Minutes of the meeting of the Parish Council held on Wednesday 11th September 2024 at 7.00 pm in the Melland Room at the Blewbury Clubhouse.
Councillors Lee Robinson, Sheila Austin, Mark Shayler, Julia Saunders, Anne
Millman, Andrew Calder, Andy Evason
Clerk Liz Cooper
Lengthman Iain Wood
District Councillor Hayleigh Gascoigne
1. To receive & approve apologies for absence
Dermot Mathias
2. To record any declarations of interests relating to this meeting
3. To receive a report from the County Councillor
No report was received from the County Councillor.
4. To receive a report from the District Councillor
Received ahead of the meeting & copied to the Council.
5. To receive the Lengthman’s report from Iain Wood
- KAP inspections & repairs
All in order apart from a small amount of graffiti.
- Play Space & Trim Trail inspections & repairs
Small repairs made to the picnic table, otherwise all in order.
- General work & observations
- The Pound & Play Close have been mowed by hand, but will be mowed using the Kubota when back from its service.
- The Melland Room sign at the top of the slope down to the Clubhouse is frequently broken & glued back together. This may need to be moved & replaced with something more robust.
6. Open Forum
To receive representations from members of the public if present. Maximum 15 minutes (3 minutes per person).
No members of the public were present.
7. To approve previous minutes & report on any matters arising – All Cllrs
7.1 Minutes of the BPC meeting held on 10th July 2024
Council agreed the minutes as a true record of the meeting.
7.2 Minutes of the BPC extraordinary meeting held on 4th September 2024
Those present from the extraordinary meeting agreed the minutes were a true record.
8. To hear the Planning Committee Report & Planning Responses – L Inglis
8.1 To agree or ratify the Council’s response to the following consultations
8.1.1 P24/V1848/S73 Millbrook Cottage, Berry Lane, Blewbury
Variation of C2 on P22/V1588/HH. Reduction of scale of east elevation.
Deadline 25.9.24
Council agreed no objections to this consultation.
8.1.2 P24/V1678/HH Oak Hall, Nottingham Fee, Blewbury
Replacement of existing glass room with single storey extension.
BPC returned no objections 15.8.24
8.1.3 P24/V0956/FUL amendment no. 1, Abners, Church Road, Blewbury
Amended plans & supporting docs.
BPC returned no objections 15.8.24
8.1.4 P24/V1397/FUL Fieldside Farm, Westbrook Street, Blewbury
Replacement dwelling with garage & outbuilding.
BPC returned no objections 20.8.24
8.1.5 P24/V1616/S73 Lowmans, South Street, Blewbury
V of C2 on P24/V0533/HH changes to external materials following specialist design input.
BPC returned no objections 15.8.24
8.1.6 P24/V1476/HH & P24/V1477/LB The Cleeve, South Street, Blewbury
Install EV charge point on external wall of garage.
BPC returned no objections 31.7.24
8.1.7 P24/V1485/HH Mill Lodge, Berry Lane, Blewbury
Proposed conservatory to front of property.
BPC returned no objections 13.7.24
8.1.8 P24/V1305/LDE Blewbury Riding Centre, Bessels Way, Blewbury
Certificate of lawful development for mobile homes.
BPC understands this property is the subject of enforcement action by the Vale, and in view of this does not wish to submit any comment on this planning application.
8.1.9 P24/V1493/Da & P24/V1494/DA Land to the north west of the Red Lion public house car park.
Installation of an OOD house on Hall Barn land & associated affects. Alleged breach – no planning permission applied for.
Deadline 10.9.24. Returned 9.9.24
Council agreed the following response: –
The Parish Council wishes to emphasise that the Red Lion is an important community asset and is recognised as such in our Neighbourhood Plan.
As a hearing on the appeals is scheduled for 29th October 2024, the Parish Council agrees that it is not appropriate to comment.
8.2 To note planning permissions received during the month
8.2.1 P24/V1379/S73 6 Chailey Gardens, Blewbury
Planning permission 19.8.24
8.2.2 P24/1218/HH 9 Chailey Gardens, Blewbury
Planning permission 26.7.24
8.2.3 P24/V1179/HH amendment no.1, The Lintols, Church Road, Blewbury
Selective demolition of existing house to allow rear extension at ground floor & extension at first floor.
