Minutes of the Parish Council meeting held on Wednesday 9th March 2022 at 7.00 pm in the Melland Room at the Blewbury Clubhouse.
1. To receive apologies for absence
Cllrs C Burrow, V Humphries, M Shayler & Lengthman D Hollick.
2. To record any declarations of interests relating to this meeting
3. To receive the County Councillor’s report (see Appendix C below)
- The subject of the closed footpath due to filming was raised, as this was not properly communicated to the Parish Council, but must have been agreed via the County Council? SP to investigate filming permissions & report back to DM.
- SP stated no meetings would take place regarding Coffin Way whilst a change to bridleway was in action (& would take 6-9 months). DM to speak to Upton PC Chairman, B Shaw regarding same.
- SP confirmed that Blewbury was in tranche 1 of the 20mph plan which should happen between June & September this year.
4. To receive District Councillor’s report (see Appendix D below)
- LI confirmed that the Blewbury Conservation Area Appraisal would be submitted week beginning 14 March. Council requested HG to hold others to account in order for those involved to take responsibility for seeing the appraisal through the process without unnecessary delays. HG to provide an update at the BPC May meeting.
- LI also asked for an explanation of the extended use of barriers at the Chilton Road junction with the A417. SP said work to make a permanent barrier here would start soon.
5. To receive the Lengthman’s report (see Appendix B below)
6. To receive a report from the PCSO
The PCSO confirmed there was nothing of note to mention for this area.
7. Open Forum
None present.
8. To approve previous minutes report on any matters arising
Minutes of the BPC meeting held on 9th February 2022
Council agreed minutes as a true representation of the meeting.
9. To hear the Planning Committee Report & Ratify/Agree Planning Responses
9.1 To agree the council’s response to the following consultations
9.1.1 P22/V0339/LB Naylesbridge Cottage, Church Road, Blewbury
Replace sliding doors/windows on side & rear of extension.
Deadline 15.3.2022
Council agreed no objections.
9.1.2 P21/V1626/FUL Amendment 1. Ridgeway, Bessels Way, Blewbury
Revised layout, revised drainage plan, tree information.
Deadline 17.03.22
Council agreed to objection with the following comment:- While the amended application has addressed some of the issues we raised initially, Blewbury PC continues to object to the development proposed on the basis of its density – four houses on a plot this size is, in the PC’s view, overdevelopment of a site which sits close to the junction of the village’s two busiest roads.
9.2 To ratify any planning responses made during the month: –
P22/V0340/HH The Lintols, Church Road, Blewbury
Demolition of conservatory, replace with single-storey extension. Internal alterations, side link extension to garage. New windows etc.
Deadline 10.3.22
BPC agreed no objections 23.2.22.
9.3 To note planning permissions received during the month
9.3.1 P14/V2873/O Outline Planning Permission for Great Western Park Housing Development
Planning permission 21.02.22
9.3.2 P21/V3563/HH Spur Tree, Bessels Way, Blewbury
Planning permission 16.02.21
9.3.3 P21/3457/FUL 2 Treble House Terrace, Ickleton House, London Rd, Blewbury
Planning permission 25.2.22
10. To hear an update on Finance & Administration
10.1 To receive any updates on planned expenditure from contributions held on CIL / SBRR.
CIL funds held £15,273.28.
SBRR funds held (Clubhouse) £3501. See also 11.2.3 below.
10.2 To hear all other financial updates
10.2.1 End of month reconciliation sent in advance of the meeting to the Chairman. To be agreed & signed at the meeting.
10.2.2 Lloyds Bank account funds as of 28.02.22 were £135,615.50 (inc. £42,552.80 village hall refurb funds). Net funds available £93,062.70.
10.2.3 Clubhouse finances update
As at 28.02.22: Receipts £8,125. Payments (all areas) £14,225.27. Council agreed to deplete reserve funds of £3501 to zero.
10.3 To hear all other administrative updates
10.3.1 2021-22 Audit Council to formally agree the review of it’s Internal Audit Controls (Part D of the Risk Management Policy. Risk Management Policy ratified in January’s meeting).
