with the new County Councillor. L Babington-Smith stated that this would also create a circular riding route.
- Louisa Babington-Smith raised the subject of verge parking, particularly in her area of the village & whether anything could be done to discourage this? Louisa was asked to provide photos to Cllr Millman, & Cllr Milman would contact OCC as necessary.
Louisa also raised the subject of installing a ‘graffiti wall’ to channel this art form. As the Council is in the process of replacing the skate park, a graffiti wall as not something under consideration at this time.
- Adam Stockley (on behalf of the Cricket Club) reiterated the need to formalise a Grounds Working Group – Council to consider & agree on its formation – carried forward to the March meeting.
Adam also stated that the BVS had agreed to the new container budget. Adam to keep the Council informed of progress on this matter.
Adam also raised the matter of flooding on Watts Lane, making the footpath impassable at times. Cllr Millman stated the flood relief work planned for Church Lane, for which funding was being provided by OCC, would be taking place between 21 & 28 March. Plans of the proposed works will be obtained from OCC Highways. Adam was also advised to report other areas of Watts Lane via fixmystreet.
- To approve previous minutes & report on any matters arising – All Cllrs
8.1 Minutes of the BPC meeting held on 8th January 2025
Council agreed minutes to be a true record of the meeting.
9. To hear the Planning Committee Report & Planning Responses – LI
9.1 To agree or ratify the Council’s response to the following consultations
- P25/V0033/HH Carramores, Church Road, Blewbury
Conversion of existing outbuilding to ancillary residential use.
Note: – P25/V0034/LB withdrawn.
Deadline 10.2.25
Council agreed no objections. Returned 10.2.25
- P24/V0956/FUL Amendment no.1, Abners Barn, Church Road, Blewbury
Deadline 30.1.25
Council agreed no objections. Returned 29.1.25
- P25/V0200/S19 The Cleeve, South Street, Blewbury
Variation of condition 3 re P24/V0610/LB – not to limewash brick pattern etc.
Deadline 5.3.25
Council agreed no objections. Returned 11.2.25.
- P24/V0956/FUL Amendment no.5 & P24/V0958/LB Abners, Church Road, Blewbury
Pursuant to P21/V0405/FUL & P21/V0406/LB etc.
Deadline 26.2.25
Council agreed no objections. Returned 11.2.25.
9.2 To note planning permissions or refusals received during the month
9.2.1 P24/V2427/HH 17 Bridus Mead, Blewbury
Planning permission 9.1.25
9.2.2 P24/V2563/HH & P24/V25645/LB Ashbrook House, Westbrook St, Blewbury
Planning permission 21.1.25
- To note other Planning considerations
Cllr Millman had attended an Oxfordshire Neighbourhood Plans Alliance online meeting to understand future changes to neighbourhood planning. Key points were: – a new planning framework, including neighbourhood planning, with a ‘top down’ process. Less regard may be paid to National Landscapes (previously known as AONBs) in future. Cllrs Millman & Inglis agreed to meet over the summer, post the adoption of the new Joint Local Plan, to look at the practicalities of reviewing the Blewbury Neighbourhood Plan.
- To hear an update on Speed Watch & Speed Reduction Measures (Speed Watch representatives)
10.1 Speed Watch report for January
Received in advance of the meeting & sent to Council (see Appendix B below).
10.2 Other Speed Watch / Speed Reduction Measures updates
10.2.1 Council unanimously agreed to apply for the TVP Community Fund. Clerk to arrange.
Clerk’s note: – Application submitted 18.2.25
10.2.2 OCC approved contractors have been approached to quote for bollard crossings, following a positive discussion with M Francis of OCC.
10.2.3 L Babington-Smith presented sample poster designed by children, which could be one of several displayed at points along the main roads at any given time. Such posters have proved effective in other areas. Council agreed in principle to the use of posters, subject to a formal plan & final poster designs.
10.2.4 It was noted that J Ingoldby had requested that Highways replace the old speed warning signs that are not working.
10.3 Further information from Cllr Millman on speed reduction measures
10.3.1 The Police & Crime Commissioner (Matthew Barber) is part of a Road Safety Strategic Group & is working with Thames Valley Police (TVP) to look at ways to improve speed data sharing.
10.3.2 Mark Francis of OCC stated in a meeting with representatives of the Parish Council on 29/12, that he has put another bid into the Road Safety Budget 2025/26 for a crossing near Savages on the London Road.
10.3.3 The Council has agreed in principle to ‘bollard’ crossings. Council believes these would aid safe crossings for access to & from school buses. Advice from M Francis of OCC is to keep bollard crossings simple (i.e. without bobbled paving that would confuse users with reduced sight), & he has also agreed to provide a quote.