Deadline 28.8.24
BPC returned no objections 28.8.24
Planning permission 3.9.24
8.2.4 P24/V1485/HH Mill Lodge, Berry Lane, Blewbury
Planning permission 5.9.24
8.2.5 P24/V1476/HH & P24/V1477/LB The Cleeve, South Street, Blewbury
Planning permission 6.9.24
9. To hear an update on Speed Watch & Speed Reduction Measures (L Robinson / J Ingoldby)
LR stated there is no update from OCC on moving the vacant SID pole to a more appropriate site. There was no Speed Watch activity in August, but downloaded data from the SIDs showed:
- Bessels Way top speed towards East Hagbourne 91 mph & from E Hag 71 mph
- London Rd top speed towards village (from Streatley) 64mph & towards the garage 105 mph
- Dower House top of Westbrook Street, from Upton top speed 70 mph & towards Upton 99mph
- A meeting with Bransgore Parish Council has been arranged to discuss their ‘ unofficial’ crossings & an update will be given at the October meeting.
To hear an update on Finance & Administration from the Clerk
10.1 Financial updates
10.1.1 Bank Reconciliation
The end of month reconciliations for July & August sent in advance of the meeting to the vice-chair. Agreed & signed at the meeting by the vice-chair.
10.1.2 Lloyds Bank account funds as of 31.08.24 were: –
Current Account £84,819.22
Deposit Account Reserves £83,633.09. Interest for July was £188.43 & August £171.66
10.1.3 To discuss any other Financial updates
i. Council to agree the amount of a contribution it will make towards the upgrade of the churchyard gravel path.
Council agreed a donation of £500 to the PCC for this work.
ii. Council to agree to remedial work to four trees in the Churchyard by Complete Tree Services, following a quote obtained from Complete tree services by the PCC, at a cost of £950 + vat.
Council agreed to this work, but Clerk to confirm if this covers 4 or 5 trees.
iii. To agree whether to renew CPRE membership, & if so at the rate of £36 or £60?
Council agreed to renew at £36.
10.2 Administrative updates
10.2.1 To hear an update on the External Audit Conclusion
The Clerk explained the results of the External Audit conclusion to the Council as follows: –
i. Letter from Moore re the AGAR for 2023/4
The letter contained two points.
- The approval of Sections 1 & 2 of the AGAR must be contained in individual minutes.
- As the Council does not run a petty cash system, this should be removed from the bank reconciliation. Clerk to speak to Scribe. iii. External Auditor Report & Certificate 2023/4
Further feedback was as follows: –
- On the accounting statements the prior year was not marked as ‘restated’ as required in the JPAG Practitioner’s Guide. The ‘prior year restated accounts’ was included in the covering email sent to Moore.
- ‘Insufficient data’ was submitted with the new I&E accounts. This data was sent to Moore when subsequently requested.
- Notice of Conclusion of Annual Audit
This was published on the village web site, Parish Council pages on 16.9.24, & on the village noticeboard on 23.8.24.
- Moore invoice
The invoice was higher than budgeted as this was the first year of an Income & Expenditure audit. £420 was in the budget, but the actual cost is £630 (ex vat).
On behalf of the Council, the Vice-Chair thanked the Clerk for all her hard work in bringing the audit to its conclusion.
10.2.2 To hear an update on the grass cutting contract for this year
i. Tactical Facilities Management engagement ceased on 31.7.24
ii. Churchyard maintenance contract for Whitehorse Horticulture signed on 14.7.24, with a commencement date of 1.7.24 & for a period of 18 months, at £200 per cut.
iii. The Lengthman is responsible for cutting the Pound & Play Close from 1.8.24.
Council agreed & ratified all of the above decisions.
10.2.3 To discuss any other Administrative updates
i. Blewbury website accessibility audit £160.00
Council agreed for this audit of the Blewbury website to go ahead.
ii. Application for a bench in the Blewbury cemetery
Council agreed in principle to the application & asked the Clerk to speak to the originator.
Council agreed that this meant that further applications for benches in the cemetery may not be successful as the number of benches was sufficient.
iii. Poppy appeal – A Millman
AM asked that the Council donate £50 towards a wreath. Council agreed & this will be organised nearer the time.
10.3 To agree two authorisers for payments as detailed below
AC & LI agreed to authorise payments.