This was reviewed & agreed as robust by the members of the Finance Committee. Asset List to be reviewed.
The Asset list remains under review by the Clerk. IA engagement letter received 03.03.22. Cost c£245.
10.3.2 To consider request for small grant towards the village platinum jubilee event
Council agreed that unless a grant was made to an organising body, no grant could be made.
DM to speak to C Pettigrew (Chair/BVS).
10.3.3 To agree a resolution on virtual & hybrid meetings.
Council agreed for this to be included in the meeting. Council resolved by a majority of 4 to 2 in favour that:- ‘The Council should have the right to decide for themselves whether to conduct each of their meetings face to face, virtually, or a hybrid mixture of both.’
10.4 To agree authorisers for this month’s payments
Cllrs Gibson & Mathias.
10.5 To approve payments to be made under the general power of competence and within budgeted amounts: –
PAYEE | Description | Amount | |
E Cooper / D Hollick / E Holroyd | Clerk, Lengthman & Hall Administrator salaries & expenses for February
| £2195.53 | |
NEST DD | Clerk’s pension February | £78.67 | |
HMRC | PAYE Clerk, Lengthman, Hall Admin February | £248.52 | |
Biffa Waste Services Ltd DD | Waste services March | £105.07
| |
BT DD | Clubhouse line rental March | £37.20 | |
Scottish Power DD (01.03.22) | Clubhouse electricity | £266.00
| |
J Newman | Clubhouse cleaning | £216.00 | |
Scribe (Starboard Systems) | Accounting System (Paid 21.2.22 – to be ratified) | £918.00 | |
Red Box | Fire equipment testing Clubhouse | £342.04 | |
Playground Facilities | TFF Play area matting replacement deposit | £3967.67
| |
OALC | Training Course DM | £66.00 | |
ICO DD | Data protection fee (21.03.22) | £40.00 | |
SCS | Cemetery path work | £9034.80 | |
Total | £17515.50 | ||
Receipts | Description | Amount |
None | ||
Total |
11. To receive an update from VHEMC & on the Village Hall Refurbishment
11.1 VHEMC update (DM)
DM confirmed an unsatisfactory response was received from the Charity Commission regarding a change to the hall’s articles. Contact will be made with ACRE before further contact with the charity commission.
11.2 Village Hall refurbishment update (DM)
DM confirmed minor items are still being dealt with. No final bills received.
12. To receive an update on the all things relating to the operation of the Clubhouse & the recreation ground
12.1 Clubhouse (MP)
12.1.1 Melland Room Heaters
The heaters had been delivered & an electrical contractor engaged to install them in the Melland Room on 23rd March.
12.1.2 Water heaters
Quotes were awaited from two plumbing contractors.
12.1.3 Any other updates on any aspect of the Clubhouse
New bar shutter installation would take place as soon as sufficient people were available to help. JG to send installation instructions to MP.
Hall admin update provided to Council in advance of the meeting.
12.2 Recreation ground (DH/MP)
No additional update.
13. To receive an update on all aspects of TFF & car park
13.1 Play areas upgrades update (LR/DH)
LR reported that Playground Facilities had been engaged to start work on Monday 25th April. The work is expected to take 1 week, with the play area being out of use for a further 2 weeks. A site visit will be arranged 2 weeks in advance of the work commencing.
13.2 Replacement play equipment (MS)
No update.
13.2 Any other updates
14. To receive an update on Risk Management & Compliance
14.1 Any update or information on risk management & compliance (VH)
No updates this month.
14.2 Cemetery paths update (EC)
The Clerk confirmed that the cemetery path upgrade inside the cemetery was complete. Further work was requested for the external path to the lych gate & would be carried out in the week.
15. To receive an update on issues relating to the Environment
15.1 Information from Sustainable Blewbury (CB)
Update provided by CB in advance of the meeting & sent to Council.