Cllr Millman also said that M Francis may be able to provide a ‘wigwag’ – these are solar powered temporary warning signs that can flash speed limits at certain times of the day, in the vicinity of bollard crossings. He is looking into this.
10.3.4 Regarding 20mph on main roads, Cllr Millman will arrange for a Vision Zero representative to attend a Parish Council meeting. Any proposed change to current speed limits on the two main roads would require a village consultation.
10.3.5 Regarding the purchase of a 4th SID unit, this cost has not been allocated in the 25/26 budget.
Only costs for the moving of SIDs are included.
- To hear an update on Finance & Administration from the Clerk
11.1 Financial updates
11.1.1 Bank Reconciliation
The end of month reconciliation for January was sent in advance of the meeting to the Vice Chairman. Agreed & signed at the meeting.
11.1.2 Lloyds Bank account funds as of 31.01.25 were: –
Current Account £76,097.79, with receipts for the month totalling £11,474.79
Deposit Account Reserves £105,421.04, with interest for January £192.45
Clerk also stated that Lloyds were reducing their interest rate on the deposit account from 2.3% to 2.15% with effect from 1.4.25.
11.1.3 To hear an update on Business Rates
i. Update on Old Scout Hut Business Rates
ii. Update on Clubhouse Business Rates
The Clerk stated that final demands (totalling £1800) from the Vale of White Horse (via Capita) had been paid on the above premises. No response has yet been received from the Valuation Office. H Gascoigne of the District Council had asked for further details on this subject & this had been provided by the Clerk on 6.2.25.
11.1.4 To hear any other Financial updates
i. The Clerk stated that the BT bill for the Clubhouse would rise by 6.4% with effect from 1.4.25.
ii. S106 update
a. All monies received for village artwork. £9000 spent, £9595 received. Planning costs £242.78. Leaving £352.22 for launch activities.
b. c£18,711 in funds to be used for the improvement of the cricket & football pitches, & clubhouse facilities in association with sports. These funds to be used by May 2027.
iii. CIL update
£27,351.53 held in BPC reserves. CIL money can be used for almost anything to the benefit of the village. CIL funds should be spent within 5 years of receipt. £16,830 was received in October 2024. £10,522 needs to be spent by October 2025. There is less than 5 years to spend c£10,500. These funds can be spent on speed reduction measures.
iv. Reserves
a. Council to agree to the movement of £1,100 held in reserves, specifically for repairs to the KAP play area. Current work taking place in this area likely to cost in the region of £2,000. Council unanimously agreed to move £1,100 from KAP reserves.
b. Council also to consider using CIL funds for trailer purchase & therefore agreeing to the movement of £3,480 (exc. carriage & vat), from reserves.
Council unanimously agreed to move £3,480 from CIL reserves.
Clerk’s note: – Reserves can only be moved from the deposit account in the sum of £10,000 or more. To be reviewed by Council at the March meeting.
11.2 Administrative updates
11.2.1 Council to formally acknowledge the resignation of the Clerk on 2 January 2025, with a final date of 31 March 2025.
Council formally acknowledged receipt & acceptance of the Clerk’s resignation dated 2.1.25.
11.2.2 To hear an update on new Clerk recruitment.
Interviews for a new Clerk are taking place during week beginning 17.2.25.
11.2.3 To agree whether to renew the Community First Oxfordshire membership with effect from 1st April 2025 at a cost of £70.
Council unanimously agreed to renew this membership.
11.2.4 To hear any other Administrative updates
11.3 To agree two authorisers for payments as detailed below
Cllrs L Robinson & A Calder agreed to authorise payments.
11.4 To approve payments to be made under the general power of competence and within budgeted amounts as detailed in the table below – All Councillors
11.4.1 Council agreed to the additional payment of an invoice from Walters Electrical, for £320.00, following work on the hand dryers in the Clubhouse.