10.4 To approve payments to be made under the general power of competence and within budgeted amounts as detailed in the table below – All Councillors
PAYEE | Description | Amount |
E Cooper/ E Holroyd/I Wood | Clerk, Lengthman, & Hall Administrator salaries & expenses for July* | £3636.31 |
E Cooper/ E Holroyd/I Wood | Clerk, Lengthman, & Hall Administrator salaries & expenses for August | £3737.84
NEST DD | Clerk’s pension July* | £113.65 |
NEST DD | Clerk’s pension August | £113.65 |
HMRC | PAYE Clerk, Lengthman, Hall Admin & Employer NIC contributions July* | £737.64 |
HMRC | PAYE Clerk, Lengthman, Hall Admin & Employer NIC contributions August | £1013.68 |
Biffa Waste Services Ltd DD | Waste services July* & August | £144.24 £144.24 |
BT DD | Clubhouse digital fibre package July* & August | £36.86 £36.86 |
Scottish Power DD | Clubhouse electricity 01.08.24 & 01.09.24* | £187.56 £187.56 |
J Newman | Clubhouse cleaning July* | £270.00 |
J Newman | Clubhouse cleaning August | £162.00 |
White Horse Horticulture | Churchyard maintenance July* & August24 | £200.00 £200.00 |
Amazon Debit Card | New defib pads (Clubhouse)* Toilet rolls* Blue rolls* Post it pads* Document dividers* Document boxes* Copier paper* Clubhouse tap* | £88.40 £22.99 £11.45 £10.98 £7.01 £58.00 £16.98 £99.99 |
EE Debit Card | Clerk phone top-up* | £30.00 |
The Zip Wire Co. Debit Card | Parts for zip wire* | £269.98 |
ONPA membership | March 24 – March 25* | £50.00 |
SCS | Work on South Street edge of Pound* | £2827.20 |
RoSPA (Play Safety) | Play area inspections July24* | £499.20 |
Bibby (TFM) | Pound & Play Close mowing July24* | £210.00 |
Bibby (TFM) | Additional inv following canx of contract* | £141.60 |
VHEMC | PO rent Q2 July-Sept24* | £300.00 |
Moore SA | External Auditor conclusion of audit 23-24 | £756.00 |
Dave Woods | Blewbury website accessibility audit (tbc) | £160.00 |
SSE DD | Scout Hut electricity – 16.4.24-6.8.24 | £281.45 |
Total | £16,763.32 |
*Paid to be ratified
Receipts | Description | Amount |
Cemetery fees | Various | £165.00 |
BlewShed | Scout electricity charge contribution | £250.00 |
VWHDC S106 | Community artwork funds | £9595.01 |
HMRC | VAT refund Q1 | £583.23 |
VHEMC | Clubhouse receipts Q1 | £4240.75 |
VHEMC | HEH salary contribution Q1 | £1403.00 |
BT | Compensation for overcharging | £95.30 |
Lloyds Bank | Compensation | £25.00 |
Total | £16,357.29 |
11. To receive an update from VHEMC
11.1 EV charger update – L Robinson
LR is gathering further information in order to progress this matter.
11.2 Post Mistress letter of confirmation
The Clerk wrote a letter of confirmation of the appointment of the Post Mistress & the content was agreed by D Mathias & A Forman.
Clerk’s note: – The letter was delivered to Mrs Cantwell in the post office on 13.9.24.
11.3 To hear any other updates
12. To receive an update on the Community Art project – L Inglis
12.1 To review ‘order personalisation’ from D Harber
Council agreed unanimously to the order personalisation detail. LI signed the form. Clerk to return form to D Harber.
Clerk’s note: – Form returned on 12.9.24.
12.2 Corderoy bench / replacement bench – L Inglis / J Saunders
LI confirmed that the Corderoys do not want to retain the bench on the Play Close, but would like the plaque returned. The bench will be removed by the Lengthman. AM (on behalf of SB) to arrange a discussion on hedge trimming in the area of the bench. JS to follow up on new bench request.
13. To receive an update on all things relating to the operation of the Clubhouse, recreation ground & other concerns in this area – E Holroyd, I Wood
13.1 Clubhouse
13.1.1 Clubhouse Admin report – E Holroyd
Clubhouse income for July £1255 & August 2024 c£1312
13.1.2 Clubhouse solar panels update – L Robinson
LR is gathering further information on solar panels for submission to Council.
13.1.3 Clubhouse deep clean proposal & quotes
Council agreed to pursue the quote from Pro Clean for £435.60 inc vat.
