Full details of these and other planning applications can be found in the Planning section of the Vale of White Horse District Council website.
To go to the relevant page on the Vale site for a particular application, simply click on its reference number below, where you will also be able to comment on the application.
Please note that the Parish Council is only a consultee during the planning application process. Decisions to grant applications (or not) are made solely by the District Council.
Responses from the Parish Council
Application Ref | Address | Details | Comment |
P24/V2671/HH | St Michaels, Church Rd, Blewbury | Demolition of rear porch & addition of low energy, two storey timber framed extension to rea, with new brick plant room. Demolition of garage. Renovation works to existing dwelling. | BPC no objections. |
P24/V2673/LB | St Michaels, Church Rd, Blewbury | Demolition of rear porch & addition of low energy, two storey timber framed extension to rea, with new brick plant room. Demolition of garage. Renovation works to existing dwelling. | BPC no objections. |
P25/V0033/HH | Carramores, Church Road, Blewbury | Conversion of existing outbuilding to ancillary residential use. | BPC no objections. |
P24/V0956/FUL Amends no. 1 &5 | Abners, Church Road, Blewbury | BPC no objections. | |
P24/V0958/LB | Abners | BPC no objections | |
P25/V0200/S19 | The Cleeve, South Street, Blewbury | VofC3 re P24/V0610/LB not to limewash brick pattern etc. | BPC no objections. |
P24/V2404/HH | Millbrook Cottage, Berry Lane, Blewbury | Retrofitting of energy efficiency measures, inc. air source heat pumpo & solar panels in rear garden. | BPC no objections. |
P24/V2405/LB | Millbrook Cottage, Berry Lane, Blewbury | Retrofitting of energy efficiency measures, inc. air source heat pumpo & solar panels in rear garden. | BPC no objections. |
P25/V0264/S73 | Oak Hall House, Nottingham Fee, Blewbury | VofC2 on P24/V1678/HH extend depth of extension. | BPC no objections. |
P18/V1826/RM | GP Surgery on Great Western Park, Didcot | BPC agreed to 'fully support'. | |
P25/V0338/HH | 19 London Road, Blewbury | Two storey rear extension & front porch. | |
P24/V2620/S73 + amendment | Fieldside Farm, Westbrook St, Blewbury | V of C2 & 7 on P24/V1397/FUL interior & exterior changes etc. | BPC no objections. |
P24/V1902/LB | Ashbrook House, Westbrook St, Blewbury | Annex tie to Ashbrook House resubmission of P23/V1826/LB | Application withdrawn 26.9.24. BPC no objections. |
P24/V1167/FUL | Blewbury Barn cottage, Blewbury Hill, Blewbury | Demolition of existing dwellings & construction of replacement dwelling. | BPC no objections. |
P24/V0956/FUL + Amendment no. 1 | Abners Barn, Church Road, Blewbury | Proposed renovation, conversion & extension of grade 2 listed barn to create self & custom build 3-bed dwelling house, proposal pursuant to planning consents P21/V0405/FUL & P21/V0406/LB in July 21. | Amendment no.1 - BPC no objections. BPC objected to original consultation.. |
P24/V0887/HH | Thatchers Cottage, Church Road, Blewbury | Proposed extension & upgrade to existing & extension to garden room/studio. Works will include demolition of conservatory & garage. | BPC no objections |
P23/V2537/AG | Winterbrook Farm, Bessels Way, Blewbury | Erection of a secure machinery store. | No response required. |
P23/V1825/HH | Ashbrook House, Westbrook St, Blewbury | Proposed construction of an annexe to Ashbrook House. | BPC no objections + comments 15.9.23. |
P23/V0446/LB | Corrydon House, London Road, Blewbury | Repairs to timber frame on the upper south east gable. | BPC no objections 2.3.23 |
P23/V1032/FUL | Land adjacent to Garden House, Coffin Way, Blewbury | Construction of a single detached dwelling | BPC no objections + narrative |
P23/V0560/HH amendment no.1 | 85 Dibleys, Blewbury | Parking arrangements amended | BPC no objections |
P23/V0560/HH | 85 Dibleys, Blewbury | Construction of two-storey side extension & a single storey rear extension, with demolition of conservatory. | BPC no objections, aware of covenant in force & narrative added. |
Decisions from the District Council
Application Ref | Address | Details | Comment |