15.2 Any other environmental issues
16. To receive an update on any issues relating to Footways, Footpaths, rights of way and open spaces
16.1 To receive an update on the pending tree work at the Cleeve (MP) & Cemetery (EC)
16.1.1 Planning had turned down the Cleeve tree work application. MP to provide a revised plan.
16.1.2 The Clerk had chased the tree work contractor regarding the agreed tree work in the cemetery,
but no reply as yet. Clerk’s note: – Tree work confirmed for Monday 23rd May.
16.2 Play Close Footpaths (JG)
JG is liaising with the PCC to see how the BPC can help with the footpath remedial work.
16.3 MP to speak to K Barlow re permissive path sign on Pilgrim Way.
17. To receive an update on any outstanding consultations
None outstanding.
18. To agree the date/venue of the next meeting(s) of the Council
18.1 Next full council meeting Wednesday 13th April at 7.00pm in the Melland Room.
18.2 Annual Parish meeting provisionally booked for Wednesday 20th April at 7.30pm in the Village Hall.
This meeting is normally held jointly with the BVS.
Council agreed Wednesday 27th of April may be a better date.
DM to speak to BG/VHEMC re their AGM.
Clerk to speak to BVS re date of meeting.
The meeting finished at 8.30pm.
Appendix A
No. | Actions from March meeting | When By |
1. | HG to provide an update on the process for Vale conservation area appraisal to ensure no delays for BPC submission. | May meeting |
2. | LI to submit Conservation Area Appraisal week beginning 14.3.22 | April meeting |
3. | DM to meet B Shaw (UPC Chairman) re Coffin Way | TBA |
4. | SP to investigate filming permissions in Blewbury due to closure of footpaths. | ASAP |
5. | MB to speak to K Barlow re ‘permissive path’ sign on Pilgrims Way. | April meeting |
6. | JG to send shutter instructions to MP | ASAP |
7. | JG to speak to PCC re play close footpaths | April meeting |
8. | DM to speak to C Pettigrew (Chair/BVS). | April meeting |
9. | MP to review Cleeve trees plan | April meeting |
10. | DM to speak to BG re joint annual parish/VHEMC AGM meeting | ASAP |
No. | Actions from February meeting | When By |
7. | MB & CB to discuss Frying Pan Wood improved accessibility | C’fwd |
9. | CB to gain understanding of PC hedges within village | TBA |
Appendix B – Lengthman’s Report – February 2022
Very quiet month with no grass cutting.
All areas are quite wet and muddy but footpaths are all passable.
New gate posts have been installed at the Tickers Folly Field entrance from the car park.
All buildings and equipment are in good order.
Amazons Football Club have now installed new racking in the scout hut and is now much
tidier and organised.
Play areas although a bit muddy in places are OK.
Appendix C – County Councillor Report
Welcome to your latest news briefing, apologies for a few days delay, it’s been rather busy on the reservoir front, or as I now call it a ‘Megavoir’. I am hoping to start surgeries as of April, in main places in every village, and will let each Parish know and communicate of course through facebook and emails. Today is IWD and I am pleased to have instigated this small video and want to thank all women members, chairs and clerks for #breakingthebias this year and pushing for gender equality. The video is available for your viewing pleasure at https://vimeo.com/685802506/9797582bc8 | |||||||||||||
COVID-19: information and advice | |||||||||||||
Latest public health advice On 21 February, the prime minister set out his plan for living with COVID-19. As our Director of Public Health, Ansaf Azhar, has emphasised, this doesn’t mean the virus has gone away. He sets out three simple steps we can all take in the coming months that will make a difference:
You can listen to Ansaf’s advice in his latest video. Communications campaigns We are now focusing on reinforcing the ‘be cautious and considerate’ message, in line with changes to rules around self-isolation and testing. We are also supporting our NHS partners in sharing messages about vaccinations and boosters. | |||||||||||||
COVID-19: the statistics | |||||||||||||
You can view the latest figures on our COVID-19 dashboard. | |||||||||||||
Latest news | |||||||||||||