13.1.4 To hear any other updates
- Clubhouse disabled toilet basin tap (new tap waiting to be installed)
Clerk reported that T Houseman had looked at the installation work & would come back with a date & costs.
- IW expressed his concern regarding the state of the walls in the Plant Room. One wall in particular is crumbling & needs work.
Clerk’s note: – Photos of wall taken & sent to Council for comment 16.9.24.
13.2 Recreation ground update – D Mathias, I Wood
13.2.1 To discuss drainage problems highlighted by investigation work carried out by the Tennis Club (Drainage Working Group meeting 11.9.24)
One quote has been received & Clerk to obtain a second.
13.3 Scout Hut & Tractor Shed update – A Calder / D Mathias
13.3.1 Storage working group update
i. BlewShed continue to work on the building of a new, smaller sleigh in the old scout hut. It was suggested that the old sleigh should be removed from the metal shed to create more space for the storage of sports club items. This is subject to further discussion on the dismantling & repurposing of the old sleigh parts, & discussions with the cricket & football clubs regarding storage.
ii.Work is ongoing regarding the sorting out/boxing up of Parish Council documents, currently stored in two rooms in the old scout hut.
13.3.2 BlewShed electricity usage
Council agreed that the majority of the electricity usage in the old scout hut was due to BlewShed usage. This would form a part of 13.3.3 below.
13.3.3 BlewShed Scout Hut rental discussion
Council agreed that some form of rental or lease agreement was required with BlewShed taking over the majority use of the old scout hut. Clerk to draft a letter to open discussions.
13.4 To hear any other updates
14. To receive an update on all aspects of TFF & car park – M Shayler
14.1 Play area / trim trail update
– Zip wire repair update
MS planning to action repairs prior to next quarterly inspection on 22nd October.
14.2 Inspections
Reports produced monthly & nothing major to report.
14.3 Skate Park / Cycle Track
14.3.1 Replacement update – A Calder / S Austin
Discussions are ongoing regarding design & costs. Council agreed the plan/design would be cost driven. Clerk had asked other parish councils for information on their skate parks & would feedback to Council.
14.3.2 Skate Park name update
Council was largely in agreement that the skate park should have a name & this would be discussed at a later date.
14.4 Any other updates
15. To receive an update on Risk Management & Compliance – A Calder
15.1 BPC Insurance 24-25
BPC insurance is due for renewal in October & discussions are underway with Marsh. This included answering pre-renewal questions & an up-to-date remote assessment of the buildings. A renewal quote is expected in the next week.
16. To receive an update on issues relating to the Environment – A Millman
16.1 Information from Sustainable Blewbury (SB)
AM confirmed that SB now had ownership of Quaker Wood. The planting of new trees would be undertaken by a contractor in November. AM also to look at the council’s Green Spaces Policy with IW & MS.
16.2 Any other environmental & bio diversity issues
16.2.1 To hear an update on OCC Flood Funding – A Millman
OCC Highways representative had been asked to contact the owners of Church Moor regarding installing drainage across the land to alleviate flooding in Church End.
Also, the OCC Highways Engagement team are due to meet with members of the Council on 8.9.24 to discuss 15 points of issue around the village.
16.2.2 To agree actions regarding the Blewbury Bus Shelter
The Council agreed that there was no immediate solution to the misuse of the bus shelter near the Blueberry on the London Road. The Council at this point could only ask via village communications, for people not to abuse this community asset. LR to draft a communication for approval by Council.
17. To receive an update on any issues relating to Footways, Footpaths, rights of way and open spaces – M Shayler, I Wood
17.1 Parking on the Pound update – All
17.1.1 Council to ratify decision to install posts along South Street side of the Pound, together with top soil & seeding. Work carried out on 9th & 10th August by SCS of Blewbury for a total cost of £2356 + vat.
Council unanimously agreed to ratify the actions taken.
17.1.2 To discuss the need for ‘no parking’ sign(s) on the Pound.
Council agreed that a singular sign, attached to an existing pole on the London Road side of the Pound, should be investigated by the Clerk.
17.2 Footpath gravelling – M Shayler
Council agreed that footpath gravelling should go ahead this year. Dates to be agreed in October meeting for work to go ahead in October or November.
17.3 Maintenance of trees in the Churchyard – D Mathias
Work is going ahead in October on trees in & around this area. Clerk to clarify with CTS how many trees that fall under the Parish Council’s responsibility, will be dealt with at that time.