P24/V2564/LB | Ashbrook House, Westbrook St, Blewbury | Solar panels. | Planning permission 21.1.25. BPC no objections. |
P24/V2563/HH | Ashbrook House, Westbrook St, Blewbury | Proposed photovoltaic panels to courtyeard roof & concealed flat roof. | Planning permission 21.1.25. BPC no objections. |
P24/V2427/HH | 17 Bridus Mead, Blewbury | Conversion of existing garge into study & general property refurbishment. | BPC no objection. Planning permission 9.1.25. |
P24/V1305/LDE | Blewbury Riding Centre, Bessels Way, Blewbury | Certificate of lawful development for mobile homes on site | Planning refusal 13.2.25. BPC no comment as enforcement action in progress. |
P24/V1167/FUL amendment no.1 | Blewbury Barn Cottage, Blewbury Hill. Blewbury | Amended & additional info 21.8.24 | Planning permission 18.10.24. BPC no objections with comments. |
P24/V2122/LB | Naylesbridge Cottage, Church Road, Blewbury | Removal of small top section of internal wall between kitchen & dining room. | LB consent refused 26.11.24. BPC no objections 10.10.24 |
P24/V1557/FUL | Downside Farm, Woodway Road, Blewbury | Removal of 3 existing portacabins & static caravans & erection of a 2 storey building comprising 4 units for current occupants of portcabins & 4 units of accom for staff on work shift pattern. | Refusal of planning permission 19.12.24. Response 19.11.24 + comment for more information. |
P24/V2375/LB | New Inn Cottage, London Road, Blewbury | EV charger to front porch wall. | LB consent 10.12.24. BPC no objections 14.11.24 |
P24/V2378/HH | Charity School House, Church Road, Blewbury | Construction of a Hobbit themed playhouse to replace existing collapsed shed. | Planning permission 18.12.24. BPC No objections 14.11.24 |
P24/V1397/FUL | Fieldside Farm, Westbrook Street, Blewbury | Replacement dwelling with garage & outbuilding | Planning permission 18.10.24. BPC no objections. |
P24/V1678/HH | Oak Hall, Nottingham Fee, Blewbury | Replacement of existing glass room with single storey rear extension. | Planning permission 11.10.24. BPC no objections. |
P24/V1848/S73 | Millbrook Cottage, Berry Lane, Blewbury | Vof C2 on P22/V1588/HH. Reduce scale of east elevation. | Planning permission 28.10.24. BPC no objections. |
P24/V1901/HH | Ashbrook House, Westbrook St, Blewbury | Annex tie to Ashbrook House resubmission of P23/V1825/HH | Planning permission 31.10.24 BPC no objections. |
P24/V1864/HH | Orchard Dene House, Watts Lane, Blewbury | Erection of a storage shed | Planning Permission 14.11.24 |
P24/V1485/HH | Mill Lodge, Berry Lane, Blewbury | Proposed conservatory to front of property. | Planning permission 5.9.24. BPC no objections. |
P24/V1476/HH & P24/V1477/LB | The Cleeve, South St, Blewbury | Install EV chargepoint on external wall of garage. | Planning permission 6.9.24. BPC no objections. |
P24/V1616/S73 | Lowmans, South St, Blewbury | VofC2 on P24/V0533/HH changes to external materials following specialist design input. | Planning permission 13.9.24. |
P24/V1179/HH + amendment no. 1 | The Lintols, Church Road, Blewbury | Selective demolition of existing house to allow for rear extension at ground floor & extension over first floor inc. new roof & loft space above first floor extension. | Planning permission 3.9.24. Amendment no. 1 - ? BPC no objections to original consultation. |
P24/V1379/S73 | 6 Chailey Gardens, Blewbury | VofC2 on P22/V1945/HH | Planning permission 19.8.24.BPC no comment due to Vale enforcement action. |
P24/V1218/HH | 9 Chailey Gardens, Blewbury | Garage conversion & single storey extension. | BPC no objections. Planning permission 26.07.24. |
P23/V2635/FUL | Land at end of Coffin Way, Blewbury OX11 9QD | Construction of a single dwelling & associated external works. | Planning application refused 20.01.24. BPC agree by majority to object. DC to call in. |
P23/V2653/HH | 1 Bohams Cottages, Westbrook St, Blewbury | Single storey rear extenion to replace existing, & alteration to parking area. | Planning permission 12.02.24. BPC no objections. |
P23/V2746/HH | 33 Bridus Mead, Blewbury | Single storey side & rear extensions. | Planning permission. BPC no objections. |