Storm Eunice response This week we have said a huge thank you to staff across the council who were involved in the response to storm Eunice, as well as all those who continued to deliver services for residents in extremely challenging conditions 2 weeks ago. A number of teams were involved in our response, but we would like to name a few specifically. The customer services team dealt with an exceptionally high number of calls that day – four times the usual volume – while the highways team responded to more than 180 incidents on Friday alone. These included removing fallen trees and large branches, which were blocking roads and footpaths. A significant council-wide team effort also supported our schools – helping with communications, ensuring our school transport was safe, responding to property damage and making phone calls to headteachers. And a special mention also to the emergency planning and communications teams, who co-ordinated our response and kept our website and social media channels updated. We are still running behind on standard jobs in the pipeline, but we are getting there! Bad weather is the perfect storm for rogue traders Our trading standards team is warning residents to be wary of cold callers or leaflets offering to do work on roofs after the recent storms. The team believes it’s a perfect opportunity for rogue traders to take advantage of residents who have a leaking roof or broken tile. Many traders will be booked up, so the advice is to be wary of traders who can arrive to start the work the following day and push for a quick agreement to use them. Find out what to look out for in our news story. Oxfordshire’s climate action heroes recognised Some of Oxfordshire’s inspirational climate action heroes were honoured at an awards ceremony on Monday. Eighteen groups, social enterprises, individuals, businesses and other organisations picked up the High Sheriff’s Climate Action Heroes Awards for their schemes, ranging from wildlife restoration work to renewable energy projects. Read all about it online. Our bid to deliver 159 electric buses This month we applied for £32.8 million from the Zero Emission Bus Regional Areas (ZEBRA) scheme. Along with £6m from the council and £43.7m from bus companies Go Ahead and Stagecoach, the scheme could deliver 159 electric buses and the infrastructure to charge them in a package worth £82.5m. If successful, the electric buses would operate in an area stretching from Kidlington in the north to Sandford in the south, and from Cumnor in the west to Wheatley in the east. They would save an estimated 9,200 tonnes of carbon dioxide emissions each year – the equivalent of taking more than 6,000 cars off the road. Find out more in our news story. Proposal to improve consistency of parking enforcement We are planning to bring consistency to highway parking enforcement around the county by taking over responsibility for fining motorists who break the rules in West Oxfordshire. West Oxfordshire District Council currently carries out parking enforcement on our behalf in the area. Go online to read the full story. Budget passed invests in residents: In February, the first budget of the Oxfordshire Fair Deal Alliance was passed. The Conservatives failed to present any amendments to the budget. The budget increases investment to support some of the most vulnerable residents in our county, including in SEND provision, adult social care, and youth and children’s services. Other priorities to receive boosts were the climate emergency, buses, traffic enforcement, and road safety. The budget also takes into account a backlog of underfunded major infrastructure projects. The budget deals with the hospital pass from the Conservatives, who had failed to fully cost major projects, including replacement of the Kennington Bridge and projects around Didcot. Government support extended after OCC demands: Buses continue to be under financial strain, with passenger numbers down on pre-pandemic levels. Following Lib Dem calls to the government extend pandemic grants, the government announced additional funding. Bus companies will still face a potential cliff edge in 6 months’ time however, unless passenger numbers begin to rise or the government steps in again. Oxford Zero Emissions Zone (ZEZ) pilot launches: A pilot of a small area of central Oxford has begun to test out the technology that will be used for the Zero Emissions Zone. The full ZEZ will come into force in 2023 (subject to a public consultation) Police and Crime Commissioner grant applications close: The Community Fund, administered by the Police and Crime Commissioner has closed for applications. This appears to have been badly promoted, however, applications open twice a year. Sign up to the mailing list here: opcc.comms@thamesvalley.police.uk Councilor Priority Fund: Upon being elected, I said I wanted to see the councilor priority fund for Hendreds and Harwell Division being used early in the community. The £15,000 has now been fully allocated, supporting amazing projects across the division, I will be doing a roundup and news on them all in May 2022. Consultations close soon: · SEND: 10th March · Local Transport and Connectivity Plan: 16th March · Libraries: 18th March | |||||||||||||
Consultation and engagement activities | |||||||||||||
The following consultations are currently live. Please encourage your constituents to have their say by sharing the relevant links for further information.