17.4 Curtoys Lane cob wall maintenance – L Inglis
17.4.1 LI talked through the condition of the cob wall following a meeting with Kit Davis, together with potential costs of remedial work. Council acknowledged that its current budget allocation was insufficient & this would be reviewed. Also, a written report as to the condition of the cob wall, together with a formal quote would be required. Estimate for work required in this financial year is: –
40ft of wall from Play Close end – in need of serious & immediate repair, largely due to overhanging branches from neighbouring property. Costs c£130psf / £600 for 3 workmen per day. Estimated 5 days’ work over 3-month period, c£3000 + materials + VAT.
17.4.2 The condition of the whole of the cob wall was noted as follows: –
– The cob wall is 240ft long.
– The first 20ft from Westbrook Street is fine.
– The next 40ft is ok.
– The next 40ft the wall is deteriorating partly due to overhanging trees.
– The next 40ft requires maintenance asap.
– The next 100ft requires serious repairs. See 17.4.1 above.
17.4.2 Clerk to write a letter to the owner of the overhanging tree branches regarding their removal, to reduce level of damage to cob wall.
17.4.3 LI to talk to the Grahame Close resident’s association regarding the condition of their side of the cob wall.
17.4.4 Further cob wall costs to be considered in next year’s budget.
17.5 Any other update on Footways, Footpaths, Rights of Ways & open spaces in & around the village – All
As stated in 16.2.1 above, a meeting between Council members & the new OCC Highways Engagement team is arranged for 18.9.24 to discuss 15 points of issue around the village.
18. To receive an update on any outstanding consultations – All Councillors
19. To agree the date/venue of the next meeting(s) of the Council – All Councillors
Next full council meeting is on Wednesday 9th October 2024 at 7.00pm in the Melland Room at the Clubhouse.
The meeting finished at 9pm.
Appendix A
1. | LR, as part of Speed Watch group, to gather information on ‘unofficial crossing’ from other parish council(s). | Oct meeting |
2. | Clerk to confirm number of trees included in work in October in churchyard under PC responsibility | ASAP |
3. | AM to let Council know when £50 donation required for poppy appeal wreath | ASAP |
4. | AM to arrange discussion on hedge trimming around old bench on play close | ASAP |
5. | JS to follow up on new bench request for play close | ASAP |
6. | Clerk to obtain 2nd quote for drainage work on recreation ground | ASAP |
7. | Clerk to draft letter to BlewShed re formalising use of old scout hut | ASAP |
8. | MS to action zip wire repairs prior to next inspection on 22/10 | ASAP |
9. | Clerk to feedback on skate park information from other councils | ASAP |
10. | AM to review Council’s Green Space policy | ASAP |
11. | LR to draft a communication re misuse of bus shelter for Council to review before publication | ASAP |
12. | Clerk to pursue single no parking sign for Pound | ASAP |
13. | Clerk to write to owners of overhanging tree branches regarding their removal prior to remedial work on cob wall | ASAP |
14. | Clerk to clarify how many trees with PC responsibility included in work in October | ASAP |
1. | LR to speak with K Forman regarding a zebra crossing petition | Sept meet |
6. | LI to speak to the owners of the bench on the Play Close | Actioned |
7. | JS to speak to a resident re a new bench | ASAP |
8. | AM to send Clubhouse financial information to the Finance Committee | ASAP |
11. | MS to approach other contractors for skate park refurbishment ideas | Sept meet |
12. | LR to provide update on flooding problems on FB for information | Actioned |
13. | AM to speak to land owners on Bohams Road regarding digging new gullies to help alleviate flooding on London Road | Sept meet |
14. | MS to contact contractor identified by LI re bus shelter | Actioned |
15. | Clerk to send generic hedge/tree/foliage letter to Council again & Council to identify relevant properties | Deferred |
16. | LI to send an update on the PC’s discussions re Rubble Pit Lane bridleway to the complainant. | Sept meet |
4. | JS to investigate disabled access to footpaths | C’fwd |
5. | DM to open discussions with A Forman re Post Office Post Mistress formal arrangements (appointment/grant) | Actioned |
10. | MS to investigate what remedial work may be required at the TFF car park (filling in of pot holes?). | C’fwd |
11. | LR / MS to see if funding for car park maintenance is available. | C’fwd |
2. | MS to deal with vandalised bench by the TTT on TFF | ASAP |