P24/V0384/S73 | Ashbrook House, Westbrook St, Blewbury | VofC 9 (wildlife protection) & 10 (ecology) on application P23/V1825/HH - amended impact plan & certificate (Ashbrook house annex). | Planning permission 10.04.24. BPC no objections. |
P24/V0533/HH | Lowmans, South Street, Blewbury | Rear extension, internal alterations, external wall materials changed. | Planning permission 26.04.24. BPC no objections. |
P24/V0405/FUL | Blewbury Parish Council | Community artwork sculpture for play close, Blewbury | Planning permission 05.05.24. BPC application. |
P23/V1169/FUL & amendment no.1 | Blewbury Service Station, London Road, Blewbury | Retrospective application for a proposed 3m rear extension. | Planning permission (retrospective) 10.05.24. BPC no objection + comments. |
P24/V0945/LB | Corrydon House, London Road, Blewbury | Various internal & external works. | BPC no objections. |
P24/V1005/LB | Ashbrook Mews, Westbrook St, Blewbury | Application for inset PV roof panels | BPC no objections. LB consent 20.6.24 |
P24/V1018/FUL | Ashbrook Mews, Westbrook St, Blewbury | Inset PV roof panels. | BPC no objections. Planning permission 20.6.24 |
P24/V0217/HH | Collis Moor, Nottingham Fee, Blewbury | Demolition of existing annex. Erectuion of single storey side extension. | BPC no objection. |
P24/V0249/PIP | Workshop adjacent to Upperton, Pilgrims Way, Blewbury | Application for residential development on the site. | BPC agreed to object citing NDP P1. Permission in principle 22.03.24 |
P24/V0350/LB | Corrydon House, London Rd, Blewbury | Various works to whole house (ext&int) inc. sensitive removal of impervious materials, structural repairs, joinery refurb, insulation upgrade, repalce rainwater goods & decoration. | BPC no objections. LB consent 26.03.24 |
P24/V0205/S73 | Morters, Church Road, Blewbury | Removal of C6 (ancillary accommodation) on app P22/V1699/HH. | Application withdrawn 12.03.24 |
P23/V2079/HH &P23/V2046/LB | Orchard Dene House, Watts Lane, Blewbury | Rear extension, single storey, flat roof etc. | Planning permission 21.11.23. BPC no objections 06.10.23. |
P23/V2094/HH | 85 Dibleys, Blewbury | Resubmission of P23/V0560/HH to include amended parking & dropped kerb. | Planning permission 6.12.23. BPC objections plus narrative. Returned 09.11.23. |
MW.0166/23 | Collard Environment Ltd, Chilton Recycling Facility, Chilton | S73 App permitted dev (P22/V1914/CM-ME0098/22) proposed extension etc. | BPC no objections. |
P23/V2131/HH | Lantern Cottage, South St, Blewbury | Proposed amendments to )22/V1817/HH | Planning permission 21.11.23. BPC objections plus comments 12.10.23. |
P23/V1035/HH | Garden House, Westbrook Street, Blewbury | Replace all windows with PVCu windoes, addition of fromt door jwith porch & two new windows to north elevtion. Stained timer cladding etc. | Planning permission 12.07.23. BPC no objections 5.6.23 |
P23/V1300/HH | Charity School House, Church Road, Blewbury | Erection of detached, oak framed home office & reading room following removal of two existing sheds. | Planning permission BPC no objections + narrative 15.6.23 |
P23/V1265/HH | Winterbrook Farm, Bessels Way, Blewbury | Demolish existing plant room & build new summerhouse. | Planning permission 26.07.23. BPC No objections 20.6.23 |
P23/V1943/HH | 29 Bridus Mead, Blewbury | Enclose existing porch, loft conversion with rear dormer & roof light. | BPC no objections 8.9.23. |
P23/V2066/HH & P23/V2067/LB | Granary House, London Road, Blewbury | Refurbish & convert existing curtilage listed storage outbuilding into ancillary residential annex. | Planning permission 14.11.23. BPC no objections plus comment 1210.23. |
P23/V1300/HH | Charity School House, Church Road, Blewbury | Amendment 2 - Tree protection plan dated 17.10.23. | Planning permission 03.11.23. |
P23/V0214/HH | Collis Moor, Nottingham Fee, Blewbury | Demolition of existing annexe. Erection of new single storey side extension. | BPC no objections 13.2.23. Planning permission 2.5.23 |
P23/V0341/HH | 21 Bridus Mead, Blewbury | Loft conversion with front & rear windows & rooflights | BPC no objection 2.3.23. Planning permission 13.4.23 |
P23/V0988/LDP | Fleetwith, Nottingham Fee, Blewbury | Installation of solar panels | Planning approved 9.6.23 |