PAYEE | Description | Amount (inc VAT) |
E Cooper/ E Holroyd/I Wood | Clerk, Lengthman, & Hall Administrator salaries & expenses for January | £3,060.56 |
NEST DD | Clerk’s pension January | £140.31 |
HMRC | PAYE Clerk, Lengthman, Hall Admin & Employer NIC contributions January | £804.92 |
Biffa Waste Services Ltd DD | Waste services January* | £180.30
BT DD | Clubhouse digital fibre package January* | £36.86 |
Scottish Power DD | Clubhouse electricity 01.02.25* | £233.00 |
J Newman | Clubhouse cleaning January | £216.00 |
Amazon | Clubhouse sundries: – New hand dryer* | £71.99 |
Lloyds Bank | Service charge* | £8.50 |
Indespension Trailers | New trailer* | £3660.00 |
VoWHDC | Business Rate final demands* | £1800.00 |
Norton Subscription | Annual Auto Renewal from 16.2.25 | £89.99 |
Play Safety | Play area inspections January | £510.00 |
Red Box | Fire equipment safety tests | £159.54 |
Starboard Systems t/a Scribe Accounts | Annual subscription from 1.4.25 | £673.92 |
Total | £11,645.89 |
*Paid to be ratified
Receipts | Description | Amount |
Cemetery fees | CR interment | £355.00 |
Croquet Club | PAT testing share | £36.00 |
VoWHDC | Remaining S106 money for skate ramp repairs | £124.31 |
VHEMC | Clubhouse receipts Oct-Dec24 | £3,867.82 |
VHEMC | Hall Admin share Oct-Dec24 | £1,532.63 |
HMRC | VAT refund Q3 Oct-Dec24 | £5,559.03 |
Total | £11,474.79 |
12. To receive an update from VHEMC if available
12.1 EV charger update – LR
Cllr Robinson is expecting a formal business proposition from a contractor by Friday 14th February.
12.2 To hear any other updates
13. To receive an update on all things relating to the operation of the Clubhouse, recreation ground & other concerns in this area – E Holroyd, I Wood, L Robinson
13.1 Clubhouse update
13.1.1 Clubhouse Admin & income report for January – EH
Submitted by EH in advance of the meeting & copied to Council. Income for January £1,221.33.
13.1.2 Clubhouse solar panels update – LR
Council unanimously agreed to proceed with the installation of solar panels using grant money already received. Cllr Robinson to advise on process accordingly.
Chairman’s note: – Cllr Inglis thanked Cllr Robinson for all his hard work on existing (speed reduction measures) & new initiatives for the village (solar panels/EV charge point) & bringing these to fruition.
13.2 Recreation ground update
13.3 Scout Hut & Tractor Shed update – AC, DM
13.3.1 Storage working group update
All sports related items have now been moved from the Old Scout Hut to the metal shed.
Council documents remain in the locked rooms in the Old Scout Hut, pending further work to aid removal to a different location.
13.4 To hear any other updates
14. To receive an update on all aspects of TFF & car park – MS, IW
14.1 Play area / trim trail update
Zip wire repair update, inc. timescale & inspection – MS
Cllr Shayler will inform the Council when better weather & time will enable the repairs to the zip wire & structure to be carried out.
14.2 Skate Park / Cycle Track update – A Calder
Cllr Calder stated that the tender document was near completion & asked the Clerk to issue it to the three agreed contractors by the end of the week.
15. To receive an update on Risk Management & Compliance – AC
Cllr Calder had largely completed his audit of the asset register. IW would be asked to review the list of equipment held by the Lengthman.
16. To receive an update on issues relating to the Environment – AM
16.1 Information from Sustainable Blewbury
Cllr Millman reported that Sustainable Blewbury has had a discussion with the Lengthman, Iain Wood, regarding the maintenance of Quaker Wood.
16.2 Any other environmental & bio diversity issues
16.2.1 To hear any updates on: –
i. Highways Engagement activity – Cllr Millman reported on the following: –
– Major drainage work on the A417 is in the OCC budget for 25/26.
– Work on Church End up to Watts Lane is scheduled to take place between 21st & 28th March.
– Work on flooding at the junction with Westbrook Street, Heather Lane & Church End has been alleviated by Thames Water, together with Berry Lane sewerage problems (by OCC).
Chairman’s note: – Cllr Inglis thanked Cllr Millman on behalf of the Council for all her hard work on finding solutions to various serious flooding problems affecting roads in the village.
ii. Fixmystreet super users
No update.
16.2.2 To hear any other updates
BlewShed was asked by the Clerk to review the state of benches at the Chalk Pits, which Mike Magnay did on 12th February. He reported that both benches would benefit from some work, which can be carried out in the spring/summer.
17. To receive an update on any issues relating to Footways, Footpaths, rights of way and open spaces – MS, IW
17.1 Curtoys Cob Wall – further work – LI
Cllr Inglis reported that a further 90ft of the cob wall needs attention. Kit Davis had quoted a cost of c£8/9,000. Council agreed that the work must take place. The Clerk confirmed that a sum of £6,000 was in next year’s budget, so further funds would be required & could possibly come from CIL money held.
17.2 Footpath gravelling – MS
Cllr Shayler to confirm a Saturday when this work can be carried out.
17.3 Any other update on Footways, Footpaths, Rights of Ways & open spaces in & around the village – All
Cllr Evason was concerned about the apparent dumping of waste on Church Moor. He will continue to monitor the situation & seek advice from OCC as necessary.