| |||||||||||||
Local Information | |||||||||||||
Rowstock Relief Affected Parish Councils contacted around a meeting, communication has been poor and complaints raised to officers and senior managers. Verges Biodiversity experiment We have identified some zones, one of which is the Oxfordshire County Council Highway between East and West Parishes. We are working with the Highways and Ecology teams, as well as local environment group HEG for the civic ecology side. To ensure any invasive species like Ragwort are still pulled during this experiment. SIDS – East Hendred / Rowstock The SID Data is showing a very positive turn, and the speed reduction is clearly notes, and alongside the implementation of more speed reductions with the 20mph scheme is definitely key to continue to make our communities safer and reducing speeds, without us ending up with signage every 20m! ESSO Application I worked with local residents on this case and spoke at the Planning Committee, of course its probably well known that now that it was refused, but many believe it will come back through appeal so we need to watch this space. Well done to all local groups, local businesses, parish councils and the Rowstock residents association for work on this. Pension Committee As a new member on the pension committee I am very pleased to announce we heard from Brunel Pension Partnership and they are working to divest from Russian entities, and the committee endorsed this action. Harwell High Street works I attended the CMD for Highways as was hugely concerned officers, despite constant communications from my side, had pushed through for a CMD on the works despite Parish comments. Final decision is here FrogLife / Ardington and Lockinge Crossing Signs You may have noticed the signage warning of our amphibian friends crossing the roads, patrols are in full action currently and there is allot of action already thanks to some warmer days and wetter evening! Steventon – Reservoir Link below in consultations and thank you to those Parishes who have already submitted, every response to the reservoir counts, you can even send two per household with different email addresses. Any questions please come back to me or email – gard.secretary@gmail.com I did attend the Public meetings run by GARD in Steventon and East Hendred and spoke to residents to urge the response, also to voice my concerns. I also attended the Thames Water meeting and was very disappointed but I guess not hugely surprised that not a single straight question was answered, if there was ever a call to arms to respond and make voices heard that time is now! | |||||||||||||
HEG Community Larder | |||||||||||||
HEG Community Larder I am pleased to announce that we have now had our second larder and already we have moved on 467kg of Food Waste, with around 40 members actively, and we are constantly communicating alongside the support of East Hendred Parish Council what we are doing. Our local scheme is in partnership with Didcot Based SOFEA, and if your interested in creating a Larder in your Parish you can read more about it here – www.sofea.uk.com The second annual Food Waste Action Week begins today and will highlight the huge impact household food waste has on climate change. Oxfordshire County Council – along with the district and city councils in Oxfordshire – is supporting Food Waste Action Week, a national campaign set up by the charity WRAP (Waste and Resources Action Programme). It runs from Monday 7 March until Sunday 13 March. The campaign will share practical advice, food savvy behaviours and tips on how people can easily reduce the amount of food that is wasted in our homes. The UK throws away 6.6 million tonnes of household food waste a year. This food waste is responsible for nearly 25 million tonnes of CO2 emissions, equivalent to 5.4 per cent of the UK’s territorial emissions. The majority, 4.5 million tonnes, is food that could have been eaten and is worth approximately £14 billion (or £60 a month an average family with two children). It requires an area almost the size of Wales to produce all the food and drink currently wasted in the UK. Throughout the week the campaign will be sharing tips to make the most of leftovers, how to defrost frozen food, store food properly and how to shop more effectively by planning your meals. Councillor Pete Sudbury, Oxfordshire County Council Cabinet Member for Climate Change Delivery and Environment, said: “The average family wastes the equivalent of eight meals every single week. Reducing food waste can save families an average of £700 per year, reduce the amount of edible food that ends up in our bins to be disposed of, and fight climate change. “The Food Waste Action Week campaign will highlight simple actions we can all take to reduce the amount of food we throw away each week.” Look out for videos and messages which will be released during Food Waste Action Week on Oxfordshire Recycles Facebook and Twitter. The Replenish Project – run by Oxfordshire’s community action groups – will be running a competition to win ‘The Canny Cook: freezer & store-cupboard meals on a budget’. Oxfordshire residents are encouraged to share their #RescueRecipes ideas to be in with a chance of winning one of five of these books! People are encouraged to use the hashtag #FoodWasteActionWeek when they get involved. Everyone can make a difference, and something as small as saving your leftovers to eat for lunch the next day and encouraging friends and family to do the same means you’re doing your part. Visit Love Food Hate Waste to find out how you can get involved, help the planet – and save money too. Look out for its great video at the beginning of the week, which will be posted and shared on social media, and to find out who its celebrity is! Think you’re pretty good at eating what you have at home? Help reduce food waste even more, by using your local community fridge, or apps like Too Good To Go and Olio. Click Sign up to hear from us and receive the latest news and updates thanks to our fortnightly newsletter, Your Oxfordshire. | |||||||||||||
A few last reminders | |||||||||||||
Support for Ukraine Information about help relating to the situation in Ukraine. We undertook a small collection in East Hendred at the weekend, which has gone straight to a distribution centre 80km from the Polish / Ukraine Borders. However our advice now that humanitarian aid is kicking in is as follows; Our thoughts are with the Ukrainian people at this time. Like all councils and communities throughout England, we are ready to help people in Ukraine and any refugees that may come here. We will be guided by central government as to the best ways that we can help as the situation continues to develop. In standing with the people of Ukraine we and partner organisations will support and give a warm welcome to refugees locally should our help be needed. Government support schemes Guidance on government support available to Ukrainian nationals and their family members, including the Ukraine Family Scheme. Making a donation Many people in the county want to do whatever they can to help, and one way is to make a donation. The Disasters Emergency Committee, a coalition of 15 leading UK charities, has launched a collective appeal to provide emergency aid and rapid relief to civilians suffering during the conflict. Many registered charities are also helping to provide vital life-saving services to those caught up in the conflict, including those forced to flee to neighbouring countries. These include: · UNICEF · The UN Refugee Agency (UNHCR) Staying up to date For the latest information about the council’s response to COVID-19, regularly check your emails, visit the council’s website oxfordshire.gov.uk and follow our social media accounts. With best wishes, Sally Povolotsky FRSA Hendreds & Harwell Division |
Appendix D
Monday 7th March 2022 Monthly Parish Update
Vale of White Horse District Councillors
Cllr Hayleigh Gascoigne and Cllr Sarah Medley
Hello from Hayleigh & Sarah
Hello! Firstly, we just want to say how deeply saddened and shocked we are by recent events in Ukraine.
The Vale of White Horse District Council stands in solidarity with the people of Ukraine in these horrific times. Council leader Emily Smith has issued a statement giving further information on what we can do to support those people caught in this conflict or escaping from the area. We have been heartened to see the efforts of many local residents in donating and collecting essential items for those affected – once again, our kind and caring community stepping up to help in times of crisis.
Locally, we are very aware of the many issues faced by residents in accessing healthcare in the Didcot area. Working alongside the Patient Participation Groups of the three medical centres, we have been calling on the Oxfordshire Clinical Commissioning group (CCG) to provide transparency and clarity on the timescales for delivering the long-overdue healthcare centre on Great Western Park. We are pleased to say that the CCG are now engaging, and they have kindly agreed to provide an update for the public at the Great Western Park Residents’ Association Meeting at 8pm on Monday 9th May. The meeting will be held in a hybrid in-person and online format, at Boundary Park Sports Pavilion and on Zoom. Please keep an eye on the GWP Residents’ Association website for more details, and note that this meeting will also be their AGM, for anyone wishing to volunteer with this excellent community organisation.
We use these monthly updates to keep you updated on our activities, general council news and any COVID-19 developments. We also post regularly on our councillor Facebook Page: Cllrs Hayleigh Gascoigne & Sarah Medley Please do not hesitate to get in touch with any issues or concerns, either via Facebook message or email: hayleigh.gascoigne@whitehorsedc.gov.uk and sarah.medley@whitehorsedc.gov.uk.
COVID-19 & Community Support
Keep up to date with latest government guidance via gov.uk/coronavirus. The latest COVID-19 figures are updated on the county council’s interactive dashboard on a daily basis.