18. To receive an update on any outstanding consultations – All Councillors
Clerk to respond to the Great Western Park GP Surgery consultation, by stating that ‘The Council fully supports this development’. This information was returned on 19.2.25, ref. 274076.
- To agree actions from this meeting – All
All agreed.
- To agree the date/venue of the next meeting(s) of the Council – All Councillors
Next full council meeting is on Wednesday 12th March 2025 at 7.00pm in the Melland Room at the Clubhouse.
The meeting finished at 8.55pm.
Appendix A
1. | MS to carry out work at KAP entrance | ASAP | |
2. | LI to speak to BlewShed re replacement of gate post at KAP | Actioned | |
3. | Clerk to obtain more information from Mr Richardson re use of the Clubhouse kitchen | Actioned | |
4. | Following request from A Stockley – Council to consider forming a Recreation Ground Working Group to include representatives from the PC, the cricket club and the Amazons FC. | March meeting | |
5. | AM & LI to look at possible policies for review in Blewbury’s neighbourhood plan. | Summer 2025 | |
6. | AM to arrange for Vision Zero representative to attend a Parish Council meeting | March meeting | |
7. | LR to advise on progress with EV charger | March meeting | |
8. | AC to speak to IW re review of asset list | ASAP | |
9. | MS to confirm when footpath gravelling may take place. | ASAP | |
9. | AE to pursue suitable blind spot mirror for junction of Westbrook St, Heather Way/ Church End | Carried forward | |
11. | IW to ask contractor re water damage in plant room | Carried forward | |
6. | Speed Watch representatives to contact other local Parish Councils & find out what they do with their SID data. | Ongoing | |
11. | LR to provide pros & cons re EV charger | C’fwd | |
17. | AM & DM to meet with tennis club re planting of ground alongside tennis club in car park. | C’fwd | |
4. | MS to action zip wire repairs | C’fwd | |
3. | Clerk to draft letter to BlewShed re formalising use of old scout hut – awaiting info on charitable status | C’fwd | |
Appendix B
Parish Council Report for Blewbury SpeedWatch Group
Reporting between 01-01-2025 and 31-01-2025
Current Volunteers = 18
Summary for this Period
Number of Sessions this period = 2
Total Vehicles exceeding limit = 18
DVLA Valid vehicles = 18
Accuracy = 100%
Maximum Speed recorded in 30 limit = 42 mph(+40%)
Police Actions this Period
Reported to TVP = 18
From all Group records
My group started Recording* on = 31-07-2021
Number of Sessions since start date = 251
Vehicles recorded exceeding limit since start date = 2904
Maximum Speed recorded in 20 limit = 27 mph(+35%) Maximum Speed recorded in 30 limit = 68 mph(+126%) Maximum Speed recorded in 40 limit = 53 mph(+32%)
Date Time Type Location
Traffic Heading Recorded Letters All Vehicles Percent
23-01-2025 13:30 -> 14:30 Bessels Way-grass area at junction of Bessels Lea/ Bessels Way
Traffic Heading North 8 66 12%
08-01-2025 11:00 -> 12:00 Bessels Way-grass area at junction of Bessels Lea/ Bessels Way
Traffic Heading North 10 85 11%
Totals 18 0
The type field shows if the Session was
Ad-Hoc – one not booked using the Campaign Calendar.
Booked – one in the Campaign Calendar awaiting results or with zero offenders(shown in yellow). Scheduled – one in the Campaign Calendar with records booked to this session.
NOTE:- Recorded column is the total number of vehicles recorded during this session.
Letters column is the total number of Offence letters sent for this session.
All vehicles column shows the count of vehicles passing if recorded by group. Percent column shows the percentage of offending vehicles vs total passing.
* Start Date is date of first recorded internal batch id not necessarily your groups original start date.
SID data report summary from January 2025 data
- The signs remain effective in the direction facing the traffic with all figures 20-30 % below the baseline measurements.
- The number of vehicles travelling towards Didcot at over 50mph on Bessels Way at the donkey field has dropped from 8 per day in November to only 3 per day last month.
- SIDs are now covered by the BPC insurance policy
Of concern
- The maximum speed recorded this month was 103mph on Bessels Way. Heading North at around 11pm.
- The SID on pole 4 on Bessels Way (nearer to the garage) still has gaps in the data for about ¼ of the time. This is due to its low battery level. There is less missing data than last month. Hopefully increased light levels during the spring will solve the problem.
For discussion/action
- Reply from Matthew Barber received by AM stated that there will be no visits from the police mobile speed enforcement team until OCC have rectified a signage issue. This work is scheduled for the 2024/25 financial year. Could BPC write to OCC suggesting that this matter is urgent due to the speeds measured on the SIDS. I can supply some figures if required.