Contact the Community Support Hub
A reminder to all residents that the councils’ Community Support Hub continues to operate for anyone who needs any assistance, either as a result of COVID-19 or just for anyone who needs signposting towards the appropriate support channel. There are multiple ways to get in touch with the Community Support Hub:
- Call: 01235 422 600 Monday to Thursday 8.30-5pm and Fridays 8.30-4.30pm
- Email: communitysupport@southandvale.gov.uk
- Online Form: whitehorsedc.gov.uk/communityhub
- Website whitehorsedc.gov.uk/covid19
Residents can also contact:
- Citizens Advice – 0808 278 7907
- Vale Community Impact – 01235 765348
Better Housing Better Health offers support and advice for those struggling to stay warm and well at home and can refer people to services which offer free home energy advice visits and financial and benefit advice. For more info see bhbh.org.uk
Omicron Hospitality and Leisure Grant
On 21 December 2021, Government announced the introduction of a one-off grant support scheme for hospitality and leisure businesses in England. The Omicron Hospitality and Leisure Grant (OHLG) scheme is now open for applications from eligible businesses – Vale of White Horse businesses apply here. Please note that the closing date for applications is Friday 18 March 2022. Applications will be processed, and checks made until the final payment date of 31 March 2022.
Local News
The Harwellian Club reopens after £47,500 makeover
The Harwellian Club has recently reopened after receiving £47,571 from the Vale of White Horse District Council for a major refurbishment. Harwell residents are flocking to see the changes made to the club since they applied for developer contributions via the district council.
Boundary Park’s tennis and games area officially opened by local MP
Hundreds of keen sports players can enjoy new facilities on Great Western Park after they were officially opened recently by David Johnston local MP, Vale councillors and Boundary Park Sports Association for local families and sports groups to use.
Great British Railways Headquarters could be built in Didcot
South Oxfordshire and Vale of White Horse District Councils will be entering a bid for Didcot to be the home of the new Great British Railways headquarters.
Refusal of former Esso site planing application
Climate & Environment News
£50,000 fund to boost community climate action in the Vale
Communities in the Vale of White Horse looking to tackle climate change could soon receive support from a new council grant. Vale of White Horse District Council’s new Climate Action Fund will offer a total of £50,000 to help local groups, with up to £5,000 on offer for individual projects.
Work on major EV charging scheme in the Vale is close to completion
The installation of the Park and Charge Electric Vehicle charging scheme in Vale of White Horse looks close to completion as work is due to start on the last car park later this month.
More than 150 volunteers support major tree planting effort
More than 150 volunteers joined a major tree planting event in Abingdon over two sessions on Saturday 26 February to help tackle climate change. Members of local community group Abingdon Carbon Cutters and other volunteers from across the area planted 420 trees at Rye Farm Meadow.
Council News
Vale’s 2022/23 budget protects frontline services, ensures important environmental, leisure and safety improvements and keeps Council Tax increase to under the rate of inflation
Despite a 6.2 per cent reduction in funding from government, Vale of White Horse District Council is set to agree a balanced budget for 2022/23 and, for the first time in several years, is projecting to have surplus general reserves at the end of its 5-year reporting period.
Leaders Statement – 16 February 2022
Cllr Emily Smith, Leader of Vale of White Horse District Council, delivered her Leaders Statement to Council at the meeting on 16 February 2022.
Important changes for Vale car parks to start on 4 April
Motorists parking in district council car parks in Abingdon, Faringdon and Wantage are advised that from Monday 4 April:
- Free parking will still be available but reduced to one hour a day
- New fees will apply if you want to stay for more than one hour
- Other fees will go up by 40p
- New and renewed permits will be valid for the specific car park they are issued for and will not be transferable.
Sessions to help hair and beauty staff support victims of domestic abuse
Free training is now available to help ensure hair and beauty staff know what to do if they suspect a client or colleague is at risk of or suffering from domestic abuse.
Vale gives more than £300,000 to build affordable homes in the district
Vale of White Horse District Council has pledged to provide grant funding of more than £300,000 towards the cost of creating affordable homes in Botley, in the parish of Cumnor.